Selina Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions The Circulatory System

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Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Biology Chapter 7 The Circulatory System

Exercise 1

Solution A.1.
(a) lymphocytes and monocytes

Solution A.2.
(b) phagocytosis

Solution B.1.
(a) Blood platelets and blood coagulation
(b) Neutrophils and phagocytosis
(c) Erythrocytes and transportation of gases
(d) Lymphocytes and Produce antibodies
(e) Bone marrow and destruction of old and weak RBC’s/production of RBCs and WBCs.

Solution B.2.
(a) Red Blood Cells
(b) Blood Platelets

Solution C.1.
Structural Differences between White Blood Cells and Red Blood Cells:

White Blood CellsRed Blood Cells
1. White blood cells are amoeboid.Red blood cells are minute biconcave disc-like structures.
2. They are nucleated cells.They anucleated cells.
3. Haemoglobin is absent in red blood cells.Haemoglobin is present in red blood cells.

Solution C.2.
During blood transfusion it is necessary to know the blood groups before transfusion because it is important that the blood groups of the donor and the recipient are compatible. In case of an incompatible blood transfusion, the recipient develops antibodies that attack the antigens present on the RBCs of the donor causing the blood cells to clump together which may result in death.

Solution C.3.
(a) Antibodies are produced by lymphocytes in response to the entry of pathogens in the blood stream.
Antibiotics are the medicines extracted from some bacteria and fungi. Antibiotics destroy or inhibit the growth of pathogens.

(b) RBC: RBC is enucleated, biconcave, disc-like structure, flat in the centre while thick and rounded at the periphery.
WBC: WBC is nucleated and amoeboid in shape.

(c) Serum: The plasma from which the protein fibrinogen has been removed is called serum.
Vaccine: Vaccine is killed or living weakened germs which are introduced in the body to stimulate the production of antibodies against pathogens for a particular disease.

Solution C.4.

Solution D.1.
The functions of blood plasma are:

  • Transports of digested food from the alimentary canal to tissues.
  • Transports excretory materials from tissues to excretory organs.
  • Distributes hormones from the glands to their target site.
  • Distributes heat in the body to maintain the body temperature.

Solution D.2.
Blood clotting or coagulation occurs in a series of the following steps:

  • The injured tissue cells and the platelets disintegrate at the site of wound to release thromboplastin.
  • The thromboplastin with the help of calcium ions converts inactive prothrombin into active thrombin.
  • Thrombin in the presence of calcium ions converts soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin which forms a mesh or network at the site of wound.
  • The blood cells trapped in this network shrink and squeeze out the plasma to leave behind a solid mass known as the clot.
    Selina Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions The Circulatory System image -1

Solution D.3.

(a) Rh factor – It is an inherited antigen often found on the blood cells. Some individuals have these antigens and are thus Rh positive (Rh+) while others who do not have this antigen are Rh negative (Rh-).

(b) Universal donor – The person with blood group O is a universal donor as this type of blood can be given to persons with any blood group i.e. O, A, B, AB.

(c) Diapedesis – It is the squeezing of leucocytes through the wall of capillaries into the tissues.

Solution D.4.
Blood clotting is not dependent on the exposure of blood to air. In fact, clotting can be caused by the movement of blood over a rough surface such as on cholesterol deposit inside of a blood vessel of the skin.

Solution D.5.
The functions of the blood are:

  1. Transport of digested food from the alimentary canal to tissues. These substances are simple sugars like glucose, amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.
  2. Transport of oxygen in the form of an unstable compound ‘oxyhaemoglobin’ from the lungs to the tissues.
  3. Transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
  4. Transport of excretory materials from the tissues to the liver, kidney or the skin for elimination.
  5. Distribution of hormones from glands to the target sites.
  6. Distribution of heat to keep the body temperature uniform.
    (Any five)

Solution E.1.

  1. Red Blood Cell (RBC),
  2. White Blood Cell (WBC),
  3. Blood Platelet
  4. Blood Plasma.

(b) The red blood cells are minute biconcave disc-like structures whereas the white blood cells are amoeboid.

