Honesty Essay: The importance of honesty has been instilled in us since the very beginning. Even though very preachy in its tone, it indeed is a wise thought. We were taught about it in the closed confines of our Moral Science classes in school; as we grew up, practical life taught us a lesson on the importance of being honest.
The quality of being truthful is an essential human quality. Not everyone dares to stand by and speak the truth always. People should garner this quality in themselves. The topic of Honesty is a popular topic among school students on which they are asked to write compositions. We have provided useful samples below.
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Long and Short Essays on Honesty for Students and Kids in English
A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided it is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.
Long Essay on Honesty 500 Words in English
Benjamin Franklin once said a famous proverb that goes: “Honesty is the Best Policy.” The significance of this one proverbial phrase has been imposed upon us from right at the beginning. Back when we were kids, all of our parents and teachers taught us how to be honest and truthful under all circumstances. Back then, we might have found their preachings too wise to take into account, but the necessity and the consequences of being honest to have been realized over time. Over time, as we have grown up, life has taught us how immensely valuable the quality of honesty is, through various situations and dilemmas.
In simple words, Honesty implies being truthful to others; above all, it means being true to ourselves first. Honesty does not only mean speaking what is right; it means upholding the truth. Being an honest and wise person means standing by the fact, speaking it, embracing it, and always supporting it.
Often life poses before us certain circumstances that compel us to take the wrong way and speak a lie. We tend to get dishonest under certain situations. The path of dishonesty is a very alluring one. When one person realizes that they can get away with a misdeed owing to falsification, one tends to be dishonest repeatedly. Initially, it indeed is very tempting; however, in the grand scheme of things, the truth and the truth only find its way to glory. Being dishonest leads one down a spiraling hole, from which it is difficult to recline.
To err is human. All of us commit mistakes; nobody is perfect. Even the most honest of people can sometimes give in to dishonesty. One may find oneself in a very confused position in life that demands one to lie. It is very tough always to maintain an honest posture. However, one is forgivable if one realizes one’s misgivings over time.
Our conscience helps us to determine and consider that which is moral and that which is immoral. An inherently unwise person would repeatedly suppress the voice within themselves that asks them to tread a path of honesty. For their petty gains, they would resort to dishonesty. Such a deliberate attempt to tone down one’s inner voice to repeatedly falsify facts is not worth forgiving. It is neither of any benefit; because the truth always finds its way into the light.
There is one stark difference between being deliberately dishonest and fending white lies. White lies have lain that we all say once in a while to make up for situations we are put in. White lies do not have any casualties; they are harmless. White lies have no significant lousy impact on the one who tells it or the one who is said. They are justifiable.
However, under all circumstances, we should always try to remain honest. With honesty comes wisdom and peace of mind. The quality of being honest is very intellectual and one by which we all should abide.
Short Essay on Honesty 150 words in English
Honesty is one such human quality that should be practiced and followed by everyone. The cannon of honesty ushers in other valuable cannons of trust and respect. With honesty, comes wisdom and boldness. The truth might not always be charming to hear or know; however, an honest person should always uphold it. Honesty requires boldness.
The power of truth is extreme; it tends to cripple a person. Thus, the act of being honest is a courageous one. Being dishonest and the act of repeatedly lying might seem like an easy way out of situations; it is not valid. The truth always triumphs overall. The truth glorifies the right and condemns the unjust. Being honest is an indication of being mature of standing by what is right.
10 Lines on Honesty Essay in English
- The aspect of honesty is essential in our lives.
- Honesty implies being truthful to others and oneself.
- Before we are truthful to others, we must be honest with ourselves.
- If we deny the truth ourselves, there is no way in which we can offer honesty to the world.
- Dishonesty, lies, and falsification of facts are only momentary and short-lived.
- In the long run, the truth reveals itself and destroys the false.
- Honesty makes one’s life simple and free of all complications.
- The importance and the need, to be honest, should be taught to people from the very beginning.
- Honesty instills a sense of respect and self-confidence.
- Honesty should reflect not only in our words but also in our actions.
FAQ’s on Honesty Essay
Question 1.
Is being honest necessary?
Yes. Being honest is essential. There are no two ways to go about life without being truthful.
Question 2.
How can one be honest?
Honesty implies being truthful. By speaking the truth and doing what is right, one can become honest.
Question 3.
Why is being honest important?
Being honest is important because being a dishonest person helps nobody in any way. The truth always finds away, and it suppresses the lies. Being false and dishonest has no bright prospects.