The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions

Trail HistoryCivics Focus on HistoryCivicsGeographyMathsPhysicsChemistryBiology


A. Fill in the blanks :

  1. Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca in the year 570 CE.
  2. Muhammad forbade idol worship and stressed the importance of God and kind behaviour.
  3. The two holy places of the Muslims are Mecca and Medina.
  4. Muhammad was succeeded by Abu Bakr, who was known as Caliph. He transformed the Arabs into an excellent fighting force and inspired them to cany the word of Allah throughout the world.
  5. The first Arab expedition to India took place in 712 CE under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim.

B. Match the following :
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam 1
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam 2
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam 3

C. Choose the correct answer :

1. As a young man, Muhammad worked as a trader/farmer/ craftsman.
Ans. As a young man, Muhammad worked as a trader.

2. During Muhammad’s time, the Arabs were divided into a number of kingdoms/tribes/empires.
Ans. During Muhammad’s time, the Arabs were divided into a number of tribes.

3. Muslims must say their prayers four/five/six times a day.
Ans. Muslims must say their prayers five times a day.

4. The Abbasid Caliphs shifted the Caliphate from Damascus to Medina/Mecca/Baghdad.
Ans. The Abbasid Caliphs shifted the Caliphate from Damascus to Baghdad.

5. The Arab traders established trade settlements on the eastern/western/southern coast of India.
Ans. The Arab traders established trade settlements on the western coast of India.

D. State whether the following are true or false :

1. The Medieval Period in India stretches from the 8th century CE to the 16th century CE.
Ans. False.
Correct : The Medieval Period in India stretches from the 8th century CE to the 18th century CE.

2. Before the rise of Islam, the Arabs practiced idol worship.
Ans. True.

3. The Arab empire under the Abbasid Caliphs was one of the most powerful and enlightened regions in the world.
Ans. True.

4. The occupation of Sind ended with the death of Muhammad bin Qasim.
Ans. True.

5. In the 9th century CE, the power of the Caliphs declined.
Ans. True.

E. Answer the following questions in one or two words/sentences :

Question 1.
Where was Prophet Muhammad born?
Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca

Question 2.
What important event took place in Muhammad’s life around 610 CE?
When Muhammad was about forty years old, he had a vision of God, who revealed to him the divine message, to carry the word of God or Allah to the people of Mecca. He declared that Allah was the one and only God and Muhammad was his Prophet. This gave way to a new religion called Islam.

Question 3.
What does the term Hijrat mean?
Hijrat marks the departure of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE.

Question 4.
What title did Abu Bakr assume after he succeeded Prophet Muhammad?
Abu Bakr took the title of Khalifa or Caliph.

Question 5.
Under whose reign did the Arabs achieve their greatest heights of intellectual and cultural excellence?
The greatest intellectual and cultural excellence was seen during the reign of the Abbasid Caliphs.

Question 6.
Why was the House of Wisdom established?
The house of Wisdom was set up in Baghdad as it was advised by Prophet Muhammad to pursue learning among Arabs. So Baghdad become the place of wisdom where various ancient civilizations such as Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian and Persian were translated into Arabic.

Question 7.
Which Arab city became the preserve of the rich cultural heritage of the ancient world?
Baghdad became the repository and preserve of the rich cultural heritage of the ancient world.

Question 8.
What were the chief items of export and import in India’s trade relations with the Arabs?
The chief items of export during India’s trade relations with the Arabs were Pepper, Muslin, Indigo etc. and import were luxury items and fine Arabian horses.

Question 9.
Why were the Indians not receptive to Arab learning and civilization during this period?
The spirit of exclusiveness among the Hindus made them reject foreign cultural influence. The Hindus believed that no other country on earth but theirs had any knowledge of Science. Hence, they were not receptive to the rich treasures of Arabic learning and civilization.

Question 10.
Name any one independent state established by the Turks in Central Asia.
Two independent states established by the Turks in Central Aisa were Ghazni and Ghor.

F. Answer the following questions briefly :

Question 1.
Why did Muhammad shift from Mecca to Medina? Discuss the events that followed this move.
Muhammad forbade idol worship and stressed the importance of good and kind behaviour. His teachings angered the rich Arabs, and Muhammad and his small band of followers were forced to shift to Medina in 622 CE. Muhammad’s move from Mecca to Medina is known as Hijrat.

