What Is A Balanced Diet

What Is A Balanced Diet

Our diet must contain adequate amount of different nutrients for our body to function properly.
A diet that contains adequate amount of different nutrients required for the healthy functioning of our body is called a balanced diet.


A balanced diet must include food items from the following four food groups.

  • Milk group: includes milk and milk products
  • Meat group: includes meat (chicken, fish, lamb, etc.) and meat substitutes (beans, peas, nuts, and seeds)
  • Fruit and vegetable group: includes fruits and vegetables
  • Grain group: includes breads and cereals

Almost 70% of our body weight is water. Water is needed by our body for good health.

  • It helps to transport substances inside our body.
  • It helps our body to absorb nutrients from food.
  • It helps to regulate our body temperature.
  • It is needed for various chemical reactions that take place inside our body during digestion, excretion, etc.

We get water not only from the liquids we drink but also from the food we eat. Milk, fruits, vegetables, and juices are good sources of water.

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