(c) Function of part 1 (RBC): Transport of respiratory gases to the tissues and from the tissues, transport of nutrients from the alimentary canal to the tissues.
Function of part 2 (WBC): WBCs play major role in defense mechanism and immunity of the body.
Function of part 3 (Blood Platelet): Blood platelets are the initiator of blood clotting.

(d) The average life span of a red blood cell (RBC) is about 120 days.

(e) Thromboplastin

Exercise 2

Solution A.1.
(d) Heart itself

Solution A.2.
(c) artery

Solution A.3.
(a) tricuspid valve

Solution A.4.
(b) renal artery

Solution A.5.
(b) inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle

Solution A.6.
(d) destroy pathogens

Solution A.7.
(a) closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves
(b) closure of aortic and pulmonary valves
(c) rushing of blood through valves producing turbulence

Solution B.1.
The average values of blood pressure in a normal adult human are 100-140 mm for systolic pressure and 60-80 mm for diastolic pressure.

Solution B.2.
Yes, the heart beats approximately 1, 03,680 times in a day.

Solution B.3.
(a) Hepatic portal vein
(b) Blood Capillaries
(c) Pulmonary artery
(d) White blood cells
(e) Venules
(f) Portal vein
(g) Atrial systole
(h) Tricuspid valve
(i) Atrial systole
(j) Pericardial fluid

Solution B.4.

(a) Blood platelets are involved in blood clotting or coagulation. Blood platelets integrate at the site of injury to release thromboplastin which initiates the process of blood clotting.

(b) Neutrophils perform phagocytosis i.e. they engulf pathogens that enter the blood stream and destroy them.

(c) Erythrocytes transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues in the form of an unstable compound oxyhaemoglobin and transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

(d) Lymphocytes produce antibodies against pathogens which enter the blood stream. In some cases they also perform phagocytosis.

(e) Bone marrow is involved in formation of RBCS and WBCs. It is also involved in the destruction of old and weak RBCs.

Solution B.5.
(a) The blood vessel that begins and ends in capillaries is the hepatic portal vein.
(b) A blood vessel which has small lumen and thick wall is artery.
(c) The valve which prevents the back flow of blood in the veins and lymph vessels is semilunar valve.

Solution B.6.
(a) Lubb: Atrio-ventricular valve:: Dup: Semilunar valves
(b) Coronary artery: Heart::Hepatic artery: Liver

Solution B.7.
A matured mammalian erythrocyte lacks a nucleus and mitochondria. The lack of a nucleus increases the surface area-volume ratio of RBCs, thus increasing the area for oxygen absorption. Also, the lack of a nucleus reduces the size of the cell, making it easy to flow through the blood vessels and more cells can be accommodated in a small area.
The lack of mitochondria implies that the cell does not use any oxygen absorbed for respiration, thus increasing the efficiency of the cell to transport oxygen as all the oxygen absorbed is transported without any loss.

Solution C.1.
Blood flows twice in the heart before it completes one full round. The full round thus includes pulmonary and systemic circulation. In pulmonary circulation, blood enters the lungs through pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary veins collect the blood from the lungs and carry it back to the left atrium.
In systemic circulation, blood from the left ventricle enters the aorta through which the blood is sent to the body parts. From the body parts blood is collected by veins and sent back to the heart. Therefore, the blood circulation in the human body is called double circulation.

Solution C.2.
The first sound LUBB is produced when the atrio-ventricular valves i.e. tricuspid and bicuspid valves close at the start of ventricular systole.
The second sound DUP is produced at the beginning of ventricular diastole, when the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves close.

Solution C.3.
People have a common belief that the heart is located on the left side of the chest because the narrow end of the roughly triangular heart is pointed to the left side and during its working the contraction of the heart is more powerful on the left side which can be felt.

Solution C.4.

They function in the transport of oxygen throughout the body and in the removal of carbon dioxide from the body.They help in the defense of the body against disease-causing pathogens.

