Uses of different salts in daily life

Uses of different salts in daily life

  1. Many different types of salts can be found in nature.
  2. The sea contains many salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate and potassium bromide.
  3. The earth’s crust is made up of minerals containing various types of salts such as calcium fluoride (fluorite), magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt), lead(II) sulphide (galena) and calcium carbonate (limestone).

Uses of salts

  1. Salts play an important role in our daily life.
  2. The following gives examples of salts and their uses in daily life.


  1. Chemical fertilisers
    (a) Most of the chemical fertilisers used by farmers are salts.
    (b) These salts include ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride and NPK fertilisers.
    (c) NPK fertilisers contain the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium obtained from salts such as ammonium phosphate and potassium chloride.
  2. Pesticides
    (a) Certain salts are used as pesticides to kill or destroy insects, pests, weeds and fungi.
    (b) Examples include copper(II) sulphate, iron(II) sulphate, mercury chloride, sodium arsenate and sodium chlorate(V).

Medical field

  1. Hydrated calcium sulphate, CaSO4.2H2O, is found in plaster of Paris. It is used to make plaster casts for supporting broken bones.
  2. Iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate, FeSO4.7H2O is an ingredient in ‘iron pills’. It is used as an iron supplement for patients suffering from anaemia.
  3. Potassium chloride is used as a substitute for patients who need a low intake of sodium salt.
  4. Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate (Epsom salt) and sodium sulphate decahydrate (Glauber salt) are used as laxatives.
  5. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is an ingredient in anti-acids. This salt can neutralise the excess acid secreted by the stomach.
  6. Barium sulphate is used to make barium meals for patients who need to take an X-ray of their stomach. The salt helps to make internal soft organs like intestines appear on X-ray films.
  7. Potassium manganate(VII) can kill bacteria and hence is suitable for use as an disinfectant.

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Food industry

  1. Sodium chloride is used as a food additive in the preparation of food, to give foods a salty taste. It is also used as a food preservative.
  2. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is another food additive used in food preparation to enhance the taste of foods.
  3. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is found in baking powders. Together with acid salts such as potassium hydrogen tartrate, calcium hydrogen phosphate and sodium hydrogen phosphate, they react in the presence of water to produce carbon dioxide. As the carbon dioxide escapes, it helps to make the cake or bread rise.
  4. Sodium nitrite and sodium benzoate are examples of salts used as food preservatives. Sodium nitrite helps to preserve processed meat such as ham and sausages. Sodium benzoate is found in tomato sauce and chilli sauce.


  1. Sodium hypochlorite is a bleaching agent and a disinfectant. Cleaning agents contain this compound.
  2. Tin(II) fluoride is added to toothpaste and water to prevent tooth decay.
  3. Sodium carbonate decahydrate is used in making soda-lime glass.
  4. Silver bromide is used in the making of photographic paper and film.

The following table lists uses of some salts:

Sodium chloride (NaCl)
  1. An essential requirement of our food
  2. In the preservation of food
  3. In curing fish and meat
  4. In making a freezing mixture which is used by icecream vendors
  5. In the manufacture of soaps
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
  1. As washing soda for cleaning clothes
  2. Used in the manufacture of glass, paper, textiles, caustic soda, etc.
  3. In the refining of petroleum
  4. In fire extinguishers
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
  1. Used as baking soda
  2. In fire extinguishers
  3. As an antacid in medicine
Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
  1. To make gunpowder, fireworks and glass
  2. As a fertilizer in agriculture
Copper sulphate (CuSO4)
  1. Commonly called ‘blue vitriol’, used as a fungicide to kill certain germs
  2. In electroplating
  3. In dyeing
Potash alum (K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O)
  1. Used to purify water; makes suspended particles in water settle down
  2. As an antiseptic
  3. In dyeing
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
  1. Flooring in the form of marble
  2. To make lime (CaO),cement
  3. For extraction of iron
Silver nitrate (AgNO3)
  1. In photography for developing films
Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)
  1. Fertilizers and explosives

General Properties of Salts

General Properties of Salts

Some of the characteristic properties of salts are:

