CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2

SubjectInformatics Practices
Sample Paper SetPaper 2
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme, as prescribed by the CBSE, is given here. Paper 2 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Informatics Practices is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hrs
Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answer the’questions after carefully reading the text.


Question 1.
(a) The ‘Chalchitra’ theatre has a computer network. The network is in one building
(i) Name this type of network (out of LAN/MAN/WAN).
(ii) Name one communication channel that can be used for fast communication between workstations of the network.
(b) Explain in brief any 2 security threats to computer networks.
(c) Write the advantages of using Unicode to represent text.
(d) Write one example each of URL and IP address.
(e) Identify the topology shown below. Write 2 advantages of this topology.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2 1

Question 2.
(a) While working in Netbeans, Ms. Sonia has designed a login page where she wants to display “Welcome” or “Try again” message depending on the password entered by the user in text field named ‘jTextFieldl’. If password entered is “India”, ‘Welcome’ message should be displayed otherwise ‘Try again’ message should be displayed. Help her in choosing more appropriate statement out of ‘If statement’ and ‘Switch statement’. Give reason for your choice.
(b) Write Java code to assign the value 10 to variable x and store its square value in another variable y.
(c) Deepti works as a programmer in a travel company. She has developed the following code to display travel detail according to user’s choice. Help her in rewriting the same code using SWITCH CASE :

if (choice==1 )
jTextFieldl.setText ("New Delhi to Goa") ; 
else if (choice = 2)
jTextFieldl.setText ("New Delhi to Paris") ; 
else if (choice = 3)
jTextFieldl.setText ("New Delhi to Bangkok") ; 
jTextFieldl.setText ("PI. choose valid option") ;

(d) Shambhavi has to design two Web pages with following specifications :
(i) One Web page should have an unordered list.
(ii) Another Web page should have background ”Yellow” in colour.
Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attribute(s) for the above specifications.

(e) Albert works as a Website developer in Global Website Designers company. Currently he has created following tags in XML :

<Student> ... </Student>

Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code?
Are these same or different? .

(f) How many times will the loop execute?

int value1 = 7. value2=19 ;
JOptionPane . showMessageDialog (null, valuel + value2) ; 
valuel=valuel+2 ; 
value2=value2-2 ;
} while (valuel<=value2) ;

Question 3.
(a) Consider the table’empsalary’
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 2 2
To select tuples with some salary, Siddharth has written the following erroneous SQL statement :

SELECT ID. Salary FROM empsalary WHERE Salary = something ;

Write the correct SQL statement.

(b) Consider the table ‘Employee’.
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Write the SQL command to obtain the following output :
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(c) While creating the table Student last week, Ms. Sharma forgot to include the column GamePlayed. Now write a command to insert the GamePlayed column with VARCHAR data type and 30 size into the Student table.

(d) In Marks column of ‘Student’ table, for Rollnumber 2, the Class Teacher entered the marks as 45. However there was a totaling error and the student has got her marks increased by 5. Which MySQL command should she use to change the marks in ‘Student’ table.

(e) Consider the table ‘Teacher’ given below.
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What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of the above table :

(i) Select count(Department) from Teacher ;
(ii) Select count (*) from Teacher ;

(f) Consider the Stu table ,
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The following SQL queries are executed on the above table

INSERT INTO Stu VALUES (5. ‘Gagan’ ) ;
INSERT INTO Stu VALUES (6 , ‘Chris') ;
INSERT INTO Stu VALUES (7 , ‘Babita’) ;

What will be the output of the following SQL query now :


(g) An attribute A of datatype varchar (20) has the value ‘Amit” . The attribute B of datatype char(20) has value “Karanita”. How many characters are occupied in attribute A? How many characters are occupied in attribute B?

Question 4.
(a) Following is a list of programming languages :
Help Sandhya in identifying Object Oriented language(s) from the above given list.
(b) Satyam is designing a frame in Netbeans containing list box. Help him in writing suitable Java statement to extract selected item from a given listbox named “jList1.”
(c) What will be displayed in jTextFieldl and jTextField2 after the following code is executed :

int number = 12 ;
if (number < 15)
jTextField1.setText(" " + number) ;
number++ ; 
jTextField2.setText(“ “+ number) ;
jTextFieldl . setText (“number 1”) ; 
number++ ;
jTextFleld2.setText (“number 2”) ;

(d) Find output of the following Java code snippet :

String City = "Delhi" ,PinCode="110001", Str=" " ;
City=City+" "+PinCode ;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,City) ; 
int l=City.length ( ) ; 
int i=0 ; 
while (i<l)
Str=Str+City.substring (6) ;
i = i +15 ;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null.Str) ;

(e) Rewrite the following code using WHILE loop :

int x=100 ;
for (int i=2;i<=22;i=i+4)
jTextAreal.append("\n"+(i+x) ) ; 
x=x-2 ;

(f) The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made :

int n=5 , int i=l . f=l ;
do ;
f =f*i ; 
i + + ; 
while (i<=n) 
jTextFieldl.setText(" "+f) ;

(g) Mr. Pawan works as a programmer in “ABC Marketing Company” where he has designed a Salary generator software to generate the salary of salesman in which Name and Salary are entered by the user. A screenshot of the same is shown below :
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Help him in writing the code to do the following :

(i) After selecting appropriate Radio Button, when ‘Commission’ button is clicked, commission should be displayed in the respective text field as each Salesman will get a commission based on the units sold according to the following criteria :
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(ii) When ‘Gross Salary’ button is clicked, Gross Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formula :
Gross Salary = Salary + Commission

(iii) After required selection of Checkbox(es), when ‘Facility Charges’ button is clicked, Facility charges will be displayed in the respective text field according to the following criteria :
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(iv) Money will be deducted from the Gross Salary according to the facilities opted by the employee. When ‘Net Salary’ button is clicked, Net Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formulae :
Net Salary = Gross Salary-Deductions

Question 5.
(a) Mrs. Sharma is the classteacher of Class ‘XII A’. She wants to create a table ‘Student’ to store details of her class.

(i) Which of the following can be the attributes of Student table?
(a) RollNo
(b) ‘Amit”
(c) Name
(d) 25

(ii) Name the Primary key of the table ‘Student’. State reason for choosing it.

(b) Write the output of the following SQL queries :

(i) SELECT TRUNCATE(8.975.2) ;
(iv) SELECT DAYOFMONTHA2015-01-16') ;

(c) Table “Emp” is shown below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v) and (vi)
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(i) To display list of all employees below 25 years old.
(ii) To list names and respective salaries in descending order of salary.
(iii) To count the number of employees with names starting with ‘K’.
(iv) To list names and addresses of those persons who have ‘Delhi’ in their address.

(v) SELECT Name. Salary FROM Emp WHERE Salary BETWEEN 50000 AND 70000 ;
(vi) SELECT Name, Phone FROM Emp WHERE Phone LIKE '99%' ;

Question 6.
(a) Write SQL query to create a table Player with the following structure :
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(b) Consider the tables given below.
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(i) The Salespersonld column in the “Salesperson” table is the ___ KEY. The Salespersonld column in the “Orders” table is a ___ KEY.
(ii) Can the ‘Salespersonld’ be set as the primary key in table ‘Orders’. Give reason.

(c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), Write commands in SQL for (i) and (ii) and output for (iii) below :
(i) To display Salespersonld, names, orderids and order amount of all salespersons.
(ii) To display names, salespersons ids and order ids of those sales persons whose names starts with A and sales amount is between 15000 and 20000.
(iii) SELECT Salespersonld, Name, Age, Amount FROM Salesperson, Orders WHERE Salesperson. Salespersonld = Orders. Salespersonld AND Age BETWEEN 30 AND 45 ;

Question 7.
(a) ‘Bachpan Toys’ is a small company manufacturing toys. They have decided that it would be beneficial to the company to create a Website which would allow customers to order toys on-line. State how ‘Bachpan Toys’ would benefit from the Website.

(b) Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of e-Governance?

  1. Technology makes governance speedier.
  2. Computer literacy and basic Internet usage is not required.
  3. Governance is made transparent, that is most of the information is available to public.

(c) Lakshmi works for a school. She wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text field, Label, Radio button, Check box, List box, Combo box, Button and write in the third column.
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Answer 1.
(a) (i) LAN (ii) Satellite

(b) Two security threats to computer networks are as follows :

  1. Computer worm It is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.
  2. Spam It is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message.

(c) Advantages of using Unicode to represent text are as follows :

  1. Allows for multilingual text using any or all the languages that you desire.
  2. Text in any language can be exchanged worldwide.

(d) Example of URL → http: // www. microsoft. com
Example of IP address →

(e) Star Topology
Two advantages of star topology are as follows :

  1. Easy to detect faults and remove It.
  2. Failure to single system will not bring down the entire network.

Answer 2.
(a) If statement is more appropriate for this situation because here is given only two conditions which will be executed by if statement while switch statement is used where multiple branch selection statements are given.