(b) An artery carries blood away from the heart whereas a vein brings blood towards the heart.
(c) An artery generally contains oxygenated blood whereas a vein generally carries deoxygenated blood.
(d) Tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart whereas a bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart.

Solution C.5.

Column AColumn B
SA nodePacemaker
Defective hemoglobin in RBCSickle cell anemia
Muscle fibres located in the heartPurkinje fibres
The liquid squeezed out of blood during clottingSerum
Never tires, keep on contracting and relaxingCardiac muscles
Cardiac cycle0.85 sec
Liquid part of the blood without corpusclesPlasma

Solution C.6.

OxygenLungsWhole body
Carbon dioxideWhole bodyLungs
UreaWhole bodyKidneys
Digested carbohydratesIntestinesWhole body
HormonesEndocrine glandsTarget organs

Solution D.1.
(a) Endothelium– It is the innermost layer of the muscular wall of an artery or a vein which faces the lumen.
(b) Lymph nodes– The structures from which fresh lymph channels arise which pour the lymph into major anterior veins.
(c) Venule– The smallest common blood vessel formed by the union of capillaries.
(d) Diastole– The relaxation of muscles of ventricles or atria.

Solution D.2.

An artery is a vessel which carries blood away from the heart towards any organ.A vein is a vessel which conveys the blood away from an organ towards the heart.
Artery has thick muscular walls.Vein has thin muscular walls.
It has a narrow lumen.It has a broad lumen.
There are no valves.Thin pocket-shaped valves are present in the veins.
Arteries progressively decrease in size and branch to form arterioles. Arterioles further breaks up to form capillaries.Capillaries unite to form branches called Venules. Venules further unite to form veins.

Solution D.3.
Tonsils: Tonsils are lymph glands located on the sides of the neck. They tend to localize the infection and prevent it from spreading it in the body as a whole.
Spleen: The spleen is a large lymphatic organ. The spleen acts as a blood reservoir in case of emergency such as haemorrhage, stress or poisoning. It produces lymphocytes and destroys worn out RBCs.

Solution D.4.
(a) The left ventricle pumps blood to the farthest points in the body such as the feet, the toes and the brain against the gravity while the right ventricle pumps the blood only up to the lungs. Therefore, the left ventricle has thicker walls than the right ventricle.
(b) The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs for oxygenation whereas the right auricle receives the blood from vena cavae and passes it to the right ventricle. Therefore, walls of the right ventricle are thicker than those of the right auricle.

Solution D.5.
(a) The left ventricle pumps blood to the farthest points in the body such as the feet, the toes and the brain against the gravity. Thus, it requires greater force to push the blood. In order to with stand with the force applied the walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of all the chambers.

(b) The blood from stomach and intestines enters the liver via hepatic portal vein because the liver monitors all the substances that have to be circulated in body. The excess nutrients such as glucose, fats are stores in the liver. Excess amino acids are broken down by the process deamination. Toxic substances are detoxified.

(c) During blood transfusion it is important that the blood groups of the donor and the recipient are compatible. In case of an incompatible blood transfusion, the recipient develops antibodies that attack the antigens present on the RBCs of the donor causing the blood cells to clump together which may result in death. The examination of Rh factor is also necessary for the blood transfusion. Therefore, the blood groups of both the donor and recipient must be known before transfusing blood.

(d) Veins carry the blood from the body part towards the heart while the arteries carry the blood from the heart. Veins carry the blood against the force of gravity. Therefore, only the veins and not the arteries are provided with valves.

(e) Atrial wall is less muscular than the ventricular wall because the major function of atria is to receive blood from the body and pump in into very next ventricles. While the ventricles pump the blood out of the heart. Right ventricle to the lungs and the left ventricle to all the body parts.

(f) Arteries are responsible to carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues. The blood flows in the artery under high pressure and in spurts. If arteries are located superficially then there is a high possibility of their damage which could lead to a lot of blood loss. To prevent this damage and blood loss, the arteries are deep seated in the body.

Solution E.1.
(a) A is artery, B is vein.