Question 2.
State the main principles of Islam.
The main principles of Islam:

  1. There is only one God and Muhammad is his Prophet.
  2. Muslims must turn towards Mecca and say their prayers five times a day.
  3. They must fast from dawn to dusk during the holy month of Ramzan.
  4. They must help the poor and needy by giving away a portion of their wealth in charity.
  5. They must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

Question 3.
The greatest intellectual and cultural excellence was seen during the reign of the Abbasid Caliphs. Discuss.
The Abbasids shifted the Caliphate from Damascus to Baghdad (capital of modem Iraq). For the next 150 years, the Arab empire under the Abbasids emerged as one of the most powerful, prosperous and enlightened regions in the world. The Arabs absorbed and assimilated the best of what other cultures and civilizations had to offer in terms of ideas, skills and scientific knowledge.Muhammad had advised the Arabs to pursue learning. One of the Abbasid Caliphs established a House of Wisdom at Baghdad to translate into Arabic the collective wisdom of various ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian and Persian civilizations. Baghdad became the repository and preserve of the rich cultural heritage of the ancient world.

Question 4.
What knowledge did the Arabs gather from

(a) Indian
(b) various other ancient civilizations?

(a) The Arabs, learnt a great deal from the ancient Indian civilization. Knowledge of Indian mathematics, medicine, astronomy, philosophy and the art of administration were assimilated by the Arabs, leading to further enrichment of the Arab civilization and culture.
(b) Knowledge absorbed and assimilated by Arab scholars from different civilizations

  1. Chinese : (a)Art of paper making, (b) Glass making techniques, (c) Use of mariner’s compass.
  2. Greeks : (a) Geometry.
  3. Persians : (a) Astronomy.
  4. Indians : (a) Mathematical theories, (b) medicine, (c) Astronomy, (d) Philosophy, (e) Administration.

G Picture study :
This is a picture of a mosque where Muslims go to pray (picture on next page).

Question 1.
Name :

(a) their religion
(b) their holy book
(c) the founder of their religion.


(a) Islam
(b) Quran Sharif
(c) Prophet Muhammad.

Question 2.
Name the two holy places of the Muslim.

(a) Mecca
(b) Medina

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Birth of Prophet Muhammad and Spread of Islam 4

Question 3.
Why does the Muslim calendar begin from the year 622 CE?
Muhammad and his small band of followers were forced to flee to Medina in 622 CE. Muhammad’s departure from Mecca to Medina is known as hijrat. The Muslim calendar, hijri, begins from that year.

Question 4.
Mention any four important principles of the religion.
The main four principles of Islam are as follows :

  1. There is only one God and Muhammad is His Prophet.
  2. Muslims must say their prayers five times a day.
  3. They must help the poor and needy by giving away a portion of their wealth in charity.
  4. They must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

Question 5.
Briefly describe the role of Abu Bakr in the spread of the this religion.
Abu Bakr mobilized and transformed the Arabs into an excellent fighting force. He and his successors inspired the Arab armies to sweep across countries and continents and carry the word of Allah throughout the world. Inspired by missionary zeal, these invincible and extraordinary Arab armies conquered vast territories. Their empire stretched over Iran, Syria, Central Asia, North Africa and Spain.


Question 1.
What is the importance of the year 622 OK in the history of Islam?
In the year AD 622 Muhammad and his small band of followers were forced to flee to Medina, due to their teachings which angered the rich Arabs. There in Medina people welcomed them and within ten years Muhammad won considerable support. His supporters included a small but devoted army which was ready to lay down their lives for the sake of Islam.

Question 2.
How did the Arabs enrich their knowledge?
Arabs enriched their knowledge a great deal from the ancient Indian civilization. Knowledge of Indian mathematics, medicine, astronomy, philosophy and the art of administration was assimilated by the Arabs, leading to enrichment of the Arab civilization and culture.