  1. Melting and boiling points: Salts are mostly solids which melt as well as boil at high temperatures.
  2. Solubility in water: Salts are generally soluble in water. For example, sodium chloride, potassium sulphate, aluminium nitrate, ammonium carbonate, etc., are soluble salts while silver chloride, lead chloride, copper carbonate, etc., are insoluble in water.
  3. Water of crystallization: Generally, salts are found as crystals with water molecules present in them. This water is called water of crystallization and such salts are called hydrated salts.
    For example, copper sulphate crystal has five molecules of water for each copper sulphate molecule. This is written as CuSO4.5H2O. This water of crystallization gives the crystal its shape. It also gives colour to some crystals. On heating, hydrated salts lose their water of crystallization and, as a result, the crystals lose their shape and colour and change to a powdery substance.
    The hydrated salts that have lost their water of crystallization are called anhydrous salts.
    When hydrated copper sulphate is heated, it gives out water molecules to form white powdery anhydrous copper sulphate. On addition of water, this substance can convert back to a hydrated copper sulphate solution again.General Properties of Salts 1

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General Properties of Salts :

1. Reaction with an acid : When a salt reacts with an acid, another salt and acid are formed. For example, when sodium chloride is heated with sulphuric acid, sodium hydrogensulphate (at low temperature) and then sodium sulphate (at high temperature) are produced and hydrogen chloride gas is evolved.

2. Reaction with a base : A salt reacts with a base to produce another salt and base.

(NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH  →  Na2SO4 + 2NH4OH

3. Reaction with a metal : Sometimes, a salt solution may react with a metal. For example, when an iron nail is dipped into an aqueous solution of copper sulphate, copper gets deposited on the surface of the nail and the ferrous sulphate formed remains in the solution.

CuSO4 + Fe  →  FeSO4 + Cu

This reaction shows that iron is more reactive than copper.
Thus, more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from a solution of its salt.

4. Behaviour of salts towards water :
When a salt is dissolved in water, the solution may be neutral, acidic or alkaline. This depends upon the nature of the salt used.

(i)   A normal salt derived from a strong acid and a strong base gives a neutral solution. For example, the aqueous solutions of NaCl and K2SO4 are neutral to litmus.
General Properties of Salts 2
(ii)  A normal salt derived from a weak acid and a strong base gives an alkaline solution. For example, the aqueous solutions of both sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and sodium acetate (CH3COONa) are alkaline.

Na2CO3 + 2H2O  →  2NaOH + CO2 + H2O


(iii) A salt derived from a strong acid and a weak base gives an acidic solution. For example, both aluminium chloride (AlCl3) and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) make acidic aqueous solutions.

AlCl3 + 3H2O  →  Al(OH)3 + 3HCl

NH4Cl + H2O  →  NH4OH + HCl

(iv) Solutions of acidic salts are acidic to litmus, i.e., these solutions turn blue litmus paper red. For example, a solution of sodium hydrogensulphate (NaHSO4) turns blue litmus paper red.
Sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3) solution, however, is slightly alkaline.

Preparation of Salts

Preparation of Salts

Preparation of salts in the laboratory

  1. The method used to prepare a salt depends on the solubility of the salt in water.
  2. A soluble salt can be prepared from a reaction between an acid and a metal, a base or a carbonate.
    • Reaction 1: Acid + alkalisalt + water
    • Reaction 2: Acid + metalsalt + hydrogen
    • Reaction 3: Acid + basesalt + water
    • Reaction 4: Acid + metal carbonatesalt + water + carbon dioxide
  3. Reaction 1 is used to prepare ammonium salts, sodium salts and potassium salts.
  4. Reactions 2, 3 and 4 are used to prepare soluble salts except ammonium salts, sodium salts or potassium salts.
  5. Recrystallisation is carried out to obtain pure crystals of the salt from the solution.

1. By the reaction between metal and acid : Certain metals (for example, Zn and Mg) react with HCl or H2SO4 to form salt and hydrogen.

Zn + 2HCl  →  ZnCl2 + H2­

Zn + H2SO →   ZnSO4 + H2­

2. By the reaction between an acid and a base : All acid-base reactions (neutralization reactions) produce salts.

NaOH + HCl  →  NaCl + H2O

CuO + 2HCl  →  CuCl2 + H2O

3. By direct union of a metal and a nonmetal : Sodium and chlorine combine directly to form sodium chloride.

2Na + Cl2  →  2NaCl

Similarly, when sulphur is heated with iron filings, ferrous sulphide (FeS) is formed.

4. By the union between an acidic oxide and a basic :
Preparation of Salts 1
5. By the reaction between a metal and a base : When zinc is heated with an aqueous solution of NaOH, sodium zincate (salt) is formed with the evolution of hydrogen gas.

