Town Life and Country Life Essay for Students and Children in English

Town Life and Country Life Essay: We have mentioned two essays a Long Essay and a Short Essay. The long Essay on Town Life and Country Life consists of 400-500 words. The Long Essay provides a framework that helps students with their competitive exams and assignments. The Short Essay on Town Life and Country Life is written and is suitable for children and kids with their classwork.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Town Life and Country Life for Students and Kids in English

Everything in this world has its own merits and demerits. Nothing is perfect in this world. Perfection is only the privilege of God. So, town life and country life have their own advantages and disadvantages. Commodities, pleasures, scenes, entertainment and recreation that one finds in cities are not available in the country-side and vice versa.

There goes a saying that “God first made the country and then, the city.” This sums up the belief that even God resides in villages or in the countryside. Why? Because villages and the countryside have fresh non- polluted air. The villagers get fresh vegetables and pure milk which is nourishing. Moreover, village is free from the din and dust, noise and clamour as well as smoke and heat of the cities. A village is near nature and so, nearer to God. The village people are innocent and lead simple lives. A village is the very embodiment of simplicity and a symbol of God’s bounty.

Town Life And Country Life Essay

The countryside is superior to towns in many other respects also. The lush green fields, the vast meadows, the tree groves, the lovely landscapes and the farmers working in their fields, reaping the crops amidst chirping of birds, are the sights that are really elevating and invigorating.

But, there are certain things that one does not get in the villages. These can only be found in towns. Metro, malls, multiplexes, best educational institutes, numerous jobs or career opportunities etc., are some of the facilities that are found only in towns and cities. The means of entertainment and recreation like clubs and coffee-houses, posh restaurants, theatres and other centres of art, culture and civilisation are found only in cities.

However, the smoky atmosphere, the dirty and noisy roads, the poor sanitary conditions of cities because of factories and industries, the lack of good diet and fresh air are some of the bitter deficiencies of town life.

So, the country life and the town life stand in striking contrast to each other. The facilities of one are the drawbacks of the other and vice-versa. But still, the life in a small village is worth enjoying because it provides stability, calmness and peace of mind, which are conspicuously absent from the life in the towns.

Does Your City Need Beautification? Essay for Students and Children in English

Does Your City Need Beautification? Essay: Given below is a Long and Short Essays on Does Your City Need Beautification for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Does Your City Need Beautification? Essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Does Your City Need Beautification? for Students and Kids in English

I live in Delhi, the capital of India. It is the seat of the central government. Many government offices are located here. There are embassies, great and beautiful buildings, gardens, lawns, parks, statues and other places of interest. But still there are some places in Delhi that can be a real eyesore.

Therefore, there is a need to beautify it. Without our efforts it cannot be a complete beautiful city.

Does Your City Need Beautification Essay

First of all, there is need for repairing the roads. The roads of this city are damaged. Whosoever visits this city, does not get a good impression of this city. To give a good impression, there is a great need for repairing and reconstructing the roads. Moreover, in various parts of the city there are ancient buildings which are ruined. Those broken and ruined buildings not only mar the beauty of the city, but also cause accidents. Therefore, these old buildings must be repaired or demolished.

There are many slums where dirty water and sewage flood onto the streets. This dirty water not only gives a foul smell, but also breeds mosquitoes. The pools of stagnant water are a potential health hazard. They should be removed because such places simply leave a bad impression on those who visit it.

There are numerous unauthorised constructions in the city. Houses are not properly built, there are no proper drains and bylanes in many localities, houses are not built after Droper planning and very few buildings follow safety norms. This mars the beauty and grandeur of the city. It is necessary to demolish all such structures. Instead, beautiful houses should be built. Modern designs and architecture should be used for their construction.

The number of public parks in the city is also small. Public parks and municipal gardens add to the beauty of the city. These parks and gardens act as the places of recreation and relaxation for citizens of this city. Therefore, such places should be developed.

On the whole, the entire city needs to be renovated and overhauled. All such steps must be taken to beautify the city. The roads should be widened, the slums should be removed and the huts should also be removed from their present places. The slum dwellers should be allotted land somewhere else because the residents living in these huts cannot maintain their dwellings.

Essay on the City I Live in | The City I Live in Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on the City I Live in: Given below is a Long and Short Essays on the City I Live in for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Essay on the City I Live in 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on the City I Live in for Students and Kids in English

The Mughals shifted their capital from Agra to Delhi because they could not resist the charm of the Yamuna flowing on its outskirts. We are reminded of the scene when Noorjahan was drying her hair in the window at the Diwan-e-Khas in the Red Fort. A washerman dared to look at her and had to pay the price with his life. The arrow shot from the bow of Noorjahan pierced his heart and he fell down dead.

The City I Live In Essay

His relatives pulled the golden chain of justice, which moved Jehangir. The emperor immediately ordered that Noorjahan should be beheaded. It was upon the intervention of the ministers that her life was saved. Such stories are written on each and every corner of the city. It is the city of Mirza Ghalib, the great Urdu poet. In the Red Fort, there is a museum that tells us about the lives of the people in the days of the Mughals and after the Mughal rule. The Jama Masjid calls the faithful to assemble for the prayers. This mosque is in old Delhi.

But there is another Delhi, which was built by the British as their capital. Lord Lutyen studied the designs of great historical buildings and tried to blend them with Indian traditions. The Parliament House is a majestic building with beautiful pillars. The building is circular in shape and has gates on every side. Rashtrapati Bhavan is another wonder of the modern architecture. India Gate and the Secretariat lend grace to the whole view. People from every corner of India have settled down here. They teach everyone a lesson in national integration. They have a cosmopolitan outlook. Delhi, is indeed, ‘a mini India’.

