Essay on Indian Army | Indian Army Essay for Students and Chilldren in English

Essay on Indian Army: The Indian Army is a segment of India that ensures national security as well as the national unity of the people of this country. India is a diverse country and so are the problems that India faces. The Indian army plays a major role in controlling the problems of this country and this is the reason peace can prevail in the country. We provide samples of Long and short essays with guiding pointers on Essay on Indian Army.

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Long and Short Essays on Indian Army for Students and Kids in English

We are providing an extended Essay on Indian Army of 400-500 words and a Short Essay on Indian Army of 100 to 200 words on the topic Indian Army. This short Essay on Indian Army is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Indian Army 500 Words in English

The long Essay on Indian Army will be helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 for their assignments or as an examination essay reference.

“What is a glorious adventure for you, is a daily routine for us.”

This is the statement that holds the amount of utmost truth. We as regular citizens learn rifle shooting as a sport, where the soldiers play with their lives holding them daily. Climbing mountains, staying in tents, and not eating a home-cooked meal is an adventure for us where we feel fresh, but this thrill is multiplied by the fear of losing their own lives in the battlefield. Indian army is not just soldiers in a field, but it is a way of life that demands discipline and sacrifice at its foremost.

Indian Army comprises of three uniformed services – the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Airforce. The Indian army contributes to the security of the land, the Indian Navy contributes to the sea, and the Indian Airforce, according to its name, flies through the air. The History of the Indian army dates back to several millennia, but it is a history of brave incidents and a celebrated future. The first mention of armies was done in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata where the martial arts were generally known as ‘Dhanurveda’. We have since come a long way from what seems to be the start of the army culture. According to Global Firepower and considering world military strengths, The Indian army ranks 4th in the world in all aspects. Indian army finds its roots in 1776 as the ‘British Indian Army’.

The British Indian army had a major role in maintaining the winning streak of the Britishers in India and throughout the world. It was a major helper to Britain in both world wars where 1.3 million soldiers served in the first world war as well. Who could imagine such an eminent history on in the form of the Indian Army? Any nation is incomplete if they do not have any plans for their protection. Enemies are a common concept in today’s world and getting rid of them is not an easy or welcome task. Trained personnel with insane strength and sheer willpower is what makes the Indian Army. There are innumerable occasions throughout the long history where the Indian Army has played its role heroically and saved the lives of uncountable innocents. Indian armies were some of the first armies among the many armies in the world.

Soldiers can easily be considered one of the main assets of any country, as they make a country safe and sound so it can develop to many heights. Where would you find people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the welfare of others or their nation? Where would you see people putting their lives on stake so the citizens can live peacefully? Their intelligence is what gives them an unmatched reputation and their love for their nation is what keeps us sleeping peacefully in our beds. After all, It is rightly said that there are no hard lives than that of a soldier.

Long Essay on Indian Army

Short Essay on Indian Army 200 Words in English

Indian army is the best example of courageousness and excellent discipline in life. Indian army originated during the rule of the Britishers under the name of the ‘British Indian army’. There are a lot of problems that arise in India as well as outside India which can cause harm to the unity and safety of India. Here, The Indian army plays a major role in ruling out all threats and form a safe country for the peaceful residents of the country. Indian army not only serves on borders, but it also conducts humanitarian escapes when it saves the lives of many innocent citizens.

The Effective Intelligence and reasoning ability of the Indian soldiers make them a valuable weapon in the army. Their strict regime makes it possible for them to remain in complete health and with unmatched stamina. The fact that they sacrifice their own families and work for the nation is what gives them an unmatched reputation.

The Indian army is a proud component of India because it is the reason that India is shielded from threats and guarded against inside division.

10 Lines on Essay on Indian Army 150 Words

  • Indian Army is the part of India that contributes itself to the safety and unity of India.
  • It first originated under the name of the ‘British Indian Army’.
  • There are three uniformed parts of the Indian army – the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Airforce.
  • Armies in India were first seen in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
  • The supreme commander of the army is the president of India and its professional head is known as the ‘chief of army staff’.
  • The Army also conducts operations for saving innocents from natural calamities or disasters.
  • The soldiers of the Indian army are the epitome of intelligence, bravery, and patience.
  • There are many benefits of joining the army and one of them is an unmatched reputation.
  • our army ranks the 4th in the world in all military aspects.
  • Indian army sacrifices their lives to save our nation which is the biggest reason to respect them in every manner.

10 Lines on Essay on Indian Army

FAQ’s On Essay on Indian Army

Question 1.
Why is the Army considered Important in India?

The Indian army is a united front presented before the world to make sure that the enemies of India recognize what they are signing up for and that the nation is forever safe from any external, internal, or natural threats.

Question 2.
When did the Indian army come into existence?

The Indian army came into existence during the rule of the Britishers and assisted them in numerous ways.

Question 3.
Indian Army is on which rank according to the military aspects in the world?

The mighty Indian military is one of the five powers of the world with the pwrlndx rating of 0.0953 and is ranked 4th in position from 138 countries of the world.

Question 4.
What is the appropriate age of joining the Indian army?

The appropriate age for joining the Indian Army is from 17 years to 23 years.

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