Time Management Essay in English | Know How To Management Your Time?

Time Management Essay

Time Management Essay Introduction: A time management essay is an important concept for students to learn. Time management is one of the most crucial skills any student must possess. This skill is also extremely important when a student progresses onto into a professional setting. There are many implications if an individual may not manage time efficiently.

Time management essay aims to educate students and help them discover how to make the best use of their time. Moreover, there are certain aspects of time management that one needs to consider. Students will need to emphasize these aspects in their essays to secure marks. Following these tips and guidelines will help you secure more marks in the exam.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Time Management Essay Tips and Tricks

Consider adopting the following tips and tricks when writing a time management essay, or any other essay for that matter:

  • Use the first paragraph about the essay to provide an introduction or background information about the given topic.
  • An academic essay should always employ a formal style of writing, hence, no slang should be used.
  • Use specifics, such as dates, names, places to provide a clearer picture
  • The usage of jargon may complicate the essay. Use it if really required.
  • Content should be written in short, digestible chunks.
  • Present information in bulleted points wherever possible.
  • Always have a conclusion paragraph summarizing crucial points.
  • Read through the essay if time permits. Perform a spell check and grammar check before submission.

Time Management Essay – Sample 1 (200 Words)

Everyone has the same 24 hours, however, some make better use of their time than others. This is one of the reasons why we have people who excel at the things they do. In other words, people may become busy; but that necessarily does not mean they are effective at their task. Hence, time management plays a crucial role in personal and professional life.

What is the Importance of Time Management?

Time management is a conscious effort to spend a specific amount of time to perform a task with efficiency. Furthermore, productivity is the key focus here. The more productive the work, the better are the results. Moreover, time management requires a careful balancing between professional life, social life, any other hobbies or activities. From an academic perspective, time management is a necessity. Students have many subjects to cover, therefore, efficiently managing time is an important skill.

Around the world, time management has two views – linear time view and multi-active time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to a complete number at once. The linear time view is predominant in countries such as America, Germany and England. A multi-active time view is predominant in countries such as India, Spain and Portugal.

Nevertheless, students are advised to follow whichever is convenient for them. Because time management is one of the key traits of a successful individual.

Time Management Essay – Sample 2 (300 Words)

Time management is one of the most important skills an employer seeks in today’s competitive world. Hence, it is advisable for students to start inculcating these skills as soon as possible. Even in an academic setting, time management helps to accomplish tasks with efficiency and effectiveness.

What Exactly is Time Management?

Time management can be defined as the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Different cultures have different views on time management. However, there are two premodinanant views in existence – multi-active time view and linear time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to complete a greater number of tasks at once. In both views, the emphasis of given on productivity and effectiveness. However, students are free to choose their own view of time management.

Why Time Management Is Important?

Time management helps to set a timeline and better align ourselves with the goal. Moreover, time management can help increase the efficiency of tasks at hand. A working professional may have to balance their personal and professional life. There may not be time to give attention to each and every detail; in such cases, multi-active time is one of the most obvious methods that may be chosen.

Time Management Essay Conclusion

Time management works best when a goal or target is set. For instance, a student becomes far more effective at learning when they decide to assign 2 hours for learning a particular concept. This is effectively a method of benchmarking progress. So every time the activity is performed, one can measure themselves and improve upon various aspects of their tasks.

In conclusion, time management is an important skill, everyone – from students to working professionals are required to time management practices to improve productivity and efficiency of tasks.

FAQ’s On Time Management Essay

Question 1.
What is time management?

Time management is the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the tasks at hand.

Question 2.
What are the various views of time management?

There are two views of time management – multi-active time view and linear time view. In linear time view, the focus is given to perform one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to perform a number of tasks at once.

Question 3.
Why is time management Important?

Time management is important as it helps us achieve our goals and targets in the most efficient and effective manner. Furthermore, it is one of the key skills to personal and professional success. Hence, every successful individual, from an entrepreneur to a doctor utilizes time in the most productive manner.