(b) class Square
public static void main (String args [ ])
int x. y ; 
x = 10 : 
y = x * x ;

(c) switch (choice)
Case 1 :
JTextFieldl. setText ("New Delhi to Goa") ; 
break ;
Case 2 :
jTextFieldl.setText ("New Delhi to Paris") ; 
break ;
Case 3 :
jTextFieldl.setText ("New Delhi to Bangkok") ; 
break ; 
jTextFieldl.setText ("P1. choose valid option") ;

(d) (i) Tags → <HTML>, <B0DY><UL>, <LI>
Attribute → type

(ii) Tags → <HTML>, <B0DY>
Attribute → bgcolor

(e) These tags are part of XML code.
These are different because XML is a case sensitive language.

(f) 4 times

Answer 3.
(a) The correct code is :

SELECT ID, Salary FROM empsalary 
WHERE Salary = 56000 ;
(b) SELECT DISTINCT (Location) FROM Employee ;
(c) ALTER TABLE Student ADD Game_Played VARCHAR (30) ;
(d) UPDATE Student SET Marks = 50 
WHERE Roll number = 2;

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(g) Characters are occupied in attribute A = 4
Characters are occupied in attribute B = 8

Answer 4.
(b) jListl. getSelectedValue ( ) ;

(c) Output
jTextFieldl will contain value = 12
jTextField2 will contain value = 13

(d) Output
Delhi 110001
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(g) (i) We need to double click at the Commission button (jButtonl) and type the following code :

int Commission :
if (jRadioButtonl. isSelected ( ) = True )
Commission = 500 ;
else if (jRadioButton2. isSelected ( ) = True)
Commission = 1000 ; 
Commission = 2000 ;
jTextField3. setText (Commission) ;

(ii) We need to double click at the ‘Gross Salary’ button (jButton2) and type the following code:

int Gross_Sal ;
int Salary = Integer, parselnt (jTextField2. getText ( ) ) ; 
Gross_Sal = Salary + Commission ; 
jTextField4.setText (Gross_Sal) ;

(iii) We need to double click at the ‘Facilities Charges’ button (jButton3) and type the following code :

int Fac_Charges ;
if (jCheckBox1. is Selected ( ) == True)
Fac_Charges = 500 ;
else if (jCheckBox2. isSelected ( ) =True) 
Fac_Charges = 2000 ;
Fac_Charges = 0 ;
jTextField5. setText (Fac_Charges) ;

(iv) We need to double click at the ‘Net Salary’ button (jButton4) and type the following code :

int Net_Sal ; 
Net_Sal = Gross_Sal-Fac_Charges ; 
jTextField6. setText (Net_Sal) ;

Answer 5.
(a) (i) RolINo, Name can be the attributes of Student table.
(ii) Primary key of the table Student is RolINo, because RolINo is a field in Student table which uniquely identifies each rows/records in a database table.

(b) (i) 8.97
(ii) NEST
(iii) ATICS
(iv) 16

(c) (i) SELECT * FROM Emp 
WHERE AGE < 25 ; 
WHERE NAME like 'K%' ; 
WHERE ADDRESS like '% Delhi% ;

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Answer 6.
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(b) (i) Primary, Foreign
(ii) Salespersons cannot be set as the primary key in the table Orders because table Orders has already primary key and one table cannot have more than one primary key column.

(c) (i) SELECT Salespersons, Name, Orderld, Amount FROM Salesperson ; Orders
WHERE Salesperson.Salespersonld = Orders. Salespersons ;
(ii) Select Name, Salespersons, Orderld FROM Salesperson, Orders
WHERE Salesperson. Salespersons = Orders. Salespersons AND Name like ‘A%’ AND Amount BETWEEN 15000 AND 20000 ;
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Answer 7.
(a) Benefits from the Website are as follows :

  1. Customers can buy toys anywhere and anytime because Internet is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. With a Website, customers can easily access information about the toys.
  3. Business Website is the potential for reaching a wider audience.

(b) Advantage of e-Governance
Governance is made transparent, that is most of the information is available to public.
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1

SubjectInformatics Practices
Sample Paper SetPaper 1
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme, as prescribed by the CBSE, is given here. Paper 1 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Informatics Practices is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time : 3 hrs
Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answer the’questions after carefully reading the text.


Question 1.
(a) ABC Company wants to link its computers in the Head office in New Delhi to its office in Sydney. Name the type of Network that will be formed, Which communication media should be used to form this network?

(b) Which of the following is /are not communication media?

  1. Microwaves
  2. Optical Fiber cable
  3. Node
  4. Radio waves

Identify which of the above mentioned communication media are Wired media and which ones are Wireless media.

(c) Write two examples each of software in the following categories :

  1. Open Source Operating System
  2. Open Source Web Browser

(d) Expand the following terms :

  1. GSM
  2. IP

(e) Name the devices :

  1. This device constanUy looks at all the data entering and exiting your connection. It can block or reject data in response to an established rule.
  2. This device connects multiple nodes to form a network. It redirects the received information only to the intended node(s).

Question 2.
(a) Identify the invalid variable names. State the reason if invalid.

  1. Marks Unit
  2. Product_1
  3. Sales_123
  4. 2_Marks

(b) Write the data type of variables that should be used to store :

  1. Marks of students
  2. Grades of students (Grade can be ‘A or ‘B’ or ‘C’)

(c) Write examples of any two properties and any two methods of j Button component

(d) Write the purpose of HTML. Distinguish between <P> tag and <BR> tag.

(e) Distinguish between ComboBox and ListBox. When would you prefer using them over Radiobutton and Checkbox?

(f) Rewrite the following code using switch statement :

if (code = = ‘A’)
allowance = 3500 ;
else if (code = = ‘B‘)
allowance = 3200 :
allowance = 2000 :

Question 3.
(a) What is MySQL used for? Abhay wants to start learning MySQL. From where can he obtain the MySQL software?
(b) In the table “Student”, Priya wanted to increase the Marks (Column Name: Marks) of those students by 5 who have got Marks below 33. She has entered the following statement:

SELECT Marks + 5 FROM Student
WHERE Marks <33 :

Identify errors (if any) in the above statement. Rewrite the correct SQL statement.

(c) (i) Name the data type that should be used to store AccountCodes liko “A1001” of Customers.
(iii) Name two data types that require data to be enclosed in quotes.

(d) Given the table ‘Player’ with the following columns :
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 1
Write the output of the following statements :

FROM PIayer :

(e) ‘Class’ table has columns RNO and NAME.
The following statements are executed:

WHERE ID = 5 ;

What will be the output of both the above given SELECT statements?

(f) Name SQL Single Row functions (for each of the following) that

  1. returns a number.
  2. returns lowercase letters.
  3. returns names of days. For example: “Monday”, “Tuesday”.
  4. returns weekday number. For example : 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday.

Question 4.
(a) Identify the error in the following code :

switch (c)
case 9.0 : a = a + 2 ;
break ;
case 8.0 : a = a + 3 ;
break ;

(b) What values will be displayed in JOptionPane when the following code is executed?

int a = 5, b=2 ;
while (a < 20)
a = a + b ;
b = a - b ;
showMessageDialog(null,a) ;

(c) Write the code given below using ‘for’ loop instead of ‘while’ loop :

int i = 1 ;
while (i <= 5)
if (i *i = = 4)
jTextFieldl. setText
(" " + i) ;
i = i + 1 ;

(c) Write the code given below using ‘for’ loop instead of ‘while’ loop :

int i = 1 ;
while (i <= 5)
if (i *i = = 4)
jTextFieldl. setText
(" " +i) ;
i = i + 1 ;

(d) Write the value that will be stored in variable a after execution of the following code if :
(i) initial value of a is 8.
(ii) initial value of a is 10.

int b = 9 ;
if(a > b)
a = a + 5 ;
a = a + 2 ;

(e) What will be the values of i and z after the following code is executed :

int i = 0 ;
int z = 10 ;
i = i + 2 ;
z - - ;
while (i < 10) ;

(f) Ms. Priya works as a programmer in “Avon Education” where she has designed a software to compute fee charges to be paid by the students. A screenshot of the same is shown below :

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 2

  • Name of the student is entered by the user.
  • Any one Course out of Pharmacy, Architecture and Arts & Design is chosen by the user.
  • If the student is eligible for Concession, the required checkbox is selected by the user.
  • Based on the course selected, Fee Per Quarter is displayed in the appropriate textfield according to the following criterion :

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 3

  • If the student is eligible for Concession, a concession of 7% of Fee per quarter is calculated as the concession amount, otherwise concession amount is 0.
  • Fee to be paid is the Fee per quarter with the concession amount (if any) deducted from it.

Help Ms. Priya in writing the code to do the following:

  1. When ‘Calculate Charges’ button is clicked, ‘Fee per quarter’, ‘Concession Amount’, ‘Fee to be Paid’ should be calculated and displayed in the respective text fields.
  2. When ‘CLEAR’ button is clicked, all the textfields, radiobuttons and checkbox should be cleared.
  3. When ‘Exit1 button is clicked, the application should close.

Question 5.
Consider the following table Furniture. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).

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(i) To display FCODE, NAME and PRICE of items that have Price less than ? 5,000

(ii) To display NAMES and PRICE of those Furniture Items that have table anywhere in their names.

(iii) To display WCode of Furniture Items. There should be no duplicate values.

(iv) To display the NAMES and PRICE increased by 500.00 of all the furniture items. (Price should only be displayed as increased; there should be no increase in the data in the table)

(v) To display FCODE and NAME of each Furniture Item in descending order of FCODE.

