What is the Significance of Accumulation of Variations during Reproduction

What is the Significance of Accumulation of Variations during Reproduction  

Accumulation of Variations during Reproduction  

Variation appear during reproduction whether organisms are multiplying asexually or sexually. Each generation provides the next generation with a common basic body design and some subtle changes or variations.
The variations accumulate and pass on to more and more individuals with each generation.
The diversity is small in case of asexually reproducing organism as it is caused by only errors of DNA copying mechanism.

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Significance of  Variations

Preadaptations :
Some of the neutral variations function as preadaptation to changing environment. For example, heat wave may kill most bacteria except a few which have a preadaptation or variation to tolerate high temperature.

Evolution :
Variations are raw materials for evolutionary processes. Picking up suitable variants by nature or environment forms the basis of evolution.

Struggle for Existence :
Useful variation provide advantage to the individuals in the struggle for existence and hence survival in nature.

Individuality :
Variations provide a distinct identity to each and every individual.

Artificial Selection :
Picking up of certain variations by breeders have resulted in development of a number of breeds and varieties of domesticated plants and animals

Heredity (L. hereditas – heirship or inheritance) is the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring or one generation to the next
Inherited Traits :
They are those traits which are controlled by getnetic material of the individuals and are obtained from the parents in inheritance.