Essay on Littering | Littering Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Littering: We often see people throwing banana peels, bits of papers here and there. Many people while going on roads spit there and throw wrappers and other wastes directly on the roads. Many industries and big factories also generate chemical wastes that they dump into water bodies without treating them properly. It is really sad to see the laziness and damn care of people about the environment.

Littering is an environmental issue and requires great attention. However, people are not concerned about the environment. They litter the environment either in small deeds or in big deeds. The Government also spends a great amount of money to clear the wastes for which the economy also gets affected. Thus people need to be aware and sensitised regarding this. They should teach the habits to get rid of litter but efficiently and properly.

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Long and Short Essays on Littering for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Littering.

Long Essay on Littering 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Littering is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Littering means throwing the waste materials here and there irresponsibly. It is an environmental issue and attracts serious concern from the individuals and the Government too. This irrational and undisciplined attitude is not stopping despite serious suggestions and warnings. There are several ways in which people litter around and make the environment dirty. They are not concerned about the surroundings and act as foolhardy. However, it is to be noted that Littering makes our environment or surroundings dirty, but they have many ill impacts on the health of animals and plants and human beings.

When plastics, rusted iron nails, and plastics are dumped directly without recycling, they have harsh effects on the environment. They are mostly non-biodegradable. Hence, they are difficult to decompose. Moreover, they also pollute the environment in air, water and soil. The bits of papers, other wastes of domestic purposes also add to this unhealthy practice. Many birds and animals consume these substances, and these blocks or choke their respiratory and digestive tracts. Thus, in this way, they suffocate and die.

There are small changes we can adopt to keep our surrounding clean and tidy. We should throw our wastes in the dustbin. We should recycle, reuse and reduce the plastics and other non-biodegradable wastes. We should not dump our household wastes directly on the road, rather treat them properly for disposal. Also, while travelling in cars and other vehicles on the roads, we should not throw wrappers, tissues etc. On the road. There should be different kinds of waste management for organic wastes. They can be utilised as compost for the plants.

People are not aware and cautious in the rural and remote areas. They need to be sensitised about the same things and must be taught to adopt hygienic practices. However, the people residing in urban areas, on the contrary, who are well educated and aware of this evil impacts, also do not practise these habits and carelessly throw the garages here and there. They must teach good habits in themselves by abandoning such a reckless attitude.

As responsible citizens, we must clean our surroundings. Students from an early childhood should be taught about littering and trained how to do proper waste management. We should know the environment we live must be healthy for our health. We have certain obligations for the environment. The Government should take proper measures to dispose of the wastes properly and treat them distinctly according to the types. The business places also generate a lot of waste and do not dispose of them carefully. Also, the places where constructions are made, they are disinterested to dispose of them effectively.

The sanitary napkins, toilet papers, tissues and plastic wastes should be disposed of iff properly. People should abandon laziness to tackle this big environmental issue. Moreover, efforts should be made to keep it safe5, clean and green. If only little things can be checked and waste generation is curbed, we can only fight this evil.

Essay about Littering

Short Essay on Littering 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Littering is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Littering includes throwing the waste and dust materials here and there carelessly and littering result in the ugliness of the environment. It looks dirty, and it becomes uncomfortable to continue there. So, we should not litter things here and there. Littering has many evil impacts on the environment. When done in water, air and soil, they are littering, resulting in water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution.

These hamper the living organisms. It is very common to find the cattle, birds and other animals consuming plastics on the road which chokes their digestive system and leads to death. The main factor responsible for littering in the rural area is lack of awareness, whereas, in the urban areas, it is carelessness and laziness. People are overlooking these practices and making the environment dirty. Bit they are ignorant about the harsh effects they will face due to this. So, children should be taught in school to develop healthy and hygienic habits.

10 Lines on Littering in English

  1. Disposing garbage carelessly us called littering.
  2. Littering affects the environment.
  3. People throw the plastics here and there; animals consume it and die.
  4. Littering results in pollution too.
  5. The organic and inorganic wastes should be treated distinctively.
  6. Big manufacturing companies should adopt proper waste management techniques.
  7. People should be aware of their obligations towards the environment.
  8. Dustbins should be used.
  9. Domestic wastes should not be thrown recklessly on roads.
  10. People should be sensitive to the environment.

FAQ’s on Littering Essay

Question 1.
How to treat organic wastes?

The organic Wastes can be used as compost and manure in farming or kitchen gardening.

Question 2.
How to treat inorganic wastes?

The inorganic wastes like plastics, glass etc. Should be reduced, reused and recycled to curb littering.

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