(vi) To display the details of all the Furniture Items which have Manufacturing date
(MANUFDATE) between 01- JAN – 2016 and 15- JUN – 2017 (inclusive of.both the dates).

(vii) To display the average PRICE of all the Furniture Items, which are made of Wood with WCODE as W02.

(viii) To display WCODE wise, WCODE and the highest price of Furniture Items.

(ix) SELECT SUM (PRICE) FROM Furniture WHERE WCODE = ‘W03’ ;

Question 6.
(a) Write SQL query to create a table Inventory with the following structure :
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(b) Consider the following tables PATIENT and TEST and answer the questions that follow :
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Note :

  • NAME holds the Names of patients.
  • DTADMIT holds dates on which a patient was admitted to hospital.
  • TESTID holds Ids of Medical tests done on patients.

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Name the Primary keys in both the tables and foreign key in ‘PATIENT’ table. State the reason for your choice.

(c) With reference to the above given table (in Q6 b), write commands in SQL for (i) to (iii)

  1. To display Names of Patients, TESTID and Test names for those Patients who were admitted between ’01-DEC – 2017 and ’15-DEC-2017′ (both dates inclusive).
  2. To display names of Patients, Test names and Cost of Test for those patients who have ‘Sharma’ in their names.
  3. To increase the cost of those tests in the table ‘TEST’ by ₹ 50.00 that have cost below ₹ 200.00

Question 7.
(a) How does E-governance help in building trust between the government and citizens?
(b) How can E-learning help students learn at their own pace?
(c) Ms. Cathy is creating a form for Vidya University Sports Council application.
Help her to choose the most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, Text Area, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and CommandButton for the following entries :

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Answer 1.
(a) ABC Company will formed the World Area Network (WAN) to link its computers in the Head office in New Delhi to its office in Sydney.
Unguided or wireless media should be used to form World Area Network.
(b) Node is not a communication media.
Microwaves and Radio waves are wireless communication media while Optical fiber cable is a wired communication media.
(c) (i) Open Source Operating System-Google Chrome OS, Linux
(ii) Open Source Web Browser – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
(d) Expanded form :
(i) GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication
(ii) IP- Internet Protocol
(e) (i) Firewall is a device that looks at all the data entering and exiting connection. It can block or reject data in response to an established rule.
(ii) A switch is an intelligent device that connects several nodes to form a network and redirects the received information only to the intended node(s).

Answer 2.
(a) Marks Unit is an invalid variable name because variable name does not allow spacing.

(b) (i) int data type
(ii) char data type

(c) Two methods of jButton component: getText ( ), setText ( )
Two properties of jButton component: Font, Label

(d) HTML is used to represent page, data on website with proper manner and attractive look to get maximum users.
Difference between <P> tag and <BR> tag :
<P> tag is a block level element, and is mainly used to add content, whereas the <BR> tag is used to force a line break within the element.

(e) Differences between ComboBox and ListBox are as follows :
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 9
When you need to select multiple option then you would prefer using ListBox over CheckBox and when you need to select only one option then you would prefer using ComboBox over Radio Button.

(f) Given code using switch statement :

switch (code)
case A ;
allowance = 3500 ;
break ;
case B ;
allowance = 3200 ;
break ;
default ;
allowance = 2000 ;
break ;

Answer 3.
(a) MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), used for adding, accessing and processing data in a database.
Abhay can download the MySQL software setup from Internet.

(b) Correct SQL statement :

UPDATE Student SET Marks = Marks +5
WHERE Marks <33 ;

(c) (i) varchar data type should be used to store AccountCodes like ”A100111 of customers.
(ii) char and date data types require data to be enclosed in quotes.

(d) Output of the given statements
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(e) Output for the 1st SELECT * FROM Class ; statement –
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Output for the llnd SELECT * FROM Class; statement
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(f) (i) ASCII () function returns a number.
(ii) LCASE () function returns lowercase letters .
(iii) DAYNAME () function returns names of days.
(iv) DAYOFWEEK () function returns weekday number.

Answer 4.
(a) default case is missing in the given switch code which is optional but necessary. When user gives a wrong choice then default case’s statement is executed.
(b) No value will be displayed in JOptionPane because it will give exception in thread ‘main’ due to null.
(c) The given code using ‘for’ loop instead of ‘while’ loop :

int i
for (i = 1 ; i < = 5 ; i + +)
if (1 * i = = 4)
jTextFieldl. setText ( “ “ + i) ;

(d) (i) Value of a = 10, if initial value of a
is 8
(ii) Value of a = 17, if initial value of a
is 10

(e) Value of i = 10
Value of z = 5

(f) Here,
Name is stored in jTextField1
Fee Per Quarter is stored in jTextField2
Concession Amount is stored in jTextField3
Fee to be Paid is stored in jTextField4

(i) We need to double click at the ‘Calculate Charges’ button (jButtonl) and type the following code ;

int Fee_per_quar,
concession_amount ;
float fee_tobe_paid ;
String name = jTextFieldl.
getText ( ) ;
if (jRadioButtonl. isSelected ( )
= =True)
Fee_per_quar = 2000 ;
else if (jRadioButton2.
isSelectedO == True)
Fee_per_quar = 2500 :
else if (jRadioButton3. is
Selected ( ) == True)
Fee_per_quar = 2300 ;
Fee, per_quar = 0 ;
jTextField2. setText
(Fee_per_quar) ;
if (jCheckBox. isSelected ( )
= =True)
concession_amount = (Fee__per_quar * 7) / 100 ;
concession_amount = 0 ;
JTextField3. setText
(concession_amount) ;
fee_tobe_paid = Fee_per_quar -
concession_amount ;
jTextField4. setText (fee_tobe_paid) ;

(ii) We need to double click at the ‘Clear’ button (jButton2) and type the following code :

jTextFieldl. setText (" ") ;
jTextField2. setText (" ") ;
jTextField3. setText (" ") ;
jTextField4. setText (" ") ;
jRadioButton1. setSelected (False) ;
jRadioButton2. setSelected (False);
jRadioButton3. setSelected (False) ;
jCheckBox. setSelected (False) ;

(iii) We need to double click at the ‘Exit’ button (jButton3) and type the following code:
System., exit (0) ;

Answer 5.
SQL commands for the given statements (i) to (viii) ;

    WHERE NAME LIKE %table% ;
  4. SELECT NAME. PRICE +500 FROM Furniture ;
  6. SELECT * FROM Furniture
    WHERE MANUFDATE BETWEEN ‘01 - JAN - 2016' AND ‘15 - JUN - 2017' ;
  7. SELECT AVG (PRICE) FROM Furniture
    WHERE WCODE = 'W02' ;
  8. SELECT WCODE AS wise, WCODE, MAX (PRICE) FROM Furniture ;
    Output for SQL queries (ix) and (x)
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 13

Answer 6.

(a) CREATE TABLE Inventory
Material Id Integer Primary Key,
Material Varchar (50) NOT NULL,
Category Char,
DatePurchase Date
) :

(b) Primary key in PATIENT and TEST tables are PCODE and TESTID respectively. Because primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record.

Foreign key in PATIENT table is TESTID whose value is derived from the primary key (TESTID) of another table (TEST).

(c) SQL commands for the given statements :

AND DTADMIT BETWEEN ‘01-DEC-2017’ AND '15-DEC-2017' ;

AND NAME LIKE '% Sharma %’ ;


Answer 7.
(a) Building trust between governments and citizens is fundamental to good governance. ICT can help build trust by enabling citizen engagement in the policy process, promoting open and accountable government and helping to prevent corruption.
(b) E – learning allows students to learn at their own pace, meaning a teacher can help speed up the learning process or give more advanced resources if necessary.
(c) Appropriate controls for the given entries :
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 14

We hope the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1 help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Paper 1, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for class 12 Home Science. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3

SubjectHome Science
Sample Paper SetPaper 3
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • There are total 25 questions.
  • Questions no. 1-6 are for 1 mark, to be answered in one or two lines.
  • Questions no. 7-13 are of 2 marks, to be answered in 10-20 words.
  • Questions no. 14-15 are of 3 marks, to be answered in 20-30 words.
  • Questions no. 16-21 are of 4 marks, to be answered in 40 words.
  • Questions no. 22-25 are of 5 marks, to be answered in 50-60 words.
  • Support your answers with suitable examples wherever required.


Question 1.
What do you mean by Cephalocandal principle of development ? Give one example.

Question 2.
Mention any two impacts of media on adolescents.

Question 3.
Why it is important to provide calcium to a nursing mother ? Give two reasons.

Question 4.
Write two features of DWCRA.

Question 5.
Point out one benefit and one drawback of investment in shares.

Question 6.
What is the effect of vertical lines in an apparel on the body shape of a person?

Question 7.
Adolescents are more vulnerable to substance abuse. Write any four consequences of it.

Question 8.
Present one difference and one similarity between General Provident Fund (GPF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF). Specify one common benefit of both

Question 9.
What are the four ways by which a student can earn a living after studying Food and Nutrition?

Question 10.
Name any two item with ECO mark and draw the logo of the same.

