Time Management Essay in English | Know How To Management Your Time?

Time Management Essay

Time Management Essay Introduction: A time management essay is an important concept for students to learn. Time management is one of the most crucial skills any student must possess. This skill is also extremely important when a student progresses onto into a professional setting. There are many implications if an individual may not manage time efficiently.

Time management essay aims to educate students and help them discover how to make the best use of their time. Moreover, there are certain aspects of time management that one needs to consider. Students will need to emphasize these aspects in their essays to secure marks. Following these tips and guidelines will help you secure more marks in the exam.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Time Management Essay Tips and Tricks

Consider adopting the following tips and tricks when writing a time management essay, or any other essay for that matter:

  • Use the first paragraph about the essay to provide an introduction or background information about the given topic.
  • An academic essay should always employ a formal style of writing, hence, no slang should be used.
  • Use specifics, such as dates, names, places to provide a clearer picture
  • The usage of jargon may complicate the essay. Use it if really required.
  • Content should be written in short, digestible chunks.
  • Present information in bulleted points wherever possible.
  • Always have a conclusion paragraph summarizing crucial points.
  • Read through the essay if time permits. Perform a spell check and grammar check before submission.

Time Management Essay – Sample 1 (200 Words)

Everyone has the same 24 hours, however, some make better use of their time than others. This is one of the reasons why we have people who excel at the things they do. In other words, people may become busy; but that necessarily does not mean they are effective at their task. Hence, time management plays a crucial role in personal and professional life.

What is the Importance of Time Management?

Time management is a conscious effort to spend a specific amount of time to perform a task with efficiency. Furthermore, productivity is the key focus here. The more productive the work, the better are the results. Moreover, time management requires a careful balancing between professional life, social life, any other hobbies or activities. From an academic perspective, time management is a necessity. Students have many subjects to cover, therefore, efficiently managing time is an important skill.

Around the world, time management has two views – linear time view and multi-active time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to a complete number at once. The linear time view is predominant in countries such as America, Germany and England. A multi-active time view is predominant in countries such as India, Spain and Portugal.

Nevertheless, students are advised to follow whichever is convenient for them. Because time management is one of the key traits of a successful individual.

Time Management Essay – Sample 2 (300 Words)

Time management is one of the most important skills an employer seeks in today’s competitive world. Hence, it is advisable for students to start inculcating these skills as soon as possible. Even in an academic setting, time management helps to accomplish tasks with efficiency and effectiveness.

What Exactly is Time Management?

Time management can be defined as the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Different cultures have different views on time management. However, there are two premodinanant views in existence – multi-active time view and linear time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to complete a greater number of tasks at once. In both views, the emphasis of given on productivity and effectiveness. However, students are free to choose their own view of time management.

Why Time Management Is Important?

Time management helps to set a timeline and better align ourselves with the goal. Moreover, time management can help increase the efficiency of tasks at hand. A working professional may have to balance their personal and professional life. There may not be time to give attention to each and every detail; in such cases, multi-active time is one of the most obvious methods that may be chosen.

Time Management Essay Conclusion

Time management works best when a goal or target is set. For instance, a student becomes far more effective at learning when they decide to assign 2 hours for learning a particular concept. This is effectively a method of benchmarking progress. So every time the activity is performed, one can measure themselves and improve upon various aspects of their tasks.

In conclusion, time management is an important skill, everyone – from students to working professionals are required to time management practices to improve productivity and efficiency of tasks.

FAQ’s On Time Management Essay

Question 1.
What is time management?

Time management is the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the tasks at hand.

Question 2.
What are the various views of time management?

There are two views of time management – multi-active time view and linear time view. In linear time view, the focus is given to perform one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to perform a number of tasks at once.

Question 3.
Why is time management Important?

Time management is important as it helps us achieve our goals and targets in the most efficient and effective manner. Furthermore, it is one of the key skills to personal and professional success. Hence, every successful individual, from an entrepreneur to a doctor utilizes time in the most productive manner.

Demonetisation Essay | Advantages and Dis-Advantages of Demonetisation

Demonetisation Essay

Demonetisation Essay: Demonetisation of the money implies discontinuity of the distinct currency from the transmission and substituting it with a fresh currency. In the contemporary meaning, in India, it is the banning of the 500 and 1000 denomination currency notes as a legal tender. There is a history of the popular decision of the Demonetisation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes. The Indian government executed Demonetisation on November 8, 2016. Read on to find more about Demonetisation Essay. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Demonetization are discussed as below.