  1. Endothelium of the artery,
  2. Middle layer of smooth muscles and elastic fibres of the artery,
  3. External layer of connective tissue of the artery,
  4. Endothelium of the vein,
  5. Middle layer of smooth muscles and elastic fibres of the vein,
  6. External layer of connective tissue of the vein.

(c) An artery has thick muscular walls and a narrow lumen. It carries blood away from the heart towards any organ.
A vein on the other hand has thin muscular walls and a wider lumen. It carries blood away from an organ towards the heart.

Solution E.2.
(a) The structure 3 represents the heart. It forms the centre of double circulation and is located between the liver and the head (as per the diagram). Also the blood circulation (indicated by 1) begins from heart to lungs.

Hepatic portal vein7
Pulmonary artery1
Superior vena cava9
Renal vein8
Dorsal aorta11

Solution E.3.

1Systemic Circulation
2Vena Cava
4Right Ventricle
5Left Atrium
6Pulmonary Artery
7Pulmonary Vein
8Pulmonary Circulation

(b) Blood flows twice in the heart before it completes one full round. The full round thus includes pulmonary and systemic circulation. For this reason, the blood circulation in the human body is called double circulation.
(c) The relaxation of muscles of ventricles or auricles is known as diastole.

Solution E.4.
(a) Tissue Fluid
(b) Red blood cells
(c) Lymph
(d) The lymph supplies nutrition and oxygen to those parts where blood cannot reach. The lymph drains away excess tissue fluids and metabolites and returns proteins to the blood from tissue spaces.

Solution E.5.
(a) Hepatic portal vein (4)
(b) Hepatic portal vein (4)

Solution E.6.
(a) A- Vein, B-Artery, C-Capillary

  1. External layer made of connective tissue
  2. Lumen
  3. Middle layer of smooth muscles and elastic fibres
  4. Endothelium

(c) An artery has thick muscular walls and a narrow lumen. It does not have any valve.
vein on the other hand has thin muscular walls and a wider lumen. It has valves to prevent back flow of blood.

(d) A (Vein)- deoxygenated blood, B (Artery)- oxygenated blood

(e) At the capillary level the actual exchange of gases takes place.

Solution E.7.
(a) Atrial Diastole and Ventricular Systole

(b) Ventricular muscles are contracting during this phase because the valves between the two ventricles and pulmonary artery and aorta are open while the atrio-ventricular valves are closed.


1Pulmonary Artery
3Pulmonary Vein
4Left Atrium
5Bicuspid Valve
6Right Ventricle

(d) Part 1 (Pulmonary artery) – Deoxygenated blood
Part 2 (Aorta) – Oxygenated Blood

(e) Two i.e., bicuspid and tricuspid valves are closed in this phase.

Solution E.8.

  1. Arteriole
  2. Artery
  3. Venule
  4. Capillaries
  5. Vein

b. Such an arrangement can be observed in the lungs.

Solution E.9.
a. 1 – Red blood cell
b. Diapedesis

They lack a nucleus.They have a nucleus.
They are biconcave and disc-shaped.They are spherical and have different sizes.

d. The process which occurs in B and C is phagocytosis. In this process, the WBCs engulf the foreign particles and destroy them, thus preventing the occurrence of disease.

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Selina Concise Biology Class 6 ICSE Solutions – The Circulatory System

Selina Concise Biology Class 6 ICSE Solutions – The Circulatory System

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 6 Biology Chapter 6 The Circulatory System

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statements:

(a) Function of WBCs is to
(i) Transport oxygen
(ii) Help in clotting of blood
(iii) Provide immunity
(iv) Provide storage of food.

(b) Blood Capillary is a
(i) Broad tube
(ii) Artery with thick wall
(iii) Vein with large lumen
(iv) Narrow tube made up of endothelium only.

(c) Nucleus is absent in
(i) RBCs
(ii) VBCs
(iii) All blood cells
(iv) Liver cells.