Question 11.
Prepare a checklist of four points for a cook to maintain personal hygiene in the kitchen while cooking.

Question 12.
Given any four long term goals for which a family should save money

Question 13.
Name a suitable chemical which can be used to purify drinking water when you are travelling. Describe the procedure of purifying water in three steps.

Question 14.
Give three suggestions with diagram to your tall and thin brother to choose a suitable design of Kurta for him.

Question 15.
At your home in the dinner-Fried Rice, Dal Palak and Boondi Raita has been served. Suggest three modifications in the menu for your father who is suffering from diarrhoea to suit his nutritional requirement. Also explain the reason for modifications.

Question 16.
Peers can exert positive pressure or negative pressure on a teenager. Support this statement with four examples each.

Question 17.
Write down the expansion of FSSAI. List down any six conditions under which foods is considered adulterated under FSSAI.

Question 18.
Prepare a format to record weekly family’s expenditure on food. State two advantages of recording this.

Question 19.
Your uncle wants to invest some money in any saving scheme. Name any two schemes which could help him. Write two benefits and two drawbacks of these schemes.

Question 20.
Give two ways each to create Balance and Rhythm in a frock of 5 year old girl.

Question 21.
Briefly describe the steps of laundering woolen sweater at home and list some important precautions while washing the garment.

Question 22.
Name any two life-style diseases. Give four dietary management for each of these diseases.

Question 23.
Radha wants to buy a silk saree for wedding. Suggest any four points she should consider while selecting her saree and also guide her any six ways to store it.

Question 24.
Your mother bought 2 kg of potatoes but when she weighed them at home, they were less than that. Mention four ways through which the shopkeepers generally cheat their customers. Tell her at least six buying tips which can safeguard her from such frauds in future.

Question 25.
Your friend Reeta is very short tempered. Over very small issues, she starts shouting and throwing things. Explain her six strategies which would help her in controlling her anger. What could be the consequences of this behaviour.


Answer 1.
According to Cephalocandal principle of development, development starts from head and progresses towards feet. For example, In womb, the head of the foetus develops first, then the body and afterwards legs develop.

Answer 2.
Today’s adolescents get affected by media, as it helps them in framing opinions and perspectives of the country and the world. Media also helps the adolescents to participate in popular sports.

Answer 3.
A nursing mother needs more calcium than a normal adult for the following reasons

  • Increased production of milk.
  • For increased mineral absorption.

Answer 4.
The two features of DWCRA is that

  • It facilitates access to any poor women to employment.
  • It improves socio-economic status of poor women and children from rural areas.

Answer 5.
One benefit of investing in shares is that one can earn profit if company is having heavy profit. Similarly, one drawback of investment in shares is to face losses if company is going in loss. Moreover, there is no income tax rebate on these transactions.

Answer 6.
Two ways in which vertical lines in an apparel affect the body shape of a person are

  • They make the person appear taller.
  • They make the fat person appear slimmer or thinner.

Answer 7.
Four consequences of substance abuse by adolescents can be

  • The adolescent may lose self-confidence and control over himself.
  • The adolescent’s mental and physical stamina becomes less.
  • His/Her reflexes become slow.
  • Nausea and Insomnia are other problems which an adolescent may face.

Answer 8.
One difference between GPF and PPF is that GPF is compulsory for salaried government employees. PPF can be opened by any adult at anytime. One similarity between GPF and PPF is that both schemes are long term and give tax rebate to the concerned person.

Answer 9.
After studying Food and Nutrition, a student can earn a living in the following ways

  • Work as dietician in hospitals or nursing homes etc.
  • He/She can work as demonstrators in preservation centres.
  • The students can work as a supplier of food for various occasions.
  • Work as a cook at a restaurant.

Answer 10.
ECO mark is used to show that the product in environment friendly. The two items with Eco mark are

  • Textiles
  • Soaps and detergents.

The Logo of Eco mark is
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 1

Answer 11.
A cook can maintain his/her personal hygiene in the kitchen by following these precautions:

  1. Fle/She should have bath everyday.
  2. His/her nails should be trimmed properly and remain unpainted.
  3. Before cooking rings or watches should be removed.
  4. The cook’s hair should be tied. They should not be left open.

Answer 12.
Four long term goals for which family should save money can be

  • Education of children.
  • Marriage of children.
  • For buying properties.
  • Money provides old age security

Answer 13.
A suitable chemical which can be used to purify drinking water while travelling is Chlorine. The procedure of purifying water in three steps is

  • One teaspoon of bleaching powder is added in a glass of water.
  • Then three teaspoons of this solution is taken and added in a bucket full of water.
  • This is then left 30 minutes.

Answer 14.
Three suggestions for choosing a Kurta for a tall and thin person are

  • Kurta with horizontal lines which given illusion of height.
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 2
  • Kurta with bold prints.
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 3
  • Select warm colours and use contrast.

Answer 15.
The three modifications in the menu can be

  • Fried Rice can be replaced by boiled rice as fried food aggravates the digestive system.
  • Dal Palak can be replaced by plain boiled dal with less thickness as leafy vegetables should be avoided to ‘escape mechanical irritation.
  • Boondi Raita is not good for a patient suffering from diarrhoea, it should be replaced with plain curd or buttermilk.

Answer 16.
Peer pressure is an influence that a peer group or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values or behaviours to conform the group norms.
A pressure can be positive or negative.
Positive Pressure

  • Helps in achieving goals.
  • Perform academically better.
  • Motivation and encouragement.
  • Healthy habits.

Negative Pressure

  • May indulge in anti-social activities such as stealing, drug abuse, eve teasing etc.
  • An adolescent may loose individuality.
  • They lack self-esteem and are always stressed.
  • Consider their parents as rigid and very demanding.

Answer 17.
The full form of FSSAI is Food Safety and Standard Authority of India.
The six conditions under which food is considered adulterated under FSSAI are

  • If food is substituted partly or completely with a cheap substance.
  • If a valuable constituent of food is partially or completely removed.
  • If food contains any harmful substance.
  • If food contains any unpermitted colours or preservatives.
  • If the food is insect infested.
  • If the food is obtained from a diseased or sick animal.
  • If it does not satisfy all standards prescribed by the authorities

Answer 18.
Weekly food record format of family’s expenditure can be like this



Daily Total2502301501802001301501290

The two advantage so recording this expenditure is

  • Know the exact amount of money available.
  • Avoid wasteful expenditure.
  • Help avoid being overcharged.
  • Guide for future expenses.

Answer 19.
Saving schemes are modes of investment which may help an individual or family in time of needs. The two saving schemes are

  • PPF In this saving scheme some nationalised banks and post-offices offer people to deposit money from 1000/- to 1,50,000/- in a financial year. The money can be deposited either in lumpsum or in convenient installments.
  • Benefits of PPF schemes are
    • The investment are safe and secure.
    • Interest is exempted from tax.
  • Drawbacks of this Scheme are
    • Duration is long
    • Can’t invest more then 1,50,000/- per annum.
      Another saving scheme is whole life insurance where insurer is insured for his entire life. A specified premium has to be paid either quarterly or half yearly or annually.
  • Benefits of this scheme are
    • Safe method.
    • Can really help in case of untimely death of an insurer.
  • Drawbacks of this scheme are
    • It is a long term policy.
    • There is no liquidity.

Answer 20.
Balance and Rhythm are principles of design which provide attraction and variety to the dresses.
Balance can be created by using any of these

  • Using colours.
  • Pleats.
  • Buttons.
  • Embroidery etc.

Balance can be of two types

  • Formal Balance When structure, decoration and accessories are identical on both sides of the dress, it is called formal balance.
  • Informal Balance When structure, decoration are different on both sides still dress looks attractive.

Rhythm can be created by

  • Repetition of colours.
  • Alteration of pleats.
  • Radiation in the form of gathers.
  • Repetition of other accessories.

Rhythm is an important principle of art. If rhythm is created in a design, the eye would move easily from one part to the other. Both balance and rhythm can make the dress attractive

Answer 21.
One must be careful while laundering woolen sweater at home. We must follow the following steps while laundering woolens at home

  • Make draft of sweatre at home.
  • Very soft type detergent like easy or reetha should be chosen, as it contains less alkaline.
  • Solution with detergent must be made in luke warm water.
  • While washing, less pressure should be exercised, kneading and squeezing method should be adopted.
  • oolen sweater should be rinsed thoroughly.
  • After rinsing, it should be squeezed with light pressure in towel.
  • After rinsing it should not be hung, it should be spread on the draft on a flat surface.

We must take following precautions while washing woolens

  • We should not use very hard detergent for woolens.
  • Very hot water should be avoided.
  • Woolen should always be dried on a flat surface. They should not be hung on line.
  • While ironing, it should be done on wrong side. Spread damp cotton cloth on them before ironing.

Answer 22.
Members of a family may have different health status from time to time. People acquire life style diseases due to various factors. Their diet has to be modified keeping in mind the diseases he/she is suffering from. The diet should able to meet the nutritional needs of a particular person suffering from an ailment.
Two life style diseases can be

  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.