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Demonetisation Essay In English for School Students

The Indian government’s asserted intention behind the Demonetisation plan is as follows:

  • It is an effort to make India a corruption-free nation.
  • It is done to restrict black money
  • It is done to constrain escalating price rise
  • To end the flow of capitals to unlawful activity
  • To get people responsible for every rupee they own and pay income tax as per the rules of Indian Govt.
  • At last, it is a trial to compose a cashless community and build a Digital India.


As a primary step, the government had advised people to open a bank account under Jan Dhan Yojana. They were demanded to deposit all the funds in their Jan Dhan bank accounts and do their upcoming transactions through banking procedures only. Secondly, the government started as an income tax declaration and had given the 30th October 2016 deadline for this plan. With this order, the government was ready to clean up a huge amount of black money.

However, many still hoarded the black money, and to tackle them, the government stated the Demonetisation of 500 and 1000 currency notes. The Demonetisation scheme is being perceived as a monetary reform in the nation but this judgment is full of its own advantaged and disadvantages.

Advantages of Demonetisation

Merits Of Demonetisation: The Demonetisation plan will help India to convert into corruption-free. Those entertaining in accepting bribes will cease from corrupt methods as it will be difficult for them to retain their illegal money.

This step will support the government to trace illegal money. Those people who have illegal money are now expected to dispense income and present PAN for any legitimate financial activities. The government can get a tax return for the income on which tax has not been paid.

The movement will put an end to the funding to the illegal activities that are growing due to unaccounted funds flow. Forbidding high-value money will rein in unlawful activities like terrorism etc.

The prohibition on high-value money will also control the threat of capital laundering. No such action can easily be traced and the income tax administration can find the people involved in money laundering business.

This action will end the flow of fake currency. The maximum of the false currency put in the transmission is of the high-value and the stopping of 500 and 1000 rupees notes will drop the circulation of fake money.

This progress has produced interest amongst those people who had started Jan Dhan’s bank accounts under the scheme of Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana. Citizens of India can now deposit their money balance under this plan and then it can be used for the development of the country.

The Demonetisation strategy will push people to pay income tax. Mostly who have been protecting their income are now compelled to come ahead to submit their income and pay tax based on it. Although deposits of money up to Rs 2.5 lakh will not appear under Income tax inspection, people are expected to submit PAN for any deposit of more than Rs 50,000 in the capital. It will help the income tax department to trace individuals with high denominations currency.

The final aim is to make India a cashless community by introducing the digital economy. All the financial transaction has to be within the banking procedure and people have to be responsible for each money they hold. It is a large step towards the desire of creating a digital India. If there are benefits of Demonetisation, there are some disadvantages too. Aikyashree Scholarship

Disadvantages of Demonetisation

The decision of the Demonetisation of the money has made huge difficulty for the people. They are rushing to the banks to swap, deposit or withdraw the notes. The abrupt release of news has made the situation uncontrolled. Rages are running high between the crowds as there is a lag in the flow of new currency. It has profoundly influenced business. Due to the cash crisis, the entire marketplace has come to a pause.

Many poor regular wage workers are jobless and their everyday income has ended because owners are incapable to pay their daily payments.

The government is seeing it difficult to fulfill this policy. It has to sustain the expense of issuing the new currency notes. It is also noticing it hard to put new money note into circulation. The 2000 rupees note is a load on the people as no one wishes to do the transaction with such high-value currency. Some authorities think it will only encourage people to use black money more easily in the future.

Moreover, many people have clandestinely dumped the demonetized money notes and this is damage to the country’s economy.

Demonetisation Essay Conclusion

Economists are involved in listing out several more benefits and demerits of this system. The government is stating that there are only benefits of the Demonetisation scheme and this will be discussed in the long term. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who is a famous economist, former RBI governor and former Finance Minister of the nation, calls the Demonetisation move as an ‘organized loot and legalized plunder’.

Despite, if we analyze the advantages versus defects, it will be safe to assume that the past surpasses the latter. Even though there are misery and suffering among the people’s rights at the instant but the estimate is that its advantages will be seen in the long run.

The government is exerting all the necessary measures and steps to reach the currency request and soon the test and distress of the people will be completed with the constant flow of the new currency.

FAQ’s on Demonetisation Essay

Question 1.
What is demonetization?

