Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources | Conversation of Natural Resources Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources: Nature is not just about us human beings and our fellow companions that are plants and animals. Nature is much more than living beings. Nature constitutes of water, air, soil, fossil fuels, forests, hills, mountains, sunlight and much more. And without any of the mentioned above, the entire domino on which our planet stands will start falling apart.

Therefore, in this essay on conservation of natural resources, we will be talking about various ways man has exploited natural resources for centuries. We will also be talking about ways in which we can learn to live with our nature without exploiting its resources. Read on to find more about essay writing on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources.

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Long and Short Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources in English for Students and Kids

In the article, we have provided 600-word essay on conservation of natural resources in daily life for kids, students and school children for their usage in assignments, tests and project work. We have also provided a 200-word short essay on natural resources for kids to use in exams and tests and learn everything about importance of conservation of natural resources, nature and its resources. Students can also get more information from how to protect nature essay.

Long Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources in English 600 Words

The rapid industrialization, urbanization, building of skyscrapers and highways, economic boom, technological revolution and much more are all the result of constant hunger that man has for progress and development of his surroundings. While all this progress in man-made things has, to a certain extent, improved our standard of living, but to the most extent has caused harm, some directly and some in indirect ways.

The development agendas that we see around us, whether its the fast-moving cars or bullet trains or talking robots or large football stadiums, all come at a cost. And this cost is reflected in our depleting natural resources.

Natural recourses, in its fundamental form, are those resources in nature which are formed over millions of years ago without any substantial man-made interventions. Natural resources are usually two types, renewable natural resource and non-renewable natural resources.

Renewable reduces are those that can be replenished and restored in a certain period. Some of examples of renewable natural resources are wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower and geothermal energies. Non-renewable resources are those that cannot be replenished or replaced by natural means in any fixed period. It will take a lot of time for it to get replenished. Some examples of non-renewable natural resources are oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

The problems created by population explosion, global warming, deforestation and urbanisation are directly reflected in the depletion of non-renewable natural resources. So what are these non-renewable natural resources that man has been exploiting for hundreds of years?

Types of Non-Renewable Natural Resources

  • Coal: Coal is a resource that is used to generate electricity and run locomotives. They have formed over hundreds of millions of years ago from the remains of dead plants on earthen soils
  • Oil: One of the most exploited natural resource. Oil is known as the engine of economic growth in any country. Oil is needed to run vehicles, flights, trains, pieces of machinery in factories etc. Oil is extracted from oil fields to refine and manufacture products such as jet fuel, diesel and gasoline
  • Natural Gas: Also formed over the remains of dead sea plants and animals over millions of years ago. Due to the presence of methane, it is usually considered as an alternative for gasoline and petrol. Nevertheless, natural gas also is under the threat of depletion due to the never-ending hunger for power and energy created by human beings
  • Nuclear Energy: While this natural resource is not exactly under any kind of depletion, it is popularly known as the necessary evil created by the human race. Nuclear energy is capable of wiping out the entire planet in a fraction of a second. So the threat that nuclear energy posses are different in comparison with the threats the other forms of natural resources pose

How to Conserve Natural Resources?

The crux of this essay on conservation of natural resources is discussed in the following few points

  • Water Conservation: On an individual level, use less water for bathing, and washing. Use sprinkler irrigation methods in agriculture. Governments should install water treatment plans to reuse and recycle wastewater
  • Forestation: Deforestation rate should always be lesser then forestation rate. We need to plant more trees in and around our habitat. The vertical building should be encouraged so that the clearing of forest covers for housing reduces. Sustainable business models should be built which enhances the co-living habits with nature
  • Fossil Fuels: While globalization has its own merits and credits, it has resulted in the exploitation of this golden resource. With this rate, future generations will be left with no fuel to travel and functioning of the economy. Hence measures like pooling, use of public transport, cycling and walking should be encouraged and promoted by governments and business houses

Long Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Short Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources 200 Words in English

We have provided a 150 to 200 words essay on conservation of natural resources which can be used by school students and children for their assignments and projects.

Man has been using the blessings of nature in the form of natural resources for his survival and development. Right from the discovery of fire and the wheel to the 21st venture inventions of robots and automation, the use of natural resources has been pivotal for the evolving mankind. But his progress and development have a dark side to it which will lead us to a scary and different future. The exploitation of natural gas, oil, coal, water and forests are at its peak and no governmental organisations and business houses are taking the effects of depleting natural resources seriously.

Depletion of natural resources can lead to global warming, climate change, alteration in agricultural cycles, flood and earthquakes. All these will surely lead to food shortages and we will not be able to feed our ever-increasing population. Disturbances in the food cycle can lead us to famine and unrest among the public, which will then lead to civil wars and chaos.

All these, because the man simply hasn’t learned his place on the planet. We have to stop being selfish and learn to live and let live with nature. This is required both for saving our ecosystem and the very survival of mankind.

10 Lines on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

  1. Natural resources have helped human beings evolve and become the most intelligent animals on the planet
  2. Natural resources are mainly of two types, renewable and non-renewable resources
  3. Natural resources like oil and gas are the economic engines of the world
  4. Depletion of natural resources is a huge impending threat to the existence of the human race
  5. Global warming, climate change, floods, famine and drought are some of the consequences we will have to face in the future if natural resources are not conserved properly
  6. Use of modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming and rotational grazing should be encouraged to save water as well as reduces cutting down of forest covers
  7. Use of alternative resources or renewable resources like solar energy or water energy is the only way out
  8. Recycling and reuse of water will help us reduces the rate of depletion of freshwater on the planet
  9. Use of solar-powered lights and cars will help reduce the depletion rate of coal, oil and gas
  10. Use of technology to reduce paper usage will help in reducing the carbon footprint in the atmosphere

10 Lines on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

FAQ’s on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Question 1.
What are the types of natural recourses?

There are broadly four types of natural resources namely, renewable natural resource, non-renewable natural resource, biotic and abiotic natural resources

Question 2.
How to conserve natural resources?

Using the modern methods of living and changing our everyday habits like travelling, cooking and bathing will help in conserving our natural resources. The businesses also should build sustainable models and innovate to adapt to the new changes

Question 3.
Which country has the most abundant reserves natural resources?

China has the most natural resources in the world. They have millions of tons of reserves of coal, lead, gold, tungsten etc which are required in industrial revolutions. Saudi Arabia has the highest reserve of oil and gas in the world

Question 4.
What will happen if natural resources continue to be depleted?

Non-renewable resources will take hundreds of years to get replenished. With this rate of depletion, there will be no more oil or gas or coal for our future generation to use

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