Diabetes It is a metabolic disorder caused by low or no secretion of insulin harmone which is secreted by the B-cells of langerhans of Pancreas in the body. By the deficiency of insulin, glucose is not-converted into glycogen leading to increased level of glucose in blood. This disease causes weakness and loss of weight of the body.
Dietary management for diabeties are

  • The concerned person should be given a high protein diet as they require more of a protein than a normal person i.e. 1.00 to 1.5 gm protein /kg. Body weight should be taken.
  • Give low carbohydrates if less then 40% of carbohydrates are consumed for energy, the possibility of ketosis increases. The main source of carbohydrates should be starch.
  • Low fat dairy products should be given. 75% of fats should be unsaturated fat, as excessive fat should leads to faltening of arteries.
  • Low sodium and low calorie diet should be given to diabetics. The diet should be high in fibres.

Hyper Tension or High Blood Pressure Regular flow of blood from heart in the body due to diastolic and systolic pressure of heart. If there is any obstruction in the flow of the blood, then heart has to pump the blood with more force causing high blood pressure. This state is known as hypertension. As this disease may lead to other complications also, care is needed to select the diet of such patients.
Dietary Management for hypertension is

  • Calories People suffering from hypertension should maintain their body weight to avoid workload on arteries. Therefore, their diet should be of less calorie value.
  • Fats Due to hypertension, the flexibility of arteries is reduced because of deposition of cholesterol in them. Therefore, hypertension patients should avoid animal fats and saturated fatty acids. Intake of unsaturated fats should be restricted to 40 gms.
  • Proteins Hypertension patients should also avoid protein rich diet such as — meat, fish, egg and milk because protein rich food contains more of sodium also. They should restrict the intake of protein upto 20 gms only.
  • Minerals Calcium and Potassium are essential nutrients during hypertension to excrete excess amount of sodium from the body. Hypertension patients should consume barley, lobhia, bathu, mustard leaves and pumpkin as they do not contain any sodium.

Induce a variety of fruits and vegetables in diet as they contain potassium and fibre. They have an opposite effect to sodiurn and prevent water retention, thereby reducing blood pressure.

Answer 23.
As Radha wants to buy a silk saree for a specific function i.e. wedding, she should buy from a reputed store or brand. Silk is always expensive so we must survey the market and go to the established brands or store so that we may not be cheated.
While buying saree, she must see the silk mark. Authentic silk sarees always carry a ‘Silk Mark’ on them. As the occasion for which Radha wants to buy a saree is wedding, she should choose some bright colours to suit the occasion.
She should also check the fibre, yarn and finishing of the saree so that her money does not get wasted.
Six ways how Radha can store her silk sarees are

  • Saree should be properly aired to remove perspiration smell. Moreover it is better to get the silk dry-cleaned before storing it.
  • It should be wrapped in clean, while muslin cloth to keep it safe.
  • Tissue paper should be inserted between the folds to keep saree intact.
  • Moth proof finish on silk makes it safe from insects.
  • Never use naphthalene balls for silk sarees with zari, as it turns black.
  • With following precautions, the silk saree can be stored carefully and can be used on many occasions.

Answer 24.
All of us are consumers in one way or the other. Every consumer faces many problems while making purchases. Four ways through which the shopkeeper generally cheat their customers are as following

  • Weighing vegetables by using stones or bricks in place of standard weights.
  • The shopkeeper may use magnet under the pan of the scale or iron rings hung on one side of the balance to make is heavier.
  • Through adulteration also a shopkeeper can cheat its customers.
  • Weighing of goods alongwith their boxes is another way of cheating.
  • We all are witness to price variation in the same product according to shop, locality or and city. Some

shopkeepers ever charge more than the printed MRP (Maximum Retail Price) by putting up their own price tags. .
Six buying tips which may save anyone from being cheated are

  • To check the weights and measures before making purchases.
  • Before buying one must read the labels properly.
  • Buying loose food stuff should be avoided.
  • Try to buy the product from reputed and established shops.
  • While buying a product, one must demand a proper bill from the shopkeepers.
  • If the consumer feels that the shopkeeper uses malpractice in weights and measures, he/she should immediately lodge a complaint with Weights and Measures bureau.

Answer 25.
Anger is a normal human emotion. But when one gets explosive anger, it can have serious consequences bn relationships, health and state of mind.
Some strategies to control anger are

  1. One should take deep breath and count up to ten.
  2. Count your blessings.
  3. Write thoughts on a paper and then destroy it.
  4. Talk to trust worthy person, it will certainly help in control your anger.
  5. Think before you speak In the heat  of the moment, it’s easy to say something you’ll later regret.
  6. Once you are calm, express you anger — As soon as you’re thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational ways.

Some consequences of anger are

  1. Anger affects us physically as well as mentally.
  2. Anger increases the risk of developing heart diseases and blood pressure.
  3. Angry people are more prone to mental disorder like depression and insomnia.
  4. Angry outbursts give rise to negative emotions such as guilt, loneliness and sadness, one loses respect among others.
  5. Lashing out on workers, colleagues or clients create a distance between them. People start Staying away from angry person and might not like to continue working with them.
  6. Angry people also lose goodwill and chances of rising in career.
  7. People try to stay away from a person who suffers from chronic anger and avoid to speak honestly.

It is advised therefore that one should try to control anger as it is harmful physically, mentally and socially.

We hope the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for class 12 Home Science. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2

SubjectHome Science
Sample Paper SetPaper 2
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 2 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • There are total 25 questions.
  • Questions no. 1-6 are for 1 mark, to be answered in one or two lines.
  • Questions no. 7-13 are of 2 marks, to be answered in 10-20 words.
  • Questions no. 14-15 are of 3 marks, to be answered in 20-30 words.
  • Questions no. 16-21 are of 4 marks, to be answered in 40 words.
  • Questions no. 22-25 are of 5 marks, to be answered in 50-60 words.
  • Support your answers with suitable examples wherever required.


Question 1.
List any two precautions you will take in order to save your expensive clothes.

Question 2.
As per the latest RDA, how much protein is required by a 14 year old adolescent girl?

Question 3.
Mention any two skills that you will develop by studying a course of clothing and textiles.

Question 4.
What two points will Mrs Singh consider while planning a meal for her pregnant daughter-in-law?

Question 5.
State two consumer rights which will help you to get justice when cheated.

Question 6.
Suggest two courses to your friend who wants to pursue her career in Home Science after Class XII.

Question 7.
“Identity crisis is experienced by all adolescents during adolescence”. Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with two suitable examples.

Question 8.
Draw a weekly format of maintaining household records.

Question 9.
State any four ways to meet the social needs of a 60 year old person.

Question 10.
How do diseases/illnesses affect the nutritional status of a person? Support your answer with two suitable examples.

Question 11.
Your mother sent you to a departmental store to purchase a loaf of bread. Which four features will you check on the label?

Question 12.
Explain the action of soap and detergent in removing dirt form fabrics.

Question 13.
“Warm colours and Cool colours influence the personality of a person”. Justify the statement with two suitable examples of each.

Question 14.
While working in the Home Science lab you stained your white shirt. Which six general principles will you follow while removing the stain?

Question 15.
A group of students from Class X is going on an excursion trip. Demonstrate to them the method of cleaning water by using chlorine tablets. Also explain to them any two advantages of using chlorine tablets.

Question 16.
What do you understand by the term ‘Personal Hygiene’? Make a chart mentioning 6 do’s and 6 don’ts to be followed in your Home Science lab.

Question 17.
Explain any four situations in which a consumer can file a complaint in the CPA and also list any four reliefs which are available to consumers under this Act.

Question 18.
Write any four new responsibilities of a newly-wed couple and also explain four skills they need to have to manage these responsibilities.

Question 19.
When is food said to be adulterated? Give any four points in support of your answer.
Name one adulterant which might be present in arhar dal and also write any two health hazards of the same.

Question 20.
Define the term ‘Investment’. Name any two long term scheme which will help a person to invest his/her savings for further use. Write two advantages and two disadvantages of each.

Question 21.
“Different clothes are required by different age groups.” What four points will you consider while selecting clothes for your 5 year old sister and 13 year old brother?

Question 22.
Which six features will Nidhi look for in a readymade gown to showcase efficient workmanship? Which mark in the label will indicate that it is 100% pure silk? Draw the logo of the same.

Question 23.
Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Real Income. Explain any three ways by which you and your college studying brother can supplement the family income.

Question 24.
Write any four symptoms of diabetes. List four major considerations in dietary management of the same. Name any two food items which should be liberally allowed to a diabetic patient.

Question 25.
Educate a group of students of Class Xth and XIth about four causes of substance abuse among adolescents and also explain any two consequences of substance abuse on physical health and mental health respectively. Write any two ways of controlling it.


Answer 1.
Two precautions I will take to save my expensive clothes are

  • Moth balls should be placed inside the containers used for storing the clothes for a long time.
  • They should be dry-cleaned and aired properly before storage.

Answer 2.
As per the latest RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) the amount of protein required by a 14 year old adolescent girl is 52 grams per day.

Answer 3.
Two skills that I will develop by studying a course of clothing and textiles are

  • Designing fabrics and apparel.
  • Care and maintenance of fabrics.

