10 Lines on Goat for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Goat: A domesticated animal which has been our friend and a saviour to human Civilization from thousands of years is the goat. Goat is found in almost all parts of the world irrespective of the climatic and geographical condition and that is what makes it suitable to human civilization. And its usefulness in terms of its skin or milk makes it one of the most preferred animals to domesticate in the world.

In this article on 10 lines on goat in English, we shall be talking about the various aspects of how goat been associated with human civilization for years, what are the importance of goats for the survival of our ecosystem.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Goat for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Goats are domesticated animals that are tamed by human beings for various need
  2. There are more than 300 breeds of goat that are known to human beings
  3. A goat has a lifespan of 15 to 18 years depending on the climatic conditions and how well it is domesticated
  4. The male goat is called a buck while a female goat is known as doe
  5. To domesticate goats, one needs more than 5 kgs of fodder to keep it healthy
  6. Goat farming is a billion-dollar industry around the world
  7. A large number of goats are domesticated and bred healthily and are  then sold in the market
  8. Given the importance of Goat for our civilization, there are many artificial techniques to breed a healthy goat
  9. Goat is a herbivorous animal that eats mainly fodder
  10. India has around 140 million goats across the country.

10 Lines on Goat for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Goat for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. There are more than 400 million goats around the world
  2. A group of goats is known as herd
  3. Goat have horns on their head which they used to attack when in danger
  4. It has four legs, a small tail and two horns over its head depending on the species
  5. Goat can be tamed and trained well to listen to human beings and understand human voices
  6. Goats are also considered as religious animals in Hinduism and Islam
  7. Certain goats can climb mountains and steep thorny regions
  8. The main use of Goat for human beings are milk, meat and skin
  9. Goat are bred in goat farms and is a profitable business when they are sold at a profit in the market
  10. Bleet is a word that refers to the sound that Gods make

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Goat for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Goat milk is considered to be very nutritious and has the power to cure certain diseases
  2. Goat milk is fed to newborn babies to develop immunity against certain viruses and bacteria
  3. Goats are not only used for their milk meat but are also used to carry goods from one region to another
  4. Mountain goats are used as instruments of  logistics to transport goods in difficult terrains
  5. Goats are considered to be very smart and intelligent animals
  6. Goats are not very fast animals and run at a speed of 24 kilometres per hour
  7. It is found out that goat does not like water and hop across puddles to cross from one point to another
  8. The memory power of Goats are usually equal to that of a small child and they can remember voices and faces for as long as 10 months
  9. There are more than 300 distinct breeds of goat around the world
  10. God is a member of the animal family known as Bovidae and the subfamily carinae.

10 Lines on Goat for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Goat in English

Question 1.
How many goats are there in the whole world?

There are more than 300 million goats around the whole world

Question 2.
What is the lifespan of a goat?

The lifespan of a goat is somewhere between 15 years and 18 years

Question 3.
What is the scientific name of the goat?

Capra aegagrus hircus is the scientific name of the goat

Question 4.
Since how many years are goats being domesticated by human beings?

For more than 9000 years goats are domesticated by human beings

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