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Spread of Christianity

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Spread of Christianity

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions

Trail HistoryCivics Focus on HistoryCivicsGeographyMathsPhysicsChemistryBiology


A. Fill in the blanks :

  1. The great Roman empire began to disintegrate in the 5th century CE.
  2. One important reason for the fall of the Roman empire was the repeated attacks by the Germanic tribes.
  3. In 395 CE, the Roman empire was divided into two parts – eastern and western.
  4. By 900 CE, Christianity had become the state religion in every European state.
  5. The Crusades or holy wars were fought between the Christians and the Turkish Muslims, between the 11th and 13th centuries CE.

B. Match the following :
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Spread of Christianity 1
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Spread of Christianity 2
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Spread of Christianity 3

C. Choose the correct answer :

1. The mighty Turkish/Roman/Greek empire began to disintegrate in the 5th century CE.
Ans. The mighty Roman empire began to disintegrate in the 5th century CE.

2. The capital of the Byzantine empire was Rome/ Jerusalem/Constantinople.
Ans. The capital of the Byzantine empire was Constantinople.

3. The orders built great monasteries, where monks/kings/ soldiers stayed and pursued their missions.
Ans. The orders built great monasteries, where monks stayed and pursued their missions.

4. In the 11th century CE, the Goths/Turks/Vandals invaded the lands of the Christian emperor of Constantinople.
Ans. In the 11th century CE, the Turks invaded the lands of the Christian emperor of Constantinople.

5. The Crusaders learned the use of gunpowder and guns from the Greeks/Franks/Turks.
Ans. The Crusaders learned the use of gunpowder and guns from the Turks.

D. State whether the following are true or false :

1. The invaders who attacked the Roman empire were semi-civilized tribes.
Ans. True.

2. In the confusion and disorder that followed the disintegration of the Roman empire, the only unifying factor was Christianity and the Roman Church.
Ans. True.

3. The spread of Christianity was one of the most important developments in the Early Medieval Period.
Ans. True.

4. By the end of the 5th century, Christian churches had been established in almost every town and city.
Ans. True.

5. The greatest contribution of the monasteries was in the field of education.
Ans. True.

E. Answer the following questions in one or two words/ sentences :

Question 1.
What were the ‘barbarian invasions’?
The repeated attacks and raids by various Germanic tribes such as the Goths, the Vandals and the Franks are referred to as the ‘barbarian invasions’.

Question 2.
Name the capital of the eastern Roman empire.
Capital of eastern Roman empire was Constantinople (modem Istanbul).

Question 3.
What effect did the barbarian invasions have on the Byzantine (eastern Roman) empire ?
The Byzantine empire was attacked by the barbarian tribes but it proved to be more resilient than its western counterpart It successfully withstood the onslaughts and preserved some of the great legacies of the glorious Roman empire.

Question 4.
What were the Crusades?
Crusades were the holy wars waged by the Christians against the Turks, who had captured the lands of the Christian emperor of Constantinople and Jerusalem (the holy land of the Christians).

Question 5.
How did the Crusades pave the way for the Renaissance?
In the course of their travels to the holy land, the crusaders came in contact with the superior civilizations and cultures of the Greeks and Muslims. They assimilated the best elements of these cultures and started the process of revival of western education and learning and paved the way for the Renaissance.

Question 6.
How did the Crusades lead to the decline of feudalism?
The Crusaders learnt the use of gunpowder and guns from the Muslims. These two discoveries contributed to the decline of feudalism. The armoured knights had outlived their usefulness and their services were no longer required.

Question 7.
Where did the Christian monks live?
They lived in monasteries and did not marry.

Question 8.
Name two arts that flourished in monasteries.
Architecture, mural painting, wood carving and stained glass painting developed and flourished in the monasteries.

Question 9.
Name one internationally renowned university that evolved from a Christian monastery.
The University that evolved from a Christian monastery of Oxford in England is know as Oxford University in the English – speaking world.

F. Answer the following questions briefly :

Question 1.
Briefly discuss the causes of the decline of the mighty Roman empire?
The barbarian invasions penetrated deep into the Roman territory and plundered and ravaged it. Even the magnificent city of Rome was not spared. These tribes gradually settled down and assumed control of the western part of the Roman empire which lead to its decline.

Question 2.
The Crusades brought about significant changes in medieval Europe. In this context, discuss the following:

(a) Advent of the Renaissance
(b) Economic prosperity.