People also ask

How to select suitable methods for preparation of salts?

The flow chart below can help you select suitable methods for preparation of salts.

Qualitative Analysis of Salts

Qualitative Analysis of Salts

What is qualitative analysis?

  1. Qualitative analysis of a salt Analysis is a chemical technique used to identify the ions present in a salt by analysing its physical and chemical properties and hence determine the identity of the salt.
  2. It determines only the presence or absence of a particular ion in a given salt. This method does not determine how much of a particular ion is present.
  3. For example, a student did a chemical analysis on a sample of salt X. His results showed the presence of sodium ions and bromide ions. His conclusion was the salt must be sodium bromide.
  4. The procedure for testing salts in the laboratory consists of the following general steps.
    1. Make initial observations of the physical properties of the salt.
    2. Study the action of heat on the salt.
    3. Make aqueous solution of the salt to test for anions and cations present.
    4. Carry out confirmatory tests for cations and anions.

People also ask

Examining the colour and solubility of salts in water

  1. Preliminary examination on the physical properties of a salt such as colour and solubility in water can help to indicate that certain cations and anions might be present.
  2. Observations of physical properties only allow you to make inferences on the possibility of the presence of certain ions in the salts. This is because it is possible to have more than one salt sharing the same physical properties. For example:
    (a) Iron(II) ions, nickel(II) ions and chromium(III) ions dissolve in water to produce green solutions.
    (b) Sodium chloride and potassium carbonate are white solids. Both solids dissolve in water to produce colourless solutions.
  3. Hence, observations of physical properties of salts cannot be used to confirm the identities of the ions. Its main purpose is to help us narrow down the choices of cations and anions present in a salt. Chemical tests still have to be carried out to confirm these ions.

Table lists the colours of some common salts.

SolidAqueous solution
Potassium salts
Sodium salts
Ammonium salts
Aluminium salts
Calcium salts
Lead(ll) salts
Zinc salts
(with colourless anions)
Carbonate salts
Chloride salts
Nitrate salts
Sulphate salts
(with colourless cations)
Iron(II) salts:
Iron(II) chloride Iron(II) nitrate iron(II) sulphate
Iron(III) salts:
Iron(III) chloride
Iron(III) nitrate
Iron(III) sulphate
Copper(II) salts:
Copper(II) chloride
Copper(II) nitrate
Copper(II) sulphate
 Copper(II) carbonate Green(Insoluble)

Table shows the solubility of some common compounds.

CompoundSolubility in water
Sodium, potassium and ammonium saltsAll are soluble
Nitrate saltsAll are soluble
Ethanoate saltsAll are soluble
Chloride saltsAll are soluble except AgCl, HgCl and PbCl2
Sulphate saltsAll are soluble except BaSO4, PbSO4 and CaSO4
Carbonate saltsAll are insoluble except Na2CO3, K2CO3 and (NH4)2CO3
Metal oxidesAll are insoluble except Na2O, K2O and CaO (slightly soluble)
Metal hydroxidesAll are insoluble except NaOH, KOH and Ba(OH)2

Example: Preliminary examination of solid X gave the following observations. Identify solid X. Explain your answer.

  • Green solid that insoluble in water
  • Dissolved in dilute acid with effervescence to form a blue solution


  • The colour of an aqueous solution of a substance gives a more accurate inference about the nature of the ion present. Blue solution indicates presence of Cu2+ ion.
  • When a metal reacts with an acid, effervescence due to hydrogen gas liberated is observed. Effervescence due to carbon dioxide gas is seen when an acid reacts with a carbonate salt. Most metals are grey solids. Hence, the green solid X has to be a carbonate salt. X is copper(II) carbonate.

Test for gases

  1. Gases are often produced from reactions carried out during laboratory tests on salts. Gases can be evolved when
    (a) salts are heated.
    (b) salts are reacted with acids or alkalis.
  2. For example:
    (a) Heating a carbonate salt produces carbon dioxide gas.
    (b) Reacting a metal with dilute acids produces hydrogen gas.
  3. By identifying the gases evolved, it is possible to infer the types of cations or anions present in a salt.
  4. A gas can be identified by its colour, smell, effect on litmus paper and reactions with special reagents.

