10 Lines on Camel for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Camel: The very first thing that will come to our mind when we hear the word camel is a hot desert and a few villagers who are riding the camel under the hot sun. Most of our stories books and movies portray camels as an animal which is mainly confined to desert areas. While this might be mostly true, there are camels which are known to survive even in cold regions.

Both snow camels and desert camels are seen on the planet and in this article on 10 lines on camel we shall be talking about all the interesting facts about camel and how it has helped human civilization grow over the centuries.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Camel for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Camel is known as the ship of the desert because it is mainly the only mode of transportation for the people in the desert areas
  2. Camels in India are mostly found in the deserts of Rajasthan and Gujarat
  3. Camel is a highly domesticated animal which is tamed by human beings for various purposes like transportation, milk, meat and skin
  4. Camel is a herbivorous animal which means it eats only plants, fruits and vegetables
  5. Taking care of a camel requires a minimum of 10 to 20 kgs of fresh food and 8 to 10 kgs of dry food every day
  6. In certain regions around the world, camel is also used as an animal for racing
  7. The male camel is called as the bull camel and the female camel is known as the cow camel
  8. The high hump on the camel is usually meant to store water and food
  9. There are more than 40 million camels in the world and 35 to 40 thousand camels are there just in India
  10. There are two types of camels, mainly desert camel snow Camels. Camels are also used in certain regions around the world for military and defence purposes.

10 Lines on Camel for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Camel for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. The largest population of camels is found in the African country of Somalia
  2. Ancient civilizations used camels for defence purposes in wars alongside the elephants
  3. A group of Camels is known as a caravan
  4. Camels are one of the few animals in the world who can walk with the high speed in deserted areas and hence it is known as the ship of the desert
  5. Camels are usually domesticated for their milk, meat, fur and skin
  6. Camels can survive in the desert without water or food for many days because it can store all the requirement in its hump
  7. Camel milk is a high source of nutrition and is usually given to infants for development of immunity
  8. The rear Bactrian camel has two humps at the back
  9. The average weight of a camel is somewhere around 600 kilograms
  10. Excreta of the camel is used as fuel for fire by villagers in the villages of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The camel body dynamics is such that under the extreme heat in deserts, they lose far less water than other animals in the same environment.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Camel for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. The largest population of Camels is found in the horn of Africa in the subcontinent of Africa
  2. The speed with which camels can run is 40 miles per hour which is same as a racing horse
  3. Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one sitting and store the same water in its hump
  4. Camels can eat extremely thorny plants that are available in the desert and as a result of which they have evolved with a thick lip
  5. There are two types of Camels, one-humped camel and two-humped camel
  6. Camels which are known as the ship of the desert because they can carry more than 900 pounds of weight for more than 30 miles in a single day
  7. As a defence mechanism, camels spit on its predators
  8. Camels hold special significance in the Arabian culture and Asian camel that are found in the rest of the continent have two humps while Arabian camels have a single hump
  9. Certain circuses and zoos tame camels to make them perform on stage which is declared as an illegal activity in many countries around the world
  10. Most of the camels in the world live in Middle East Asia and Australia. In certain parts of the country of Turkey, camel wrestling match takes place and this tradition dates back to the 15th century.

10 Lines on Camel for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Camel in English

Question 1.
Why is camel called the ship of the desert?

Camel is known as the ship of the desert because it is the sole mode of transportation for people living in the desert areas

Question 2.
How many types of Camels are there in the world?

Bactrian and dromedary are the two types of camel Tata found in the world where the former has one hump while the latter has two humps

Question 3.
Why are Camels domesticated?

Camels are domesticated for their milk meat fur

Question 4.
What is the lifespan of a camel?

The average lifespan of a camel is between 40 to 50 years

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