Demonetisation is the law of tearing a currency unit of its state as authorized tender. It happens whenever there is a variety of national currency or money like 100, 500, 1000 rupees. The modern form or forms of capital is pulled from the flow and retreated, frequently to be substituted with new currency notes or coins.

Question 2.
What are the objectives of demonetization?

The central government of India and the RBI planned three key objectives of demonetization:

  • To control black money and corruption by stopping hoarding of money
  • To prevent duplication of currency notes
  • To fight terrorism by ripping off money funding or money laundering to the terrorist associations operating in India

Question 3.
How many times demonetization held in India?

The first currency ban took place in 1946 for the circulation of notes of 1000 and 10000 rupees. But both the notes were reintroduced in 1954 with an additional introduction of Rs 5,000 currency.Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes were introduced in 1934 and after four years in 1938, Rs 10,000 notes were introduced.

The second demonetization took place in 1978. Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai announced the currency ban taking Rs 1000, Rs 5000 and Rs 10,000 out of circulation.

Question 4.
What are the merits and demerits of demonetisation in India?

The judgment of demonetization was taken following the national interests at the forefront. Though the judgment might have caused difficulty to the general population, it clearly had the national interest and economic growth at its core. For decades India has been spinning under Naxalism and terrorist activities. Demonetisation, although for a short while, really stopped such anti-national activities, providing relevant companies time to take countermeasures and recognize their funding sources, while supporting India’s economy in the long run.

My Favourite Leader Essay for Students and Children in English

My Favourite Leader Essay: Given below is a long essay on My Favourite Leader and is suitable for the students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a Short Essay for the students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. We are providing samples of a long essay and a short essay of the topic’ My Favourite Leader’, these essays will be useful for students as a reference while writing their own.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on My Favourite Leader for Students and Kids in English

There is no end to the choice of a favorite leader but as far as I am concerned, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri is my favourite leader. He was born on October 2nd, 1904, at Mughalsarai, a town of UP. He belonged to a lower-middle-class family. He was born and brought up in the cradle of poverty.

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri got his early education at Kashi Vidyapeeth. It was the place where he absorbed the rich springs of Indian culture and civilization. He molded his living according to the Indian way of life.

My Favourite Leader (Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri) Essay

After completing his education, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri turned to the poor condition of his countrymen under the British rule. He was deeply moved by the sufferings and miseries of his countrymen. Compelled by these circumstances, he joined the Indian freedom struggle. He came in contact with great Indian national leaders like Nehru, Gandhi, Patel and Subhas Chandra Bose. He worked hard and fought bravely in order to get his country liberated from the foreign rule. He became the member of the Servants of the People’s Society. He worked with many leaders who were organizing the national movement.

When India got freedom, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri handled difficult tasks. He held important office in the Indian National Congress and became union minister several times. As a minister, whether of railways, commerce, and the industry or home affairs, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri discharged his duties efficiently.

After the death of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Shri Shastri became second prime minister of free India. Thus, he rose to the topmost position of the land. The tenure of his prime ministership from June 1964, till his death (January 11th, 1966) at Tashkent would go down in Indian history as a decisive period. It was this period during which he had to face many grave crises like food, famine and above all, of Pakistan’s attack on India. But he emerged triumphant from all these ordeals and trials. In the days of the Indo-Pakistan war of September 1965, he gave the country a brave and dedicated leadership.

Shri Shastri was a thorough democrat and staunch nationalist. He was the protagonist of Bharatiya Sanskriti (Indian culture). He was a man of the people. He was a blend of firmness, flexibility, patience, and perseverance. He possessed the courage of Patel as well as the Gandhian temper. He possessed all the qualities of head and heart. He was an astute politician, an honest statesman, a noted thinker, and a powerful orator. He won the war but died for peace. Keeping his ideals of democracy and secularism alive would perhaps be the best tribute that could be paid to the memory of this renowned patriot and a noble son of India.

A Scene In The Examination Hall Essay | Essay on A Scene In The Examination Hall for Students and Children in English

A Scene In The Examination Hall Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on A Scene In The Examination Hall of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. A Scene In The Examination Hall essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on A Scene In The Examination Hall 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

The scene in the examination hall can be described best either by the invigilators or by the examinees. The examinees have little time to stand and stare. If they look up, the invigilator looks at them with suspicious eyes. Time is too precious for one to look right and left.

When I entered the hall, I was a bundle of nerves. My whole body was trembling and perspiring. I was face to face with fate in the form of a question paper. Time moved very fast. The students took their seats. Some of them prayed to God for help. Others just kept looking right and left, waiting for the invigilators to deliver the answer books.

