Reading Habbit Essay

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Reading Habbit Essay

Knowledge knows no bounds. Even after gaining great knowledge, we are not satiated as there is much more than we can absorb. Reading books contributes towards the enrichment of our knowledge in terms of human experiences and information.

Unfortunately, we in India do not have the reading habit. That is why, in India, 70 percent of the total number of books published are the text books whereas in the Western countries, this percentage is not more than 30 percent.

Once, the famous Indian writer, Mulk Raj Anand was asked about reasons for low reading habit in India. His reply was that India had a tradition of verbal communication of knowledge from one generation to another.

Reading Habit EssayEven today, the formal teaching method of imparting knowledge to students is based on ‘rote memory,’ lectures and reproduction. It hardly expects the students to delve into the vast mass of knowledge. This method touches students superficially and in effect, it has failed to arouse an inner urge among them for self-study.

The inculcation of the habit of reading depends upon three factors – pedagogical, bibliographical and bibliothecal. The first one is related to teaching and can play an important role. But the teaching profession unfortunately, lays more emphasis on achieving short term objectives rather than on the ultimate goal.

In order to prepare for examinations, students prefer to consult more diluted and cheap text books rather than the standard texts. Teaching should lay stress on self improvement and self development of the students to prepare them for their lives. For self improvement, love for books and reading are the essential prerequisites.

This should be supplemented with the right type of reading material and that is the bibliographical factor. Unfortunately, we have very little reading material for children and adults. Language is another barrier. We are also divorced from the mainstream of literature because there is hardly any translation facility available in the country. So, we do not know anything about what has been written in the different parts of the country in various languages.

The third factor is the bibliothecal factor. It under¬lines the role of the library as an institution to coordinate the activities of two factors described, earlier. There should be libraries that must be rich in terms of collections. The books should be easily available.

Books are man’s best friend and treasure of knowledge. Habit of reading makes a man perfect and gives a key of the vast treasure of knowledge.

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