Essay on Secularism | Secularism Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Secularism: Secularism means believing in a system that rejects the concept of religion. It also assumes that public education and state affairs should be religion-less. It is essential for the democratic nations to be secular in order to avoid any state of a hassle as in many theocratic societies, it is common for the law to be created in favor of the people following the majority religion. Keeping religion out of the state and having no segregation of facilities depending on one’s religion is an act of secularism. India is a secular country, and therefore, we have compiled some long and short essays on Secularism for the use of the readers.

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Long and Short Essays on Secularism for Students and Kids in English

Given below is a Long essay of 400-500 words that is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long essay on Secularism 500 words in English

Secularism is one of the pillars of democracy because it implies expanding the principles of individualism and liberalism. India had no organized Muslim or Hindu institutions, unlike the church for the Christians. In the medieval era, movements like the Bhakti Movement and the Sufi Movement had a tremendous impact on bringing the communities closer.

There were many contributors to the composite culture that played a significant role in its development like Guru Nanak, Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, Dadu, Baba Farid, Mira Bai, and many others. The landmark of a secular nation is the spirit of coexistence and tolerance, for example, the “Religious Toleration” of Ashoka. Sulh-i-Kul, which means peace with all and Din-i-Illahi, which means divine faith was imbibed with the spirit of secularism.

In India, people like Dr. Rajendra Prasad paid tribute to the Indian eclecticism, which did not allow the western concept to crawl into the Constitution. The concept of secularism has a lot of benefits, as a person can truly get to know themselves better and have an identity. He gets to choose whether he wants to have a religion or not without feeling pressured from any community, and one can enjoy religious freedom and freedom of speech.

The main motive behind introducing secularism in India was to make sure that all the communities could exist in harmony and peace. People who did not want to follow a particular religion would also be living in the country peacefully.

The fair execution of secularism is not an easy job, and leaders of independent India have struggled hard to achieve it. Sadly enough, there are riots being held now and then to take down the concept of secularism to display the powers of the community and eradicate the other community. Though the government and the forces try to unite and work against it, it is not always successful.

In general, secularism is a beautiful concept, and the youths of the nation must be encouraged to practice it for peaceful coexistence. The ideology has to be recognized and implemented with equal effort and grace, as printed in books. People should study secularism and preach others, understand the pros and cons, and strive to have a better life and a better future.


Short Essay on Secularism 150 words in English

The word “secular” means being “separate’ and having no religious base. Secularism means keeping religion out of the social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of life. A democratic nation needs to be secular for the citizens to have some freedoms like religious freedom, freedom of speech, and decision making.

Secularism was introduced to the Indian Constitution in the year 1976 to maintain a peaceful harmony amongst its citizens and to treat them equally in the eyes of the law. Though secularism is a peaceful concept, the actual scenario is not always that. There are religious riots to cause a disturbance between two religions to gain power. Secularism is an ideology that the youths should be motivated about and follow.

10 Lines on the topic of Secularism in English

  1. Secularism is followed in the democratic state of India, where all the citizens are treated equally.
  2. Secularism was introduced to nullify the “Divide and Rule” policy brought in by the British.
  3. Indian Constitution included the word “Secularism” in the 42nd amendment act in the year 1976.
  4. In India, secularism means that all religions can peacefully co-exist without any discrimination.
  5. Secularism guarantees the religious freedom of an individual where he or she can choose between adopting and not adopting a religion.
  6. One can freely voice their opinion and thoughts related to religion in a secular country.
  7. Overall, there is no religion of the country because India had adopted this policy to build the trust of the citizens on the government.
  8. At times, the social media promotes certain fake news to initiate communal tension.
  9. There is a constant threat resolving around the concept of secularism these days because of the issues created by some social elements and religious riots.
  10. To avoid the spread of fake news and unnecessary propaganda of religious issues, the government, police and agencies must unite and work in synchronization.

10 Lines on the topic of Secularism

FAQ’s on Secularism Essay

Question 1.
Is India a secular country?

Yes, the Constitution of India clearly states that India is a secular country. India particularly does not follow any religion, and people belonging from every religion like the Hindus, the Islam, the Sikhs, the Christians, the Jews, and people belonging to any other religion can live in harmony with each other.

Question 2.
What are the various kinds of secularism?

Secularism mainly exists in two forms, the “hostile” kind where people believe that no religion could live in the public sphere and the other type is the “benevolent” kind where people believe that people belonging from all the non-religious and religious backgrounds should be given equal rights and opportunities and should be treated the same way.

Question 3.
What is the importance of Secularism?

Secularism is essential because it lets people choose what they want to follow and not be judged or compelled by any community.

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