Answer 4.
Mrs Singh will consider the following points while planning a meal for her pregnant daughter-in-law

  • For the healthy growth and development of the foetus the meal should have more than the normal calories, proteins, calcium, iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
  • The pregnant daughter-in-law should be given food with more fibre and water, as she may suffer from

Answer 5.
Two consumer rights which will help me to get justice when cheated, are,

  • Right to be heard.
  • Right to seek redressal

Answer 6.
The two courses that I will suggest to my friend who wants to pursue her career in Home Science after Class XII, are,

  • B.Sc. in Home Science.
  • Degree course in Hotel Management

Answer 7.
I agree with the statement, “Identity crisis is experienced by all adolescents during adolescence.” Two examples of an identity crisis are

  • The adolescent struggles to establish her/ his values and goals in life due to lack of guidance from parents or teachers.
  • The adolescent has several commitments which prescribe conflicting behaviours in a situation so that some commitments will not be met by behaving in a particular manner.

Answer 8.
A weekly format of maintaining household records is shown below

Item Paid forDay of the WeekWeekly Amount Spent (Rs)
Sunday  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Daily Total
Spent (Rs)

Answer 9.
Four ways to meet the social needs of a 60 year old person are

  1. Taking her/ him to parks for walk.
  2. Involving her/ him in some hobbies in which she/ he shows interest.
  3. Taking her/ him to visit relatives or friends of similar age.
  4. Taking her/ him to social functions.

Answer 10.
Diseases and illnesses affect the nutritional status of a person in two ways

  1. The nutrition should be modified to replace the nutrients lost due to the illness or disease. An example of this is that if the patient is suffering from diarrhoea, the food mostly passes out of the body without being digested by the small intestines and so the nutritional requirement must be increased.
  2. The nutrition should be modified so as not to aggravate the disease any more. For if a person is suffering from diabetes, a low carbohydrate food must be given to simple example, so that blood sugar does not go up.

Answer 11.
The four features that I will check on the label of the bread are

  1. The net weight of the loaf of bread.
  2. The date of expiry and manufacturing of the loaf of bread.
  3. The Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of the product.
  4. The name and address of the manufacturer and ingredient in making loaf of bread.

Answer 12.
When the soap molecules come in contact with water, the non-ionic part of a soap molecule attaches itself to the dirt on the fabric because the dirt is miscible in it. The ionic part remains in the water. The dirt is removed when clothes are rinsed many times with soap in clean water.

When a detergent is added to water, the detergent molecules increase the surface tension of the water and penetrate in between the dirt and the fabric, where water alone cannot enter. The scrubbing action helps in moving the detergent deeper inside the fabric and makes the dirt float on the solution. The dirt hangs on the tail of the detergent molecule and is removed by movement of water particles during rinsing.

Answer 13.
Warm colours are derived from the sun and fire, such as red, yellow and orange. Such colours influence the personality of a person by making him/her more open arid responsive to stimuli. Such colours also tend to make the personality more aggressive.

Cool colours are derived from water, such as green, blue and purple. Such colours influence the personality of a person by making the him/her more calm and relaxed. They also create a feeling of being less distracted by noise as well as feeling detached and reserved

Answer 14.
Six general principles that I will follow while removing a stain from my white shirt are

  • The stain should be removed when it is fresh, as far as possible.
  • Identify the nature of stain so that an appropriate method to remove it can be used.
  • If the stain is from an unknown source, the shirt should be first washed in cold water and then with detergent in hot water. In case the stain persists, the shirt should be bleached.
  • Only dilute solution of chemical should be used to remove the stain so as to avoid damage to the shirt.
  • Acidic stains should be washed in alkaline solutions.
  • The stain should be removed by rubbing the chemical in a circular motion with the hands from the backside
    of the shirt.

Answer 15.
The method used for cleaning water by using chlorine tablets is to dissolve one tablet of 4 mg for every litre of water and keep the bottle closed for 10 minutes. Then open the bottle and consume the water, as all bacteriological contaminants will be dead.
Two advantages of using chlorine tablets are

  1. These tablets are convenient to carry, particularly for the military in camps or by hikers.
  2. It is a safe and effective method, as all bacterial contaminants are killed.

Answer 16.
The term ‘Personal Hygiene’ refers to maintaining cleanliness of one’s body and clothing to preserve overall health and well-being. It includes a number of different activities related to washing or bathing, including cleansing yourself after using the toilet taking proper care of the mouth grooming and dressing and keeping clothing clean.
Do’s and don’ts to be followed in the Home Science lab are given in the table below

Wear clean clothes while working.Wear dirty clothes while working in the lab.
Keep your nails trimmed.Paint your nails or keep them long.
Wash your hands before starting work.Keep vegetables uncovered after cutting them for cooking.
Use clean utensils.Sneeze or cough on food items.
Cover food items after they have been cooked.Use dirty work surfaces or dirty knives.
Keep the lab free from insects and cockroaches.Handle food items if you have a, burn or cut on the hands.

Answer 17.
Four situations in which a consumer can file a complaint under the CPA (Consumer Protection Act) are

  • Shopkeepers charging more than the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) or altering the MRP with their own stickers.
  • The shopkeeper refusing to show a pamphlet regarding detailed information about the product the product.
  • The shopkeeper selling adulterated or loose items (when prohibited).
  • The shopkeeper trying to promote sales of items whose date of expiry has passed.

Four reliefs to consumers under this act are

  • Replacement or repair of defective goods.
  • Refund of price paid for the defective goods or services.
  • Refund of extra money charged.
  • Compensation for the loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to negligence of the shopkeeper.

Answer 18.
Four new responsibilities of a newly-wed couple are

  • Be open to new ideas and try to understand the partner’s point of view.
  • Adjust habits of sleeping, eating etc with the partner.
  • Accept the partner as he/ she is.
  • Educate self for parenthood.

Four skills they need to have to manage these responsibilities are

  • Skill of adjustment with others.
  • Skills of time, money and energy management.
  • Skill of managing household chores as well as cooking (mainly for women).
  • Skill of being a good parent to the children.

Answer 19.
Food is said to be adulterated if it is deliberately spoiled or its quality is degraded when it is offered for sale, either by admixture, substitution by an inferior substance or by removal of a valuable substance. For instance,

  1. It consists wholly or partially of any filthy, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance.
  2. It contains any harmful substance due to unhygienic processing.
  3. It is coloured, flavoured, coated, powdered or polished to make it appealing or of greater value.
  4. It is prepared, packed or stored in insanitary conditions.

One adulterant which might be present in arhar dal is Metanil yellow. Two health hazards of Metanil yellow are as follows

  1. It can cause abnormalities in the skin, eyes, bones and lungs.
  2. It causes degeneration of the reproductive organs, leading to sterility.

Answer 20.
The term ‘Investment’ means that part of income which may be used to purchase a financial product or other item of value to generate some additional income.
Two long term schemes, with their advantages and disadvantages, which will help a person to invest his/ her savings for further use, are given in the table below

Name of SchemeAdvantagesDisadvantages
Public Provident Fund(PPF)Very low minimum amount of money needs to be invested every year (Rs 500 minimum)
Very high rate of interest (7.6%) compared investment schemes
The investment must be kept locked in for a long period (minimum 15 years), although partial withdrawal is allowed.
Maximum limit of investment in a year is limited to Rs 1.5 lakhs only.
National Savings Certificate (NSC)It is one of the safest investment tools available at all Indian post-offices because it is guaranteed by the Government of India. The amount invested is eligible for deduction under section 80C of Income tax Act, 1961The investor cannot redeem the National Savings Certificate before its maturity period except in some cases like death etc.
The certificate has to be physically kept till maturity.

Answer 21.
Four points to be considered for selecting clothes for my 5 year old sister and 13 year old brother are

For my 5 year old sisterFor my 13 year old brother
Clothes should be of colours liked by girls like pink, red, yellow, blue’or light green.The brother’s opinion should be taken for selecting clothes that he has to wear. He may not always like the influence that his elders exert on what he has to wear.
Clothes should be comfortable and durable and allow free movement.Clothes should be according to the current fashion, trends and styles because adolescents prefer such clothes.
Clothes should be made of soft absorbent cloth like cotton or linen. Synthetic clothes should be avoided as they may irritate the girl’s delicate skin.The clothes should have enough allowances at the seam and hem so as to be adjustable to the adolescent’s speed of growth. ‘
The clothes should be of fast colour, easy to wash and crease resistant.Clothes with radiant colours reflecting enthusiasm, cheerfulness and liveliness should be chosen.

Answer 22.
Six features which Nidhi will look for in a readymade gown to showcase efficient workmanship are

  • There should be no puckering.
  • The gown should be stitched with matching coloured thread.
  • There should be enough hem and seam allowance.
  • There should be seam interlocking.
  • Stress areas should be reinforced with double thread. ‘
  • Print should be aligned on different parts of the dress.

The mark on the label which will indicate that it is 100% pure silk is called the Silk Mark. The logo is given below
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2 1
Answer 23.
Direct (Non-money) Income consists of the goods and services availed by a family directly through their efforts or the efforts of the community without the use of money. In comparison, Indirect Real Income consists of those goods and services which are availed indirectly by a family in which some medium of exchange, usually money, is involved.
Three ways in which my college studying brother and I can supplement the family income are

  • Taking up part-time jobs My brother and I can work as a part-time shop salesperson or an accountant during the evening hours.
  • Self-employment My brother and I can conduct tuitions, cookery classes, make candles, tailor clothes etc during our spare time.
  • Judicious use of possessions My family can use their land/ plot for growing vegetables which my brother or I can cultivate and sell.

