A Picnic Party Essay

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A Picnic Party Essay

It was the month of July and some of my friends had arranged a picnic party. The venue chosen for the party was the Qutub Minar. This place was chosen because it served two purposes – one we could see the historical monument and the secondly being on the outskirts of Delhi, we would be ‘far from the crowd.’

We decided to have our breakfast, lunch and evening tea there. So, we packed our food-stuff and went to the picnic spot. The day was fine with clouds hovering in the sky. We reached the Qutub Minar at 9.00 a.m. We had tea with some snacks. We had also carried with us some musical instruments like harmonium, sitar, gitar and stereo.A Picnic Party EssayAfter having our breakfast, a friend of mine, Sudhir, played on the harmonium. He played two songs, which were so thrilling, enchanting and pleasant that we enjoyed them to our heart’s content. The lush green lawns surrounding the Qutub and other shady trees make this place a natural spot full of beauty.

Then my friend Rakesh asked me to have a round of the area surrounding the Qutub. We decided to go, leaving two friends at the spot for arranging lunch. As with flowers and trees, we came across a foreigner couple who were taking photographs of the monuments and other important places of historical interest. They asked us a few questions and we answered them; we enjoyed the conversation very much. We came back to our picnic spot and found everything ready.

After this, we enjoyed the songs, poems and other humorous couplets. Sudhir’s performance as a singer and reciter of poems and ghazals was remarkable. His songs were so soothing and poems so enchanting that he attracted the attention of everybody around us. As this programme was going on, some of my friends started feeling drowsy. In no time, they went to sleep.

Now, Sudhir and I arranged the evening coffee. We had some snacks, pakoras, etc. I shook my sleeping friends and asked them to have coffee. They woke up and all of us enjoyed our coffee and snacks amid tit¬bits, jokes and retorts, which were so interesting, amusing and humorous that we had a laughing riot. Now, it was about 5 p.m. The other picnic parties were packing their paraphernalia and were preparing to go home. We also packed our things. Then, we proceeded towards home, talking, gossiping, chatting and laughing all the way. It was one of the best picnic parties I ever had.

Superstitions Essay

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Superstitions Essay

“Don’t go out after dark” someone advises an expectant mother. “Do not sleep with your head in the north.” In addition to these often given advice there are numerous other things that are considered to be a bad omen. Breaking of a mirror, spilling of milk or some sneezing when a person is about to leave.

As a child we were told that anyone who asks for water, should be served without delay. If you don’t you will be born as a ‘chatak’ bird in your next life – This is a mythical bird that can drink water only when it rains. We learnt the lesson of service in fear, but soon realised that water being the elixir of life should not be denied to anyone.
Superstitions Essay
Breaking a mirror should be avoided at all cost. The glass used in mirrors is of a very fine quality and shatters to miniscule pieces. Even after a careful cleaning speck like bits might remain on the floor. Anyone walking barefoot is at risk. An expectant mother should be careful in her movements and going out in the dark, specially in rural India, could make her vulnerable to accidents. She may trip, get bitten by a snake or a poisonous thorn may pierce her foot. Any of this could be fatal for the unborn child and even for her.

Recent research has confirmed that radiations given out from the North Pole can effect the human brain in a negative way. This is more true when a person is sleeping and all his physical defence is at the lowest.

A sneeze is a sign that a person is not well. And nobody wants to leave when a person is ill. It is only courtesy that we sit and wait for a while to see that everything is fine again.

All said and done, except for some, most superstitions are based on good old wisdom. You will not be hanged for not following them but sometimes it may be wise to heed these words of caution. But don’t just blindly follow superstitions. Know the concrete logical reason behind them and then only follow them for the right reason only. Some superstitions are illogical like don’t pass the road if a cat crossed before you. One should be sceptical enough to follow or reject any superstition.

Pleasures Of Gardening Essay

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Pleasures Of Gardening Essay

Gardening gives me immense pleasure. Moreover, gardening is my hobby. During my leisure, I do gardening. The desire to grow fruits and flowers is but natural in me. I devote my spare time to gardening by growing flowers, fruits, vegetables and other plants.

In my garden I grow oranges, lemons, mangoes, pomegranates and bananas. There are vegetables like spinach, carrot, radish, tomato, cauliflower and brinjal.

Pleasures Of Gardening Essay

The garden gives me great pleasure. I keep myself physically fit with the help of this hobby. But the best benefit which gardening gives me is that I keep myself in the cradle of nature. Nature is such a supreme thing that even God resides in nature. Poets like Wordsworth, Shelly and Keats have written many poems on nature because nature appealed to them the most.