During the last twenty years, migration has started from every state. Those who do not feel safe anywhere, shift to this city. The population is bursting at the seams and the amenities are not enough to support such a large population which is more than one million. There are traffic jams during peak hours and the commuters are packed like sardines in the DTC buses.

In spite of some shortcomings, I love this city and enjoy my life here.

My Family Essay | Essay on My Family for Students and Children in English

Essay on My Family

 My Family Essay (माय फैमिली)   Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My Family for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My Family essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

Family is the first school in a person’s life, your family values and traditions are your first and valuable asset. I have a very close-knitted family, I love all my family members as and how they are. Both my parents are working. My grandparents also stay with us. My grandfather is a retired army officer, drawing a small pension. He is a strict disciplinarian. Everyone has to get ready for a morning walk by 6 a.m. He pulls us up very often and my parents have no choice before him. Here we have write an essay on my family.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Family 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

If you visit my house, you have to be properly dressed. You cannot sit in our drawing room with legs crossed. It is against etiquette. My grandmother is very soft-spoken and gentle. She prepares breakfast and helps us to get ready. Although past sixty, she is very active and hardworking. She takes adequate care of our home and helps in keeping it neat, clean and shining.

My Family Essay

My father works as an accountant in a private firm. He sleeps with a calculator in his pocket. He maintains an account book for the whole family. He can never go to sleep unless he prepares a balance sheet. When we are busy watching TV programs, he can be seen taking everyone to task for not giving a proper account of daily expenses. When my grandmother brings costly fruit, it is balanced by simple meals the next day.

My mother is the finest lady in the world. She does not interfere with anything. She works as a receptionist in a private firm. She has to get up very early in the morning. She is always smiling. When she returns home, the smile returns to everyone’s face. My elder brother is a student of the senior secondary class. He is a very serious student and does not take part in games or other extra-curricular activities which is bad because sports are equally important. His mind is always engrossed in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

I am the youngest in the family. Although I am a student of Class X, the whole family treats me as a little child. No one calls me by my proper name. I am ‘baba’ for all of them. In fact, it gets quite embarassing, when my parents call me ‘baba’ in the presence of my friends. My friends have also started calling me by this nick¬name. There is no solution to this problem because I cannot swap my status with anyone in the family.

Ours is a very happy family and I wish that it remains so forever.

FAQ’s On My Family Essay

Question 1.
What is a family short essay?

A Family is a group of people who stay together in every situation. A Family contains a group of people like grandparents, parents, and children and are known as family members.

Question 2.
How do you write a family essay?

There are various topics on the essay but choosing a topic like about my family essay is a different thing:

  • Describe Family
  • Give Introduction to your family
  • Introduce yourself
  • Provide information about your family like how many are there in your family and what they do.
  • Give the necessary information about your family.
  • At last end up with a great conclusion about your family.

Question 3.
Why the family is important essay?

Families are very important and worked as a backbone to many aspirants. Families teach us about values, relationships and life. They always give support in difficult situations.

Question 4.
Why family is important in our life?

Family is important in our life as they can give moral support to us and teach us how to live in society. It provides love, support and constructs principles and values.

My Hobby Essay | Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children in English

My Hobby Essay  Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My Hobby for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My Hobby essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Hobby 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

The word ‘Hobby’ has been derived from ‘Hobby Horse,’ which is a stick fitted with a wooden horse and on which small children ride for their amusement. The hobby is a useful work that could be taken up during free time. Hobby means a useful work in which one takes interest and derives pleasure by doing it in his spare time with or without any monetary benefit. This occupation is quite different from regular work. There are many hobbies like gardening, stamp-collection, coin-collection, drawing, cricket, photography, reading books, etc, that one adopts according to one’s leisure hours and interest.

After a day’s hard labor, not everyone would want to watch a movie or visit clubs for entertainment. A hobby provides an inexperienced source of entertainment and amusement.

My Hobby Essay

Gardening is my favorite hobby through which I can see nature and enjoy it. Nature is a true guide of man. Wordsworth, the great poet, contends that nature never betrays anyone who loves her. Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Hobby Gardening Essay.

There is a vast space, in my house, for growing vegetables, fruits and flowers. I have grown roses, lilies, and sunflowers. The sweet fragrance of the flowers serves as a tonic for my body and mind and thus helps me become stronger physically and mentally. I have planted a few fruit trees also. There is an adequate growth of vegetables in our compound. So, we rarely purchase any vegetables from the market.

Gardening gives me the exercise required to keep me fit and healthy. It rejuvenates and inspires me whenever I am depressed. My heart rejoices at the sight of my garden in full bloom.

In pursuing a hobby one enjoys the process of learning through doing. Apart from the calming effect it also keeps one develop concentration. While wiping away monotony and melancholy a successful hobby gives the mental satisfaction that few jobs can give. So much so, that there are numerous people who have chosen to make their hobby pay rather than get entrenched into a routine job. we soonly update my favourite hobby essay in Marathi.

FAQs on My Favourite Hobby Essay

Question 1.
How can I write about my hobbies?

It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbies give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They let you relax and seek pleasure in activities that aren’t associated with work, chores or other responsibilities. Hobbies help you become more patient.

Question 2.
What is your Favourite hobby?

This is where your hobbies come in – the activities that you love doing and that you are passionate about! Hobbies help us with daily stress and bring us great joy. I myself, have plenty of hobbies. Anything from drawing, painting, sports, playing games, reading and much more.