Answer 24.
Four symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, excessive thirst and hunger, delayed healing of wounds and
cuts, impaired vision, weight loss and tingling sensation in hands and feet.
Four major considerations in dietary management of diabetes are

  1. High protein and low carbohydrate diet.
  2. Consume limited artificial sweeteners and fruits in moderation.
  3. Eat smaller portions every 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Consume liquids every hour.

Two food items which should be liberally allowed to a diabetic patient are kidney beans and onions, as they are both high in fibre while being low in carbohydrates

Answer 25.
Four causes of substance abuse among adolescents are

  • To fit in Many adolescents use drugs because they think others are doing it and they fear not being accepted in a social circle that includes drug using peers.
  • To feel good The drugs interact with the neurochemistry of the brain to produce feelings of pleasure. The intensity of this euphoria varies according to the type of drug and how it is used.
  • To perform better In our competitive society, in which the pressure to perform athletically and academically can be intense, some adolescents turn to stimulants because they think these will enhance or improve their performance.
  • To experiment Adolescents are often motivated to seek new experiences, particularly those which perceive as thrilling or daring.

Two consequences of substance abuse on physical health are

  • Liver damage
  • Increased blood pressure

Two consequences of substance abuse on mental health are

  • Permanent irreversible brain damage
  • Emotional and behavioural problems

Two ways of controlling substance abuse are

  • Admitting them in a drug rehabilitation centre. After they are cured, they must be kept busy in various activities.
  • Encouraging them to spend more time with the family.

We hope the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2 help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 2, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for class 12 Home Science. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1

SubjectHome Science
Sample Paper SetPaper 1
CategoryCBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 1 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • There are total 25 questions.
  • Questions no. 1-6 are for 1 mark, to be answered in one or two lines.
  • Questions no. 7-13 are of 2 marks, to be answered in 10-20 words.
  • Questions no. 14-15 are of 3 marks, to be answered in 20-30 words.
  • Questions no. 16-21 are of 4 marks, to be answered in 40 words.
  • Questions no. 22-25 are of 5 marks, to be answered in 50-60 words.
  • Support your answers with suitable examples wherever required.


Question 1.
Other than FSSAI, which standard mark should you check while buying soyabean oil and milk powder ?

Question 2.
List any two responsibilities of the Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA.

Question 3.
Inform the staff at the ICDS centre about the changes in daily needs of iron and calcium for pregnant women.

Question 4.
Draw a symbol which indicates on the label, the quality and purity of a woollen sweater.

Question 5.
Draw suitable symbols for the care label of a dress to indicate that it should be tumble dried and not be bleached.

Question 6.
The boutique owner told Sandhya that the dress she had bought could not be bleached. Draw the symbol of care lable for such a dress.

Question 7.
Write four reasons as to why you do not want to buy a washing machine through the Internet.

Question 8.
After studying child development, Mrs Jain started a nursery school, which is not doing well. Acquaint her with four ideas from her own expertise, implementation of which can help her extend her business and thus income.

Question 9.
After retirement, Mr Gupta is now staying at home with his family. He often gets angry with everybody in the family. What could be the two reasons for his anger ? Suggest two ways by which he can control this emotion.

Question 10.
What could be the two possible conditions under which the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) imposes fine on a shopkeeper selling mustard oil after declaring the oil as adulterated ? List two health hazards of consuming such oils

Question 11.
Other than buying fabric from a reputed shop and of a reputed brand, what four features would you check in the fabric, to ensure its good quality ?

Question 12.
You are designing a dress for a six-year-old boy. You want that it should be comfortable and the child can wear and remove it himself. List four features of this dress which will ensure fulfilment of the above mentioned objectives.

Question 13.
In spite of boiling, the drinking water was declared unsafe. What could be the four possible reasons for this ?

Question 14.
Sixteen-year-old Garima’s friend Gunish wants to get physically intimate with her, against her wishes. If you were Garima, in what four ways would you have refused him ? Give two reasons for your refusal.

Question 15.
Suggest Sunil two ways of increasing his monthly income and convince him to record his monthly expenses. Suggest a suitable format for monthly record of his expenses.

Question 16.
Identify eight possible mistakes consumers make which may prevent them from’filing a complaint in the consumer court.

Question 17.
Present eight important points you will keep in mind for maintaining hygiene in your kitchen.

Question 18.
Twenty -year-old Meeta got a new job away from home in another town. Detail out two new responsibilities each that she has to take regarding her career and home. Also, state the preparation she would require to face this new situation.

Question 19.
Rehana lives in Goa with her husband and children. Briefly explain any four factors which would influence her selection of foods. Convince her with four reasons to plan the meals for her family

Question 20.
“Two major problems faced by consumers are regarding quality and prices of the products.” Elaborate this statement with the help of any four examples each.

Question 21.
After three months, when Reena took out her dress from the storage she found patches and holes in it. She was surprised to see the damage because she had removed the stains before storing it. Explain in detail eight probable reasons that might have caused this damage.

Question 22.
Compare any five features of Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) and National Savings Certificate (NSC).

Question 23.
Identify any five emotional changes happening in adolescent girls. How do these changes influence their personality?

Question 24.
A family has been served moong dal, boiled rice, potato and carrot bhajia and chapati for lunch. Evaluate the adequacy of this meal to suit the requirements of a lactating mother and the suitability for a member suffering from diabetes. Support your answer with adequate reasons.

Question 25.
Usha wants to design a sari and a blouse for a working woman. Explain how she can use all the principles of design in designing this dress. Use illustrations wherever needed.


Answer 1.
The standard mark I should check while buying soyabean oil is the AGMARK certification mark.
The standard mark I should check while buying milk powder is the ISI certification mark.

Answer 2.
Two responsibilities of the Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA are as follows

  1. It is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring the MGNREGA programme.
  2. It is responsible for paying unemployment allowance to those families whose members are not given work under MGNREGA 15 days after submitting their application for willingness to work.

Answer 3.
The changes in the daily needs of iron and calcium for pregnant women are as follows

  1. 38 mg of iron, compared to 30 mg for a normal woman.
  2. 1000 mg of calcium, compared to 400 mg for a normal woman.

Answer 4.
The symbol of purity of wool (Woolmark) is illustrated below
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1 1

Answer 5.
The symbols for the care label of a dress to indicate that it should be tumble dried and not be bleached are given below
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1 2

Answer 6.
Indicators by which I will know the dress has not been cut along the selvedge are as follows

  • The dress will feel uncomfortable to the person wearing it.
  • The dress would not last very long.

Answer 7.
I do not want to buy a washing machine through the Internet for the following reasons

  • I cannot touch or feel the product or examine it at close quarters before buying.
  • Frauds may allow revealing my credit/ debit card information to other people, which may be misused.
  • I may be duped if the washing machine is not delivered and I have made the payment in advance.
  • I may not get proper after sales service for the product if there is a defect in the washing machine.

Answer 8.
Four ideas which can help Mrs Jain extend her income and business are as follows

  1. She can open a creche.
  2. She can start a child counselling service.
  3. She can run a day care centre for school going children of working women.
  4. She can conduct social welfare programmes for children of the weaker sections of society.

Answer 9.
Two reasons for Mr Gupta’s anger may be as follows

  1. Fie may feel that he has been insulted or humiliated by the behaviour of another family member.
  2. Fie may feel that he has been misunderstood by the family members.

Two ways in which he can control this emotion are as follows

  1. Move away from the situation which caused the anger.
  2. Take a few deep breaths

Answer 10.
Two possible conditions under which FSSAI imposes fine on a shopkeeper selling mustard oil are as follows

  1. The mustard oil has been adulterated with argemone oil.
  2. The mustard oil has been adulterated with used mustard oil.

Two health hazards of consuming such oils are as follows

  1. Epidemic dropsy disease results, which starts with gastro-intestinal disturbance, irregular fever,
    rashes and a low pulse rate.
  2. It results in an enlarged liver and renal failure.

Answer 11.
Four features I would check in a fabric to ensure its good quality are as follows

  1. Weave Firmness This can be tested by scratching or stretching the fabric to check that the threads do not shift easily. If they do, the seams of the garment may slip or develop holes around the stitches.
  2. Uniformity of Weave Hold up the fabric against the light to show any uneven weaving, weak spots or imperfections.
  3. Evenness of Colour The dye colour or print colour should be uniform across the fabric with no misprints or black areas.
  4. No Wrinkles The fabric should not show any wrinkles after momentary crushing with the hand, otherwise the dress made out of it will get crumpled easily.

Answer 12.
Four features of the dress are as follows

  1. The dress should be of strong, durable and easily washable fabric.
  2. The dress should have enough margin to cater to the growth of the boy.
  3. The plackets should be sufficiently long to enable the dress to be worn and removed by the boy himself.
  4. The dress should neither be too loose nor too tight, otherwise it will hamper his movements during playing.