A Scene In The Examination Hall Essay

The superintendent stood up and read out the instructions. We were also asked to search our pockets for any material that could be useful to us in the examination. I searched myself completely and found a letter in my rear pocket. My best friend Sam had sent me best wishes for the examination. I deposited it with the invigilator.

The second bell rang and the question papers were distributed among the students. Everyone was feeling nervous. I read the question paper and found some questions that had been revised by me a day earlier. I prayed to God and started writing the answers.

The invigilator was suspicious of a boy, as the boy was looking here and there. Invigilator asked the peon to search the boy completely. The peon found many slips which had answers written on them, from the boy’s pocket. The boy was expelled from the school and was – not allowed to give examinations. No mercy was shown to him, as the school authorities wanted other students i to learn a lesson from all this.

There was some noise outside. The flying squad had come. The flying squad did a thorough check and caught four students using unfair means. Some of these students wept, cried and pleaded for mercy.

I heaved a sigh of relief when the examination time was over. I did not know how three hours flew by. The invigilator ordered us to stop writing. I had just finished the last question.

I thanked God that it was all over.

Essay on Delhi A Historical City for Students and Children in English

Essay on Delhi A Historical City: The term “Essay on Delhi A Historical City ” has been taken out of context and given various form of interpretation by people who either don’t understand the term completely or have an agenda in mind. Both of Delhi A Historical City Essay mentioned below covers the topic well and can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for a school project, assignment, essay writing, class test and examination.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Delhi A Historical City for Students and Kids in English

Delhi is one of the most important historical cities. It has a rich historical background. One finds Delhi a land of magnificent ruined tombs and temples, mausoleums and monuments and of forts and fortresses. Delhi has been the seat of power of many ancient empires, kingdoms and invaders. Delhi was also the centre of great Indian movements. It was the capital of ancient Hindu kingdom as well as that of Mughal emperors. Factually speaking, Delhi is the star city for Indians and foreigners because of its great and rich historical background. It has been ravaged and rebuilt seven times.

A Historical City (Delhi) Essay

Delhi was named ‘Indraprashtha’ by Pandavas and remained the capital of Hindu kingdoms for thousands of years. The Muslim kings also made it their capital, though every Muslim King rehabilitated it at a particular place around the walled city. For example, the present Delhi was founded by Shah Jahan. Red Fort was a grand palace. Delhi of Shah Jahan’s days was founded near Red Fort and Chandni Chowk. Chandni Chowk used to have a beautiful lake during the days of Shah Jahan. During the reign of Qutabudin-Aibak and Altumash, Delhi was situated around Qutab Minar and Mehrauli. When the Lodi dynasty came into power, they made areas near Lodi tombs and Lodi gardens as their official workplaces. The other Muslim kings settled at the places of their own choice. During the days of the Pandavas, Delhi was situated at Old Fort and its periphery.

Around the city of Delhi, there used to be a big wall. The city of Delhi presents a beautiful picture of India’s past. It has many historical buildings and spectacular monuments. Humayun’s tomb, a majestic piece of art and architecture, was built by his wife. Qutab Minar is another tower of great importance that was built by Qutabuddin-Aibak and completed by Altumash, the Muslim king. There are also the tombs of Safdarjang and Nizamuddin. These tombs are now ruined and broken while some have been preserved properly.

Delhi has been the capital during the period of British rule in India. Presently also it is the capital of the government of free India and is the seat of the central government, embassies, high commissions, trading firms and many other organisations of India and the world. New Delhi is a lovely part of the city. It is a well built and charming city. It has green gardens and beautiful parks. The Parliament House, Rashtrapati Bhavan, various offices of the central government, old houses and palaces of Indian kings, princes etc. are situated in New Delhi.

Among its trading centres, Connaught Place is considered to be one of the most fashionable shopping arcades. This shopping centre hums with activity, especially during the evenings, amidst neon signs, glittering lights and coloured fountains.

Therefore, the city of Delhi is prominent because of its historical importance and is also the seat of central government but at the same time, it is a city that reflects the whole world. It has a strange blend of the ancient and the modern legacies, the ruined monuments and Mughal architecture. The city of Delhi is cynosure of all eyes. Everyone is interested and anxious to have a bird’s eye view of this ancient historical city of India. Delhi, indeed, is a treasure-chest of antiquity and heart of India.