Essay on Leadership | Leadership Essay for Students and Children in English

Leadership Essay: Leadership is one of those characteristics of a successful man or woman that is never inherited but learned and imbibed into. The term leadership its self can’t be defined and it depends on person to person’s perception of life. Does leadership mean you lead someone by working with them? Does leadership mean you make someone work for you? Does a person become a leader only if he or she has followers?

It is difficult to give one definition to leadership but it can safely be said that leadership is important to run this world. Be it a country, a company, a family or even a small classroom, leaders around the world, big or small, have played a pivotal role in our lives.

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Long and Short Essay on Leadership in School kids and Students

In this article, we provided students and children with a long and short essay on leadership that they can use in submitting there assignments and project works.

Long Essay on Leadership in English

Find long essay on leadership of 600 words in the English language meant for school going students

Leadership Essay Introduction: Leadership is defined by how well you lead a team into the goals and objectives set by you. Leadership is also defined by the clarity and quality of goals that you set for your followers. It is not easy being a leader. A leader is simply not someone who will please everyone on his way. A leader is someone who has the courage and intent of mind to take tough decisions even if it brings harm to his followers but is in the direction of fulfilling the goals.

Not all leaders are loved by their followers. There will always be someone in the population that are not happy with the leader or his or her decisions and style of leadership. If a leader tries to please everyone in the population, then he or she will become gullible and be known as a weak leader. In this Essay on Leadership, we will be talking about the characteristics of a good leader.

What are the Traits of a Good Leader?

Following are the essay on leadership traits:

Integrity: In an era where there is an increasingly cut-throat competition to be “successful”, it has become a rare phenomenon to find integrity among people. And if a leader himself lacks integrity, then it would be wrong to expect that trait from his followers. And this trend leads to a very dangerous and a kind of dystopian future.

Confidence: Take for example Narendra Modi or Steve Jobs or Indira Gandhi. When you see them on television or hear their speeches elsewhere, you will always see them oozing with self-confidence. This is an important trait that every leader should have. If a leader himself is not confident about himself or his decision, then how can he expect his or her followers to have confidence in him.

Inspirational: Source of inspiration from a leader can come from various domains and corners of his or her life, be it their persona, background or competency. Nelson Mandela inspires his followers because of all the sacrifices that he himself made in his life. Barack Obama inspires his followers by his ability to speak and his humble beginnings. Indira Gandhi inspired her followers because of her courage and ability to take bold and strong decisions. Mahatma Gandhi inspires his followers by his ideologies, beliefs and principals. There should a USP (Unique Selling Point) in a leader for his or her followers to get inspired and motivated.

Clarity of Mind: A leader needs to have a clear-cut clarity of mind. The decisions he or she takes is based on their intentions, goals and objectives. There can be many hurdles that they might face during the journey but nevertheless they should not lose clarity and focus on the goal that they are trying to achieve. A  clear cut clarity will give a sense of confidence among the followers and make them feel that their leader knows what he or she is doing.

I would like to conclude by saying that it is not an easy job to be a leader. A statesman or a true leader is someone who does everything in their capacity to achieve what they are supposed to achieve. They won’t and should not lose focus on their journey.

Short Essay on Leadership in English

Below, we have provided a 150 to 200-word essay on leadership for children and school students

A leader is someone who will inspire, motivate and give a sense of purpose and direction to his or her followers. A leader will have to face many hurdles in life from various sections including his own followers. But there comes a point where a leader should choose between his followers and achieving his goals. And that is where the true test for a leader comes into the picture.

The ability to inspire people and make them fall in love with his or her ideologies and goals is a testament for a good leadership quality especially when there are troubling times during his or her tenure.

To be a good leader, he should be aware of all the human idiosyncrasies and every spectrum of life. He should be empathetic and at the same time should have the ability to take strong, bold and necessary decisions even if it means he will become unpopular.  Troubling and conflicting times are what makes for a good leader. From Nelson Mandela to Abraham Lincoln, everyone has risen to the occasion and been a sense of hope for their followers when people were at their most vulnerable and difficult times.

10 Lines on Leadership Essay

  1. A leader is someone who has a clarity of mind in decision making
  2. A leader is not necessarily someone who has love from his followers. A leader is someone who does what is necessary without trying to please everyone in his or her way
  3. Self-confidence and a sense of motivation is the important trait to become a good leader
  4. Human civilisation would have never evolved with the rise of leaders in every generation
  5. Difference between a manager and leader is that the leader sets the rules while manger follows them
  6. The similarity between a statesman and a leader is that they both have long term vision and good intentions
  7. A leader will have both followers as well as enemies
  8. A leader can inspire his followers by his speeches, ideologies, background or just through his or her persona
  9. Difficult times are the true test for a leadership ability
  10. The greatest of great leaders in the world are both loved and hated by many, including there followers

FAQs on Leadership Essay

Question 1.
Who is the greatest leader in the world?

There is no one great leader in the world, but many exist in each sphere of life. Some of them are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jawaharlal Nehru, Steve Jobs, Ratan Tata

Question 2.
What is the most important characteristic of a leader?

Self-confidence and motivation is the greatest trait they every leader should possess

Question 3.
Was Adolf Hitler a good leader?

Since his intentions were bad and it led to a world war and massacre of many Jews, it would not be sane to call him a good leader

Question 4.
Do leaders make mistakes

Of course, they do. At the end of the day they too are human beings but the difference is they learn from their mistakes and try to never repeat the same again

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