Answer 13.
Four possible reasons for drinking water being declared unsafe in spite of boiling are as follows

  1. The boiling was done for less than the minimum 10 minutes required.
  2. The container used for boiling the water was dirty.
  3. The water had not been strained before boiling, so that some suspended matter remained in it.
  4. It may still contain pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, as these are not eliminated by boiling.

Answer 14.
Four ways in which I would have refused Gunish, if I was Garima, are as follows

  1. I do not want to indulge in physical intimacy before marriage.
  2. My parents will get angry at me if they find out.
  3. I am afraid I might get pregnant.
  4. I will get physically intimate only with a person whom I love, not with friends.

Two reasons for her refusal are as follows

  1. She may be afraid of contracting STD or AIDS from Gunish.
  2. She will earn a bad reputation.

Answer 15.
Two ways for Sunil to increase his monthly income are as follows

  1. He can take up a part-time work like distributing newspapers in the morning hours.
  2. He can conduct tuitions for school children in the evenings.

A suitable format for monthly record of Sunil’s expenses is given below

DateIncome / Cash received(Rs)ItemRate per Kg/ litreQuantity(Kg/ litre)Amount spentBalance cash (Rs)

Answer 16.
Mistakes consumers make which may prevent them from filing a complaint in the consumer court are as follows

  1. The consumer did not take a cash memo or bill for the item purchased.
  2. The complaint was not filed within two years of purchase of the item.
  3. The complainant is not the final consumer of the goods, but is only a trader.
  4. The consumer has not informed the shopkeeper about the problem at least 15 days in advance of the complaint.
  5. The consumer is not clear about the problem with the item purchased.
  6. The complainant has not submitted an affidavit certifying that the contents of the complaint are true.
  7. The complainant has not paid the fees required to be paid for lodging the complaint.
  8. The consumer is not clear about the loss incurred by him or the compensation demanded.

Answer 17.
Important points I will keep in mind for (maintaining hygiene in my kitchen are as follows

  1. Keep the wire mesh windows closed.
  2. Fit cockroach traps on drains.
  3. Spray insecticides periodically.
  4. Use insect/ fly trap.
  5. Do not leave dirty utensils at night in the sink.
  6. Store ingredients in airtight boxes.
  7. Keep food covered at all locations.
  8. Cover and line dustbins

Answer 18.
Two new responsibilities that Meeta has to take regarding her career are as follows

  • She may find that she is facing maladjustment with the new job.
  • She may find that she is not progressing in her career in the new job.

Two new responsibilities that Meeta has to take regarding her home are as follows

  • She will have to do all her household chores like cooking, cleaning, washing her clothes etc.
  • She will have to learn time, money and energy management techniques.

The preparation that Meeta would require to face the new situation would be as follows

  • She should be willing to acquire an additional qualification through part-time studies so that she can progress in her new job.
  • She should be prepared to adjust her thinking with that of her colleagues and seniors in her new job.
  • She will need to learn how to manage her finances independently.
  • She will need to learn how to manage household chores independently.

Answer 19.
Factors which would influence Rehana’s selection of foods are as follows

  • Energy Requirement Rehana’s husband’s energy requirement will depend upon whether he is a heavy, moderate or sedentary worker.
  • Children’s Requirements Rehana’s children will require food according to their age. Food for
    infants, pre-school children, school going children or adolescents have to be planned according to their age group. ‘
  • Locally Available Foods As Rehana’s family is living in a coastal area, seafood and fish are cheaper and so will be a regular constituent of their meals.
  • Available Medium for Cooking They may use coconut oil for cooking, as it is abundantly available in coastal areas.

Reasons for Rehana to plan the meals for her family are as follows

  • The family members should get the nutrients they require.
  • The meals should give a feeling of satiety.
  • The meals should have variety in food groups, colour, texture, taste, flavour etc so that the family members are interested in eating.
  • Rehana should save time, money and energy by planning the meals.

Answer 20.
Examples of consumers facing problems in quality of products are as follows

  • There is adulteration in the products.
  • The products are below the prescribed standards of quality.
  • The labels on the goods are either misleading or incomplete.
  • The weights or measures are actually less than the ones mentioned on the label.

Examples of consumers facing problems in prices of products are as follows

  • Shopkeepers charge higher prices than the Maximum Retail Price (MRP).
  • They sell loose items without labels or packages and charge arbitrary prices for loose items.
  • Poor quality goods are sold at the price of good quality popular brands.
  • Prices are not fixed and prices between two shops also vary.

Answer 21.
Probable reasons that might have caused the damage to Reena’s dress are as follows

  • The remaining traces of the chemical used to remove the stain may not have been removed by rinsing the dress in plain water afterwards.
  • The patches could also have come because of the ‘bleeding’ of the colour of the dress.
  • The dress may have been torn and was not mended before the stain removal.
  • The dress was not ironed before storage.
  • The dress may have been damp at the time of storage.
  • No moth balls or neem leaves were kept in the storage box.
  • The storage box was not dry and airtight.
  • If the dress was made of cotton and starch was not removed from it before storage, silverfish may

Answer 22.
The features of Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) and National Savings Certificate (NSC) are compared in the table below (any five)

FeatureMonthly Income Scheme (MIS)National Savings Certificate (NSC)
1. Minimum amount to be invested₹ 1500₹ 100
2. Length / time period5 years5 yrs
3. Maxirpum limit of investment₹ 4.5 lakhs (singly) or 9 lakhs (jointly)No limit
4. Income Tax rebateNoYes, under Section 80CC of Income Tax Act
5. Premature / Partial withdrawalAllowed after one year with deductionsAllowed after one year with deductions and under certain conditions
6. Rate of interest7.7% currently (changes from time to time)8.0% currently (changes from time to time)
7. Facility of monthly incomeYesNo

Answer 23.
Emotional changes happening in adolescent girls which influence their personality are as follows

  • Due to Physical Changes Bodily changes in girls like onset of menstruation, growth of pubic hair and breasts etc can be confusing and scary, more so if they have no idea what is happening. Lack of awareness can lead girls to think that there is something wrong with them and make them feel embarrassed.
  • Mood Swings The subtle changes in a girl’s feelings and emotions are due to the hormonal changes in her body. A girl will seem relaxed and reasonable at one moment and may lose her temper the next moment. Experiencing different emotions in a short span of time can be overwhelming and also confusing. It leads to frustration and anger, and may even lead to violence.
  • Identity Crisis During adolescence, a girl is neither a child nor an adult. $he becomes conscious of the changes in her body. It is the time for experimenting and experiencing different things to know herself better and understand what makes her unique. The attempt to figure out who she is occurs due to the pressure to fit in.
  • Change In Relationships An adolescent girl may start spending more time with peers than with parents. She may even feel embarrassed to be seen with a parent in public. For her, both friends and family are important. She wants the acceptance of her peers, along with the guidance and support of parents. She may start questioning and rejecting what their parents say and do.
  • Feeling Extremely Sensitive Hormonal changes during puberty make girls extremely sensitive to certain things. Emotionally sensitive teenage girls are easily overwhelmed by their feelings and are not in a position to understand logical reasoning, which makes it harder to counsel them.

Answer 24.
The adequacy of each item for lunch is given below with reasons.

  • Moong Dal The lactating mother should be given more dal (for more proteins) with little spices. Coriander leaves / palak leaves (for vitamin A) and lemon (for vitamin C) should be added in the dal for her. For the family member suffering from diabetes, whole dal can be given to provide less protein and more fibre.
  • Boiled Rice Add broccoli (for folic acid and zinc) to the rice as a garnishing for the lactating mother. For the diabetic, polished rice shoula De totally avoided, as it raises the blood sugar level. However, he can eat brown (unpolished) rice.
  • Potato and Carrot Bhajiya The carrot gives Vitamin A and the potatoes give carbohydrates (giving energy), which are both essential for the lactating mother. The diabetic should only eat the carrots. The potatoes will raise the blood sugar; so he should avoid them.
  • Chapati As the lactating mother needs more calcium, plain chapatis are inadequate. The dough of the chapatis should be mixed with paneer and then kneaded to give the additional calcium. The diabetic should eat chapatis made from coarse cereals like ragi or jowar. Fine cereals should be avoided, as they raise the blood sugar level.

Answer 25.
Usha can use the principles of design in the following manner for designing a sari and blouse for a working woman.

  • Balance Formal balance can be achieved when structures and use of accessories are identical on both sides of the dress. This can be achieved in the blouse, as shown in the illustration below.
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1 3
  • Proportion This is the relationship of parts of a dress to one another and to the whole dress. This is based on the proportion of the golden mean which is represented by ratios like 3:5:8, 5: 8:13 and so on. In this case the ratio of the length of the blouse to that of the saree may be 3:5.
  • Rhythm This can be achieved by repetition, gradation, radiation, parallelism or alternation. For instance, alternating red and green pleats in the saree will make the eyes travel smoothly from one part of the sari to another.
  • Emphasis The centre of attraction in a dress is called the point of emphasis. In this case, it can be the neck of the blouse, where a continuing change in intensity from bright to dull, or from light to dark, can be made, as shown in the illustration below.
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 1 4
  • Harmony This is possible when all elements of the design – lines, colours, form or shape and texture are related, consistent and in a sequence or order. For instance, both the sari and blouse can be made of silk.

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