A poet has said, “One is nearer to God’s heart in a garden.” By staying and working in the garden, one feels quite close to nature. For a poet like Wordsworth, nature was everything. To him, nature was a teacher, a preacher, a mother, a healer, a consoler and a companion. So is the case with me.

I see the living God in plants and flowers. For me, these are the objects of delight and happiness. The cool and fresh air of the morning, the fragrance of the flowers, the humming of bees and the music produced by their sounds transport me into the kingdom of beauty and joy.

Gardening can give pleasure to all. Some people can get monetary benefits by gardening while for some, it is a hobby and a source of relaxation from busy lives. Gardening inspires us to work during our leisure and creates a taste for refinement and purity. It takes us away from the world of sorrow and sadness, rush and tension.

“A garden is a place, a love some thing”, so says a great writer. It is a place of beauty and delight. It is one of the most enchanting spots because it gives us a pleasure that is quite natural and God-like and also, it keeps us away from the maddening crowd of cities.

A Hot Summer Day Essay

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A Hot Summer Day Essay

A hot summer is more a punishment than a gift. The unbearable heat makes us uncomfortable and lethargic.

The period between dawn and sunrise is a lovely sight. The twilight scene is most appealing. The calm and serene atmosphere, the cool and bracing climate and the refreshing breeze soothe our spirits. The sweet chirping sound of birds appears to be the most enchanting.

A Hot Summer Day Essay
After some time, we can see the golden disc of the rising sun in the East. It is slightly hot. But as the day advances, temperatures keep increasing. People who are out, begin to come back in order to avoid the oppressive heat. At noon the sun is red hot. People are hardly seen outside. Farmers stop ploughing their fields during these hot hours. The doors and windows of the houses are closed. People sit in their rooms, which are kept cool by fans, desert coolers and air conditioners. Some have to go to the offices. Their clothes become wet with perspiration. One feels very uneasy due to this.

The afternoon is the hottest. The piercing rays of the sun fall on the ground. The heat is unbearable and oppressive during the afternoon.

Modern science has made summer very comfortable. We can even enjoy the luxury of controlling the temperature in our room all round the year.

But in the evening, when the sun begins to set, people again come out. Gardens, public parks and city centres again hum with activity. Then people relish ice creams and cold drinks.

Is Moral Courage Stronger Than Physical Courage? Essay

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Is Moral Courage Stronger Than Physical Courage? Essay

Physical courage and moral courage have their own significance. These two differ widely. To compare spiritualists like Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi with wrestlers and racers is like comparing moral courage with physical courage. Gandhi and Vivekananda both were known for their calm demeanour, yet their deeds, utterances and speeches reflected the courage of a high order which is quite different from physical courage.

Physical courage is the courage based on physical strength which depends upon physical exercise and training while the courage of the heart and the mind is either a born one or a created one. Physical courage comes through the exercise of the body while mental courage can be cultivated through mental exercise or by remaining in touch with great spiritualists.

Is Moral Courage Stronger Than Physical Courage Essay

For the cultivation of moral courage, we have to shun the desires of the materialistic world. By controlling our desires, we can rise in spirit. By foregoing the petty temptations of wealth, power and position, we can have the strength of spiritualism and morality in ourselves. This gigantic strength should not be used for selfish ends but in the most civilised and humanitarian way.

Moral courage is more effective than physical courage. Mahatma Gandhi adopted the path of non-violence while dealing with the British government. He preached non-violence in our domestic and international relationship. Physical courage must be supported by moral courage otherwise the usage of physical courage is beastly and barbarous. It is most uncivilised and uncultured. All the great social reformers, religious divinities, scientists, statesmen, saints and sages cultivated the spirit of moral and mental courage. Many people have been successful in impressing humanity and this is a rich tribute to the principle of moral courage.

Those people who use physical courage, have been labelled as tyrants and despots, blood-suckers and marauders of humanity. Basically they are cowards, who try to cover their fears by suppressing those weaker than themselves.

Everyone must develop moral courage. It is more powerful than physical courage. Willpower is the keyword to moral courage. It was the will of Kennedy, which made him the president of America. It was the will of Napoleon Bonaparte, which made him an emperor. And Mahatma Gandhi with his willpower, uprooted the mighty British empire from India.

Therefore, moral courage is more appealing and forceful than physical courage. Moral courage always wins over physical courage.