10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for Students and Children in English

10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week: World Breastfeeding Week is a critical week that we celebrate across the nation. World Health Organization and UNICEF took this initiative. This initiative was applied from the grass-root level to aware and give knowledge to the parents of the new-born child. It is essential to be aware that mothers feed their babies at least six months to two years, along with semi-solid food for their nutritional growth.

Breastfeeding also helps the mothers to safeguard them from breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The initial six months for the infant are crucial for developing their health and immune system. Mother’s milk is the only essential food for them to consume and build their immunity system quickly.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. From 1st to 7th August, we celebrate World Breastfeeding week annually.
  2. Almost more than 120 countries celebrate World Breastfeeding Week.
  3. Five hundred forty events have been already held worldwide by nearly 79 countries, with 488 organizations involved.
  4. WABA, WHO, and UNICEF organize the World Breastfeeding Week.
  5. They came up intending to promote breastfeeding for the first six months of life.
  6. The first six months yields many benefits regarding health and providing critical nutrients.
  7. Breastfeeding also helps in protection from deadly diseases such as pneumonia.
  8. In 1991, focussing on growth and development for many countries became very important.
  9. AAP explains the value of breastfeeding for mothers and children.
  10. From the year 1992 till now, people celebrate World Breastfeeding Week positively.

10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Countries all around the world celebrate World Breastfeeding Week under the assistance of UNICEF and WHO.
  2. UNICEF and WHO calls the employees from all around the world to adopt a family-friendly policy to support breastfeeding.
  3. World Breastfeeding Week celebrates all the parents of a new baby and their life-altering gift.
  4. The idea for 2019 was to empower Parents and enable Breastfeeding.
  5. This day focusses on family-focused policies like paid parental leave, breastfeeding enabling, and help parents nurture their child.
  6. Family-friendly policies included support for working mothers.
  7. WHO tried to improve the physical and mental health of the mothers.
  8. Governments made many investments to support World Breastfeeding Week.
  9. WHO stopped the promotion of breast-milk substitutes to increase and aware the mothers breastfeed their babies.
  10. Making the parents aware that breastfeeding is essential for infants is the crucial motto of this day, supervised by the World Health Organization.

Set 3 – 10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. From 1st August to 7th August, to encourage breastfeeding and an aim to improve the health of the babies, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated across the globe.
  2. According to UNICEF, 60% of infants lack breastmilk, which they need in their six months.
  3. Breastfeeding by mothers helps in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer for mothers.
  4. It helps in reducing the mortality rate of the infants and prevents infections like diarrhea.
  5. According to the child’s rights, the Worl explains that it is necessary to provide nutrition to the infants.
  6. In 1992, WABA helped in organizing World Health Organization Breastfeeding Week in almost 120 counties.
  7. Different health awareness programs are held on that day.
  8. At the grassroots level, awareness is given to the parents to provide nutrition to the child.
  9. Government and different food and nutrition organizations supplied with Low-cost nutritious diets.
  10. To make the country healthy, it is essential to make the young generation and their mother healthy.

10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines On World Breastfeeding Week

Question 1.
How long should a mother breastfeed their child?

For six months, mothers should breastfeed their child, and for two years, along with breastfeeding, solid food should be provided to the child. World Health Organization made this suggestion.

Question 2.
How long can a woman able to produce milk?

Mothers can produce milk for six months to meet the nutritional demands of a baby. Breast milk supplies all the necessary nutrition to the baby, and the supply of milk decreases after the six months when babies start growing.

Question 3.
How can we celebrate the world breastfeeding week?

By arranging different awareness programs from the grass-root level to aware and give knowledge to the parents, especially the mothers, to provide healthy nutritious food to their child who starts with breastfeeding their babies at least six months.

Question 4.
Explain the meaning of optimal breastfeeding?

Optimal breastfeeding explains about the breastfeeding combined with semi-solid food for at least six months to the baby.

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