(d) The only artery which carries deoxygenated blood is called,
(i) Hepatic artery
(ii) Pulmonary artery
(iii) Aorta
(iv) Renal artery

(e) Sphygmomanometer ni’sures
(i) Pulse rate
(ii) Heart beat
(iii) Blood pressure
(iv) Brain activity

(f) Pulmonary vein carries
(i) Oxygenated blood
(ii) Deoxygenated blood
(iii) Glucose-rich blood
(iv) C02 laden blood

(g) The blood tastes saltish due to the dissolved:
(i) Sodium chloride
(ii) Potassium chloride
(iii) Ammonium nitrate
(iv) Sodium nitrate

Short Answer Questions:

1. Differentiate between the following pair of terms:
Question 1(a)
Patelets and WBC

  1. These are colourless, oval or round, cytoplasmic fragments found floating in the blood.
  2. These play a major role in blood clotting.
  3. Their life span is 3-5 days and it is called thrombocytes.


  1. WBC are colourless and lack haemoglobin, larger in quantity, and have distinct oval and lobed nucleus.
  2. They prevent body from disease causing germs by providing immunity
  3. Their life span is short i.e. 5 to 20 days.

Question 1(b)
Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
Pulmonary artery

  1. This involves circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs.
  2. It carries deoxygenated blood.

Pulmonary vein

  1. This involves circulation of blood to the heart from the lungs.
  2. It carries oxygenated blood.

Question 1(c)
Vena Cava and Aorta
Vena Cava

  1. Vena Cava is a large vein.
  2. It carries deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower parts of the body i.e. head and shoulders.


  1. Aorta is the large artery.
  2. It carries oxygenated blood to all parts of the body through its branches.

Question 1(d)

  1. They do not have nucleus at maturity.
  2. They possess haemoglobin and are red.
  3. They help in transport of respiratory gases.


  1. They have a large characteristic nucleus.
  2. They are colourless as they have no pigment.
  3. They help in defence mechanism.

Question 2.
Give any three differences between an artery and a vein:
Following are the differences between the artery and a vein:

  1. Arteries carry blood from the heart to various body parts.
  2. These carry oxygenated blood (except the pulmonary artery).
  3. Blood flows with high speed and under high pressure.


  1. Veins carry blood from different body parts to the heart.
  2. These carry deoxygenatec blood (except the pulmonary vein).
  3. Blood flows with low speech and under low pressure.

Question 3.
Blood consists of two parts — a liquid part and a cellular part. Name these parts and briefly write about them.

  1. Plasma: The plasma is a light-yellow coloured, alkaline liquid which mainly consists of:
    • Water- 90-92%
    • Proteins – 7-8%
    • Inorganic salts – 1%
    • Other substances – traces
  2. Cellular elements : These elements are of three categories:
    • Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
    • White blood cells (leukocytes)
    • Blood platelets (thrombocytes)

Question 4.
What is the role of haemoglobin in the blood ?
The haemoglobin is the respiratory pigment which is formed of the iron containing part known as haemin and protein part known as globin. It helps to transport respiratory gases (oxygen).

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below:

  1. The colour of a red blood cell is due to haemoglobin.
  2. The two lower chambers of the heart are called ventricles.
  3. The blood plasma contains a dissolved substance such as nutrient, proteins, waste products and harmones.
  4. The pulmonary artery takes the blood from the ventricles to the lungs.
  5. The instrument used to find out the blood pressure is known as sphygmomanometer.
  6. The blood loaded with carbon dioxide from the body comes into the right auricle of the heart.
  7. The oxygen-rich blood from the lungs comes into the left ventricle of the heart.
  8. The oxygen-rich blood is pumped into different parts of the body through aorta.
  9. The carbon dioxide loaded blood from right ventricle is pumped into the lungs through pulmonary artery.
  10. The liquid part of coagulated blood is known as serum.

Question 6.
In which organ of our body does blood get oxygenated?
Blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs. The oxygenated blood is returned to left verticles by the pulmonary vein.

Question 7.
Which side of the heart (left or right) contains oxygenated blood?
The left side of the heart contains oxygenated blood.