(a) Advent of the Renaissance : In the course of their travels to the holy land, the Crusaders came in contact with the superior civilizations and cultures of the Greeks and the Turks. They assimilated the best elements of these cultures and started the process of the revival of Western education and learning, paving the way for the Renaissance.
(b) Economic prosperity : The Crusaders got a taste of the luxurious lifestyle of the East. To meet the demand for luxury items, European traders began to establish trade links with the East. As trade increased, the economy of Europe flourished.

Question 3.
Write short notes on the following :

(a) Monks and nuns
(b) Life in a monasteries


(a) Monks : They were priests who devoted their lives to the services of God and humanity. They lived in monasteries and did not marry.
Nuns : They were the women who devoted their lives to the service of God and humanity. They lived in nunneries and did not marry.
(b) Monasteries : These were the places where the monks lived. They were located in isolated places, far away from human habitation. Life in these monasteries was simple and orderly.

Question 4.
Describe a monastery. What did the monks and nuns do for the welfare of the people?
A monastery was usually a large, strong and simple building, surrounded by gardens, fruit orchards, fields and ponds. Inside the abbey was a small church, living quarters for the monks and nuns, a kitchen and storerooms. Attached to most monasteries were hospitals, schools and libraries.
Monasteries played a very important role in medieval Europe. The nuns educated children and treated the sick and wounded. The greatest contribution of the monasteries was in the field of education. Some of these monasteries later developed into famous secular universities, such as the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Besides the religious texts, secular subjects such as history, philosophy, medicine, law and astrology were also taught in these universities. The printing press and paper had not yet been invented, so the monks wrote books by hand on parchment. Most of the books were copies of the Bible and prayer books, and copies of Latin and Greek books on secular subjects. These books were a very useful source of knowledge of the ancient and medieval civilization in Europe.

Question 5.
What was the contribution of the monasteries in the field of education?
The greatest contribution of the monasteries was in the field of education. Some of these monasteries later developed into famous secular universities, such as the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Beside the religious texts, secular subjects such as history, philosophy, medicine, law and astrology were also taught in these universities.

G Picture study :
This is a picture of a renowned English university built by the Christian Church (picture on next page).

Question 1.
Identify the university.
Oxford University.

Question 2.
What part did the Church play in the field of education?
The Christian Church played an important role in the field of education. These Churches become great centres of scholarship, art. literature and religious studies. Educational institutions like the internationally renowned Cambridge and Oxford Universities were built bv the Church.
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Spread of Christianity 4

Question 3.
Mention any two reasons for the rapid spread of Christianity in Europe between 400 CE and 900 CE.
The conversion of a king or feudal lord was usually followed by mass conversion of his subjects. As Christianity spread, the power and wealth of the Church multiplied.
Christian monks, fired by religious fervour, organized themselves into religious orders.

Question 4.
In what way did the increase in wealth and power influence the policies of the Church?
As the wealth and power of the Church increased, it became increasingly conservative and authoritarian, demanding from every Christian unqualified obedience, loyalty and total submission to its dictates.

Question 5.
What does the term ‘Crusades’ mean? How did the Crusades contribute to the revival of learning and pave .the way for the Renaissance in Europe?
Crusades were the holy wars of the Christians against the Turkish Muslims. In the course of their travels to the holy land, the Crusaders came in contact with the superior civilizations and cultures of the Greeks (Byzantium) and Muslims. They assimilated the best elements of these cultures and started the process of the revival of Western education and learning and paved the way for the Renaissance.


Question 1.
Explain how Christianity spread in Early Medieval Europe?
Christianity became popular in Early Medieval Europe. Many Europeans converted themselves to Christianity and as the time passed, it became the state religion. If a king or Feudal lord converted to Christianity, their subjects also followed them. Many beautiful Churches and Monasteries were built, which helped in spreading the religion.

Question 2.
Briefly explain who were serfs ?
The land owned by the vassals were cultivated by peasants, who were bound to the land. These peasants were known as serfs. These serfs could not change their jobs, move to another area or marry without the permission of their masters.

Question 3.
Briefly explain the term Feudalism ?
Feudalism was a form of government based on land holding. The king granted land in exchange for military support.

Question 4.
How did the Crusades pave the way for establishing trade contacts ?
The Crusades were fond of luxurious life style of the East. To meet the demand for luxury items, European traders began to establish trade links with the East.

