10 Lines on World Hepatitis Day for Students and Children in English

10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day: Raising awareness about the disease is the aim of World Hepatitis Day, which is observed on 28th July each year all over the globe. As reports suggest, about three hundred million people live with Hepatitis, and they are entirely unaware of it.

This day is celebrated as the beginning to make people conscious about the disease so that they can fight it and happily enjoy their life. Millions of people are suffering from Hepatitis B and C infections, which is the leading cause of liver cancer worldwide.

Due to unpunctual testing of the Hepatitis virus, about 60% of people are suffering. Health associates and hospitals these days arranging many health camps to identify the disease.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. We celebrate World Hepatitis Day on 28th July every year.
  2. Almost all countries celebrate this day.
  3. Hepatitis-B is a disease that affects the liver, and it also sometimes takes the form of liver cancer.
  4. Loss of appetite, repeated fever, feeling more tired, nausea, vomiting are some of the initial signs of this infection.
  5. The body is permanently affected when the virus targets the liver of the patient.
  6. Some of the problems due to this virus are fatigue, muscle aches, abdominal pain, jaundice, and high fever.
  7. It takes almost six months for the patient to recover from Hepatitis-B infection.
  8. The infection spreads from an infected person to a healthy individual.
  9. Only 10 percent of cases of this virus take severe form.
  10. In the world, about 1.34 million people die from this disease every year.

10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Every year across the globe, on 28th July, World Hepatitis Day is observed.
  2. Hepatitis virus is the cause of the liver disease called Hepatitis.
  3. The most common fatal hepatitis virus are Hepatitis A, B, and C.
  4. Most people live with the infection and illness, which is Hepatitis, unaware of their situation, leading to complications later.
  5. World Hepatitis Day raises awareness about the disease and promotes individuals to get timely detection and treatment.
  6. Across the globe, many groups, communities, and patients participate in this event to mark the occasion.
  7. One of the WHO’s official global public health campaigns is World Hepatitis Day.
  8. Every year people celebrate World Hepatitis Day with a theme symbolizing a unique approach towards the cause.
  9. The idea of 2019’s World Hepatitis Day was “Find the Missing Millions,” aiming at the timely detection of the disease.
  10. World Hepatitis Day helps fight the global threat, Viral Hepatitis, which is a significant health concern.

Set 3 – 10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. We celebrate World Hepatitis Day to spread awareness about Hepatitis and encourage individuals to diagnose and treat themselves from Hepatitis.
  2. On 28th July, we celebrate the birthday of Nobel Prize winner Professor Baruch Samuel Blumberg in the field of medicines.
  3. Characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue, Hepatitis causes liver inflammation.
  4. In the year 2017, according to a study by the National Centre for Disease Control, about 119,000 cases of hepatitis virus were reported in India.
  5. Hepatitis E is the leading cause of the epidemic form of Hepatitis in India, and Hepatitis A is mostly seen in the case of children.
  6. The prominent global health problem is Viral Hepatitis, and it needs immediate attention.
  7. With an ambitious target for viral Hepatitis and elimination of the public health hazard caused by Hepatitis, the World Health Organization has pledged to adopt the first elimination strategy by 2030.
  8. Hepatitis A causes inflammation in the liver cells as it travels tor liver.
  9. Most commonly, hepatitis A virus spreads through contaminated food items.
  10. People use vaccination to prevent the effects of hepatitis A.

10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day for Higher Class Students


FAQ’s on 10 Lines On World Hepatitis Day

Question 1.
Which is incurable Hepatitis?

Hepatitis B is the incurable Hepatitis, which causes liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus, but it is preventable with necessary vaccinations and precautions.

Question 2.
How can Hepatitis be prevented?

Hepatitis B can be prevented by getting ourselves the hepatitis B vaccine and having safer intercourse.

Question 3.
How can we test Hepatitis?

Mostly, if doctors suspect hepatitis by looking at the symptoms on a patient, they order a blood test group that determines whether the patient has Hepatitis and to understand the seriousness of the patient’s illness.

Question 4.
Does viral Hepatitis go away on its own?

Viral Hepatitis goes away on its own if it is acute. Hepatitis A causes only a severe form of infection, but the case of B and C hepatitis is either chronic or lifelong.

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