Balanced Diet Essay | Essay on Balanced Diet for Students and Children in English

Essay on Balanced Diet: A balanced diet is a diet that includes every category of nutrients in it. It is important to eat according to a balanced diet because it the best way to ensure our good health. A balanced diet consists of every food group that we need to prevent ourselves from harmful infections and diseases.

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Long and Short Essay on Balanced diet for Students and Children in English

In this article, we have provided one long Essay on the topic, a brief report, and ten lines on the same item, to help students write these essays in their examinations. Given below is a long essay on a balanced diet composed of 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words.

Long Essay on Balanced Diet 500 words in English

Balanced Diet Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

A balanced diet is a diet that contains all essential food groups. There are five primary nutrients that our body requires for proper functioning. Carbohydrates are energy-giving food that contains starch and sugar; proteins are bodybuilding foods, fats are energy-giving, vitamins and minerals are foods that make us resistant to diseases. All these food groups are vital for our good health.

Apart from the primary five nutrients, there is also roughage and water. Roughage is the fiber portion of the food we eat, and water is crucial for regulating our body processes. A balanced diet contains all these nutrients in appropriate quantities. It is essential to understand what kind of food gives us nutrients. Bread, potatoes, sugar, rice, and chapattis are rich in carbohydrates. We must consume this kind of food as they are our primary source of energy. Any vegetable that grows under the ground, for example, carrots, sweet potato, radishes are rich in carbohydrates. Children and adolescents must consume carbohydrates as they need a lot of energy.

Meat, fish, pulses, lentil, eggs, milk, and every kind of milk product like cottage cheese and paneer are rich in proteins. Proteins are our main source of energy. Proteins are essential for people of every age group. Anybody who wants to eat less fat for their meals must compensate for it by eating more proteins. Proteins are necessary for adolescents since they help in muscle development.

Oil, sugar, cream, cheese, red meat, ghee, butter, etc. are all rich in fat. Fat gives us more energy. Children should consume an adequate amount of fat as they need it for their growth. Fats, when consumed in large quantities, resulting in excess deposition of adipose tissue and leads to weight gain. However, fats are an essential component of our diet, and we must take them up adequately.

Fruits and leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals build our body defenses against diseases and viral infections. Deficiency of vitamins can cause many conditions ranging from night blindness to scurvy. It can also make our gums bleed and lead to the formation of painful scabs in our mouth. Most importantly, deficiency of vitamins and minerals causes us more exposed to illnesses. Roughage is vital for smooth bowel movements. Fibers are essential for digestion and bowel formation. Water is indispensable to facilitate every bodily function starting from metabolism to assimilation. Water is vital for survival, and we cannot live without it.

A balanced diet is rich in all these nutrients. It must contain the required food groups in appropriate quantities. An athlete or somebody who engages in heavy physical labour must consume large amounts of protein. Protein gives them the energy to work hard. A person who is mainly involved in desk work must consume less fat as he has almost no physical exercise. Thus, he must consume food that his body can break down quickly. All in all, a balanced diet ensures our good health and is vital for leaving a healthy life.

Long Essay on Balanced Diet

Short Essay on Balanced Diet 150 words in English

Balanced Diet essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

A balanced diet has widespread necessities in our lives. Following a balanced diet ensures that we are eating healthy. Our generation engages in eating junk food too often, and that is very harmful to us. Foods that contain too much oil or too much carbohydrate can have adverse effects on us. Eating home-cooked meals like pulses, rice, fish, etc. is better for our health.

Balanced Diet Essay Conclusion

A balanced diet includes every kind of food, and that ensures that we are looking after our health. For example, “Khichdi” is a perfectly balanced diet. Lentil soup and chicken stew are excellent sources of protein. A balanced diet helps us in maintaining a healthy body weight. With a little bit of exercise and hard work, we can all lead active lives. we will soonly update Balanced Diet Essay in Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Malayalam.

10 Lines on Balanced Diet Essay in English

  1. A balanced diet is a diet that comprises every food group and helps sustain a healthy body.
  2. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are the five main food groups that we must incorporate in our diet.
  3. The deficiency of carbohydrates can cause exhaustion and fatigue. Lack of proteins may result in stunted growth and underdeveloped muscles.
  4. Vitamins and minerals deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to diseases, night blindness, rickets, etc.
  5. Less roughage and water in the diet may lead to dehydration and indigestion, leading to irregular bowel movements.
  6. A balanced diet must have every component in sufficient amounts. Increased consumption of carbohydrates and fats may lead to consequences.
  7. A balanced diet helps maintain proper body weight, keeps us nourished, and our skin is free of acne and pimples.
  8. Proteins are essential for adolescents as they need it for their growth and development.
  9. It develops healthy eating habits and helps us to reach our optimum health goals.
  10. We must all follow a balanced diet and, thus, lead beautiful lives.

10 Lines on Balanced Diet

FAQ’s on Balanced Diet Essay

Question 1.
What are proteins?

Proteins are bodybuilding foods that help us to develop our muscles and give us strength.

Question 2.
Why do we need a balanced diet?

We need a balanced diet to ensure the consumption of all nutrients, thus leading to a healthy life.

Question 3.
Why are junk foods considered to be unhealthy?

Junk foods have high-fat content and almost no nutritional value. Thus they harm our bodies and may lead to liver diseases.

Question 4.
Is eating raw vegetables well?

Certain vegetables like cucumber, carrots, spinach, lettuce, etc. must be consumed raw. This helps in preserving their nutritional value.

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