Question 5.
Briefly describe the duties of priests ?
The duties of priest were to preach and perform religious rites and help the poor and the needy.

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Rise of Christianity

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Rise of Christianity

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions

Trail HistoryCivics Focus on HistoryCivicsGeographyMathsPhysicsChemistryBiology\


A. Fill in the blanks :

  1. In the middle of the 1st century, the Romans conquered Palestine, the homeland of the Jews.
  2. Jesus was believed to the son of God. He was born to Mary.
  3. For three years, Jesus travelled throughout Galilee, preaching, teaching and healing the sick.
  4. Jesus taught that there was one God who was compassionate, loving and forgiving.
  5. Towards the end of the 4th century, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire.

B. Match the following :
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Rise of Christianity 1
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Rise of Christianity 2

The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Rise of Christianity 3

C. Choose the correct answer :

1. Jesus grew up in Bethlehem/Jerusalem/Nazareth, where he studied Jewish scriptures.
Ans. Jesus grew up in Nazareth, where he studied Jewish scriptures.

2. Jesus taught that God loved and forgave/hated / Ignored sinners.
Ans. Jesus taught that God loved and forgave sinners.

3. Jesus was sentenced to death by Maxentius/Pontius Pilate/Constantine.
Ans. Jesus was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate.

4. The teachings of Jesus were spread most actively in Palestine by John/Mark/Peter.
Ans. The teachings of Jesus were spread most actively in Palestine by Peter.

5. For almost 300 years after the death of Jesus, Christians were treated well/given special rights/oppressed and persecuted in the Roman empire.
Ans. For almost 300 years after the death of Jesus, Christians were oppressed and persecuted in the Roman empire. State

D. whether the following are true or false :

1. Jesus had the power to heal the sick.
Ans. True.

2. Jesus taught that we should harm only those who harm us.
Ans. False.
Correct : We should help the needy and do good even to those who harm us.

3. Jesus’s interpretation of Jewish law was the same as that of other Jewish religious leaders.
Ans. False.
Correct : Jesus’s interpretation of Jewish law clashed with the ideas of the Jewish religious leaders.

4. In the 2nd century, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire.
Ans. True.

5. The Pope became the spiritual head of Christians all over the world.
Ans. True

E. Answer the following questions in one or two words/ sentences :

Question 1.
Explain the Latin origin of the term ‘medieval’.
Medieval comes from a Latin word which means ‘time in the middle’. The Medieval Period is the period between the Ancient and the Modem periods.

Question 2.
Who conquered Palestine in the middle of the 1st century?
In the middle of the 1 st century BCE, the Romans conquered Palestine, the homeland of the Jews.

Question 3.
Where was Jesus born?
Jesus was born around 6-4 BCE, in a small village of Bethlehem in Judea. He was believed to be the son of God, was born to Mary.

Question 4.
Who was King David?
King David was Israel’s most famous king who had liberated Israel from foreign rule 1,000 years ago.

Question 5.
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Jesus gathered around him a band of 12 disciples.

Question 6.
Mention two fundamental principles of Christianity.
The two fundamental principles of Christianity are :

  1. Unconditional love for God.
  2. True love for one’s neighbor.

Question 7.
Why were the Jewish religious leaders angry with Jesus?
Due to Jesus intelligence, wisdom, compassion and simplicity large crowds were attracted towards him. This greatly enraged the Jewish religious leaders who felt threatened by his growing popularity.

Question 8.
Where are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ recorded?
The life and teachings of Jesus Christ were recorded in the Gospels by four of his disciples – John, Mathew, Mark and Luke.

Question 9.
Who is described as the ‘foundation rock’ of Christianity?
Peter is described as the ‘foundation rock’ of Christianity.

Question 10.
Who prepared the grounds for transforming Christianity into a world religion?
Paul, a convert to Christianity became one of the most powerful and enthusiastic exponents of Christianity. He travelled extensively throughout the Roman empire, preparing the grounds that would transform Christianity into the world religion in the future.

Question 11.
What is the importance of St Peter’s Church in Rome?
St Peter’s Church in Rome is the religious headquarters of the Christian world.

Question 12.
Who became the spiritual head of the Christians?
The Bishop of St Peter’s Church, the Pope, became the spiritual head of Christians all over the world, and was acknowledged as the representative of Christ on earth.