Question 8.
Name the disease in which the number of platelets reduces to 25,000 – 30,000 per cubic mm of blood. State its major symptoms.
Dengue fever is one such disease in which the number of platelets get reduced to as low as 25-30 thousands per cubic mm of blood. The major symptoms of dengue are high fever, rashes or red spots on body, nausea or vomiting, pain in abdomen, back, or back of the eyes and muscles.

Long answer Questions

Question 1.
Name the three kinds of blood vessels found in human beings. With the help of suitable diagrams, differentiate between them.
The three kind of blood vessels found in human beings are arteries, veins and capillaries.

  1. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the various parts of the body.
  2. Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from the body parts to the heart.

Capillaries: These are the terminal branches of an artery, which rejoin to form a vein. A capillary is a very narrow tube whose walls have a single layer of cells with no muscles. Although the wall of a capillary is very thin, yet an exchange of nutrients, waste products and gases take place between the blood and the body fluids.
Selina Concise Biology Class 6 ICSE Solutions - The Circulatory System 1


  1. Carry blood away from the heart.
  2. Have thick and more muscular walls.
  3. Carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary artery which carries deoxygenated blood).
  4. The blood flows with j erks and under great force.


  1. Carry blood towards the heart.
  2. Have thin and less muscular walls.
  3. Carry deoxygenated blood (except pulmonary vein which carries oxygenated blood).
  4. The blood flows smoothly and under little pressure.

Capillaries :

  1. Arteries after entering an organ divide into number of smaller branches called arterioles which further divide repeatedly to form a network of fine branches called capillaries.
  2. The walls of the capillaries are very thin and are one cell deep.
  3. The Capillaries after the metabolic exchange unite to form larger vessels called venules, which again unite to form a vein.

PQ. During surgical operations or during accidents, the patient may be given blood from outside to save his life. What is the technical name of this process ? Briefly explain the precautions to be taken in this process.
During surgical operation or an accident when excess of bleeding takes place, the patient may be given blood from outside to save his life.
The transfer of blood from the donor to the recipient is called blood transfusion.
The following precautions are taken before the blood is given to the needy person:

  1. Matching of the donor’s blood with that of the recipient should be done.
  2. It should be made sure clinically that blood of donor is free from any infection.
  3. Sterilization of all the instruments to be used during the operation is must.

Question 2.
State briefly, the difference between white blood cells and the red blood cells.
Difference between white blood cells and the red blood cells

  1. They do not have nucleus atmaturity.
  2. They possess haemoglobin and are red.
  3. They help in transport of respiratory gases.
  4. Life span is 120 days.
  5. They are about 5 million/mm3of blood.
  6. In the embryonic stage the RBC are formed in the liver and spleen. But after birth, they are formed in the red bone marrow.


  1. They have a large characteristic nucleus.
  2. They are colourless as they have no pigment.
  3. They help in defence mechanism.
  4. WBC have a short life.span of 5 to 20 days.
  5. They are about 7000/mm3of blood.
  6. WBC are formed in the red bone marrow.

Question 3.
You can see some blood vessels on the outside of the hands specially in older people. Are those veins or arteries ? How can you confirm your answer ?
In older persons the skin becomes loose as the fat below becomes less with age and the vessels passing through these areas especially on the outside of the hands become prominent. These are veins as they flow superficially. The veins are thin and less muscular. These carry the blood to the heart veins are placed superficially so they are easily visible to the eye and are prominent.
The blood in the veins will be carrying COand will have many substances like sugar, amino acids, chemicals and bacteria.

Question 4.
Given alongside is a diagram of human heart showing its internal structures. Label the parts marked 1 to 6, and answer the following questions.
Selina Concise Biology Class 6 ICSE Solutions - The Circulatory System 2
(a) Which types of blood is carried by the blood vessel marked 2?
(b) Name the main artery which takes the blood from heart to different parts of the body?
(c) Which chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body?
(d) Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs ?


  1. Left pulmonary artery
  2. superior vena cava
  3. Left pulmonary vein
  4. Right auricle
  5. Left auricle
  6. Left ventricle

(a) Deoxygentated blood.
(b) Aortic arch (Aorta).
(c) Right Atrium.
(d) Left Atrium