How Coal and Petroleum are Formed and What are their Uses

How Coal and Petroleum are Formed and What are their Uses

Coal :
Coal is a blackish solid fossil fuel that occurs in seams inside earth.
Uses  :

  1. Fuel for domestic and commercial establishments.
  2. Production of electricity in thermal plants.
  3. Manufacture of coke
  4. Gasification and liquefaction yields fuel gas and synthetic petrol.
  5. A number of organic compounds can be obtained from coal-benzene, toluene, phenol, anilines, naphthalene.

Petroleum :
Petroleum is a dark coloured liquid fuel that is taken out from various depths of earth both on land and sea shore. It is called mineral oil or rock oil. Petroleum extracted from earth is called crude oil. With the help of fractional distillation
Uses :

  1. LPG is liquefied petroleum gas. It is used in cooking and heating.
  2. Petrol, diesel and kerosene are used as a fuel for internal combustion engines of transport vehicles.
  3. Lubricating oils provide lubrication to machinery.
  4. Paraffin wax is used in candles, Vaseline and water proofing
  5. Asphalt is source of several chemicals and dye. It is also used in carpeting of road.