Welcome Speech for School Exhibition In English for Students and Children

Welcome Speech for School Exhibition: School exhibitions frequently occur nowadays in every school and consequently have turned into a regular event for the school committee and the students. The school select different themes for the exhibitions, and the students who are participating in those exhibitions, prepare their work based on those themes.

A welcome speech is necessary for the events before beginning the exhibition. The welcome speeches are all about natural and relatable words, which will help the guests to understand the significance behind the exhibition. It will also encourage the participants to give their best.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Welcome Speech for School Exhibition In English For Kids And Students

We are providing a long Welcome Speech for School Exhibition of 500 words and a short welcome speech on the same topic of 150 words along with ten lines to help the readers understand the subject.

These speeches will be useful for the students of schools and colleges, teachers, and the hosts who deliver a welcome speech on the School Exhibition in their educational institutes. Long Welcome Speech for School Exhibition is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Short Welcome Speech for School Exhibition is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Welcome Speech for School Exhibition 500 Words In English

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Guests, Teachers, and all my dear friends- I, Geet Kaur – Student President of APJ Public School, welcome you all to the Art and Crafts Exhibition.

To host the exhibition of our school gives me such a pleasure. I am very grateful to everybody for giving me this opportunity to address all of you from this stage.

I am glad that our school can organize this exhibition successfully and at such a productive scale, where other schools are also able to take part in this fulfilling experience. However, it is not easy to organize and host such programs as it takes full efforts from the whole school and to make all the necessary arrangements, especially for the convenience of our Guests.

We could not have pulled this huge exhibition off without the continuous cooperation and working of our whole student body, administrators, and teachers who have been such tremendous support and have ensured that the exhibition is up to the mark and our guests are satisfied. Therefore, I hope that our guests will feel at ease today and if by any way inconvenience is felt, feel free to communicate with us anytime, we will always be there to help.

As the Invitation sent to all of you present here states, this exhibition is an art and crafts exhibition. These arts, paintings, and crafts are not created by famous artists, but by our talented artists, our school students. There is a special section for those interested in science-based arts and crafts, which I am sure you will enjoy.

In the gallery, you will see that some of the pictures displayed are for sale. Our target is to donate the money we earn from this exhibition to the orphanage center. So, I request everyone here to come in huge numbers to buy these pictures as many as possible and therefore contribute towards the growth and education of the children in the orphanage so that their life gets a little better, and this is the least, we can do. Only then will we appraise this exhibition as a massive success from our end.

I am sure that our art and crafts exhibition will draw your attention and interest you. These arts are abstract, as they are mainly based on modern art forms. An art aesthete can only comprehend the meaning of these pictures, but as you see, all of these are pieces of beauties and very attractive.

If you visit the science section, you will see that those pieces of arts and crafts are no less in comparison to these pieces because our students have put massive efforts and prepared the best works of their abilities to execute their knowledge. So elegant yet straightforward, some of our art pieces will surprise you completely.

By now, I can see all of you are very excited to visit our art and crafts gallery, so without any delay, all of you are requested to proceed to the hall and enjoy the exhibition.

Thank you!

Short Welcome Speech for School Exhibition 150 Words In English

Short Welcome Speech for School Exhibition 150 Words In English

Good afternoon to everyone present here.

I warmly welcome all of you on behalf of our school, ABC Public School, Delhi, in the event of its first science exhibition. It is our pleasure to have everyone in our inaugural exhibition. Through the efforts made by all of our students, teachers, and staff members, this event was made possible. Our exhibition’s target is to encourage innovation through science among the young generation as they are the nation’s future.

This exhibition focuses on innovation at its best, as you can see from all the stands in this room. The brightest minds are working to uphold all these innovative ideas present here today. We have named this exhibition as the ‘Innovative Mind Project.’

The exhibition focusses on upholding the subsistence of the youngsters in the country at a massive scale. Therefore, I invite everybody to show their support and share their perception of this creative exhibition.

Thank you!

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for School Exhibition In English

  1. School exhibitions are generally inter-school competitions that a school organizes.
  2. The school exhibitions can be of different themes, maybe social science, science or any other. In these exhibitions, students present their works based on the exhibition.
  3. A welcome speech is an integral part of any event, which also includes the school exhibition.
  4. The purpose of the welcome speech in the school exhibition is first to welcome all the honorary judges and school committee members, and the participants.
  5. The host explains the purpose of the school exhibition and the theme for the school exhibition.
  6. The host also explains the meaning behind the selected theme of the school exhibition and the significance of the theme.
  7. The welcome speech encourages all the participants to give their best in the exhibition.
  8. In the welcome speech, the honorary judges give lectures about the selected theme of the exhibition and encourage the students for the competition.
  9. A welcome speech is all about relatable words that involve all the guests and participants.
  10. The host also shows respect to the parents and the teachers, who supported the participants to prepare their works.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for School Exhibition In English

FAQ’s On Welcome Speech for School Exhibition

Question 1.
When to deliver the welcome speech in the event of a school exhibition?

Welcome speeches are given before the beginning of any event, which includes school exhibitions as well.

Question 2.
Who can deliver a welcome speech?

Anybody can deliver a welcome speech. It can be any teacher of the school or college; it can be the school captain or anyone who has the skills to host an event.

Question 3.
How to engage the audience in a welcome speech?

In a welcome speech, if you include words that can be relatable and comfortable, it will attract the attention of the audience.

Question 4.
What is the importance of a welcome speech in a school exhibition?

Welcome speech is an essential part of any event, even for the school exhibition. For a formal beginning of any event, welcome speech is like a direction for everybody to understand the reason behind the event’s occurrence.

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