F. Answer the following questions briefly :

Question 1.
Give an account of the early life on Jesus in Nazareth. What happened after his baptism?
Jesus grew up in Nazareth, in northern Palestine, where he studied the Jewish scriptures. He realized that traditions and practices which violated the Law of Moses were being followed by certain Jewish religious groups, such as the Pharisees.
After baptism a divine revelation convinced Jesus that the time had come for him to fulfil his mission of freemen from the bondage of evil and guiding them on the path that would lead to the victory of good over evil.

Question 2.
The teachings of Jesus were simple, yet revolutionary. Explain.
The teachings of Jesus were simple, yet revolutionary. He established a code of conduct for men and women based on:

  1. Unconditional love for God
  2. True love for one’s neighbour

Jesus taught that there was one God who was compassionate, loving and forgiving. As children of God, we should mould ourselves in the image of God. We should love our neighbours, including the poor, the sinners and even our enemies; we should help the needy and do good even to those who harm us; we should forgive our enemies and win them over with our love. Since God loved sinners and forgave them, we should do the same. Jesus completely rejected the ‘eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ principle.

Question 3.
Discuss the reasons and events leading to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus attracted large crowds wherever, he went through his intelligence, wisdom, compassion and simplicity. This greatly enraged the Jewish religions leaders who felt threatened by his growing popularity. They convinced the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus was also a threat to the political authority of the Romans. Due to which Jesus was put on trial and was later on crucified.

Question 4.
The enemies of Jesus had crucified him but Jesus would live on. Explain.
This statement is true that enemies of Jesus had crucified him but Jesus would live in the hearts and minds of his followers throughout the world. His teachings will be followed by the people they will walk on the path shown by him.
After baptism a divine revelation convinced Jesus that the time had come for him to fulfil his mission of freemen from the bondage of evil and guiding them on the path that would lead to the victory of good over evil.

Question 5.
Give a brief account of the spread of Christianity by its followers.
The spread of Christianity in Palestine was actively done by Peter the follower of Jesus. Another follower Paul travelled extensively throughout the Roman Empire and spread Christianity which later on in future turned into a world religion.

Question 6.
What role did Emperor Constantine play in the establishment of Christianity in Europe?
Constantine the Roman Emperor, defeated all his rivals who came in way of spreading Christianity and declared himself as the undisputed emperor. He made Christianity a legal religion and in this way persecution of Christians came to an end. Later on Christianity become the official religion of the Roman empire.

G. Picture study :

The picture depicts the crucifixion of the founder of a religion.
The Trail History and Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Rise of Christianity 4

Question 1.
Name (a) the founder and (b) the religion.

(a) the founder — Jesus Christ
(b) the religion — Christianity

Question 2.
Mention the circumstances and the reasons that led to the crucifixion.
Jesus attracted large crowds wherever, he went through his intelligence, wisdom, compassion and simplicity. This greatly enraged the Jewish religions leaders who felt threatened by his growing popularity. They convinced the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus was also a threat to the political authority of the Romans. Due to which Jesus was put on trial and was later on crucified.

Question 3.
Mention four important principles of the religion.
Four important principles of the religion are :

  1. We should love our neighbour, the poor, the sinners and even our enemies.
  2. We should forgive our enemies and win them over with our love.
  3. Unconditional love for God.
  4. Not to follow the principle of ‘eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’.

Question 4.
Name the two best-known followers of the founder. What part did they play in spreading his teachings.
Peter and Paul are two best known disciples of Jesus. They did a great work in spreading the teachings of Jesus in Palastine and throughout the Roman Empire. Due to them Christianity is accepted as a world religion.


Question 1.
Describe what is Baptism?
Baptism is the Christian rite of sprinkling water on a person’s forehead or immersing them in water, symbolizing purification and admission to the Christian Church.

Question 2.
Why was Byzantium named Constantinople?
Byzantium was named Constantinople in honour of Emperor Constantine.

Question 3.
What advice did Jesus give to his followers?
Jesus advised his followers to mould themselves in the image of God. He told to love our neighbors, including the poor, the sinners and even our enemies. To help the needy and do good even to those who harm us. To forgive our enemies and win them over with our love.