  • Bring a piece of moist red litmus paper to the mouth of the test tube.
    Qualitative Analysis of Salts 1


  • Red litmus paper turns blue.
  • Colourless gas
  • Pungent smell
  • Alkaline gas
  • Turns moist red litmus paper blue
    Forms dense white fumes with hydrogen chloride Produced by heating a mixture of ammonium salt and alkali
    NH4Cl(s) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + NH3(g) + H2O(l)

  • Lower a glowing wooden splint into the test tube.
    Qualitative Analysis of Salts 2


  • Glowing wooden splint is relighted.
  • Colourless gas
  • No effect on litmus paper
  • Supports combustion
  • Relights a glowing wooden splint
  • Produced by heating a chlorate(V) or nitrate salt
    2KClO3(s) → 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g)
    2Pb(NO3)2(s) → 2PbO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
Carbon dioxide

  • Bubble the gas through limewater.
    Qualitative Analysis of Salts 3


  • Limewater turns milky (chalky).
  • Colourless gas
  • Acidic gas
  • Turns moist blue litmus paper red
  • Turns limewater milky
  • Produced by heating a metal carbonate or acid- carbonate reaction
    CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + C02(g)
    CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

  • Bring a lighted wooden splint to the mouth of the test tube.
    Qualitative Analysis of Salts 4


  • Gas burns with a ‘pop’ sound.
  • Colourless gas
  • No effect on litmus paper
  • Forms an explosive mixture with air
  • Burns with a ‘pop’ sound
  • Produced by an acid-metal reaction
    Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

  • Bring a piece of moist blue litmus paper to the mouth of the test tube.
    Qualitative Analysis of Salts 5


  • Blue litmus paper turns red. It is then bleached.
  • Greenish-yellow gas
  • Pungent smell Acidic gas
  • Turns moist blue litmus paper red
  • Bleaches litmus paper
  • Produced by heating a mixture of manganese(IV) oxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid
    MnO2(s) + 4HCl(aq) → MnCl2(aq) + Cl2(g) + 2H20(l)
Sulphur dioxide

  • Bubble the gas through acidified K2Cr207 solution or acidified KMn04 solution

Qualitative Analysis of Salts 6


  • The orange K2Cr2Osolution turns green or the purple KMnO4 solution turns colourless.
  • Colourless gas
  • Pungent smell
  • Acidic gas
  • Turns moist blue litmus paper red
  • Reduces orange acidified dichromate(VI) ion to green chromium(III) ion
  • Decolourises purple acidified manganate(VII) ion Produced by an acid-sulphite reaction
    Na2SO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + SO2(g)
Hydrogen chloride

  • Use a glass rod to bring a drop of concentrated ammonia solution to the mouth of the test tube.

Qualitative Analysis of Salts 7


  • Dense white fumes are formed.
  • Colourless gas
  • Forms fumes in moist air
  • Acidic gas
  • Turns moist blue litmus paper red
  • Forms dense white fumes with ammonia gas
  • Produced by heating a mixture of common salt and concentrated sulphuric acid
    H2SO4(aq) + NaCl(s) → NaHSO4(aq) + HCl(g)
Nitrogen dioxide

  • Bring a piece of moist blue litmus paper to the mouth of the test tube.
  • Observe the colour of gas evolved.

Qualitative Analysis of Salts 8


  • Blue litmus paper turns red.
  • Brown gas is evolved.
  • Brown gas
  • Pungent smell
  • Acidic gas
  • Turns moist blue litmus paper red
  • Reacts with water to form colourless solution
  • Produced by heating a nitrate salt
    2Cu(NO3)O2(s) → 2CuO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)


Action of Heat on Salts

Action of Heat on Salts

  1. Heating a salt may cause it to decompose. The decomposition may result in
    (a) a colour change
    (b) evolution of a gas
    (c) liberation of water vapour
  2. Gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia or oxygen can be evolved. By identifying the gas or gases liberated, it is possible to pinpoint the anion present in the salt.
  3. Examination of the residue can provide information to identify the cation in the salt.
    Action of Heat on Salts 1

Action of Heat on Carbonate Salts

  1. Most metal carbonates decompose on heating to produce metal oxides and carbon dioxide gas.
    Metal carbonate → metal oxide + carbon dioxide
    Action of Heat on Salts 2
  2. When the carbon dioxide gas is bubbled through limewater, it will turn the limewater milky.

Table shows the action of heat on carbonate salts.

Carbonate saltAction of heat
Potassium carbonate
Sodium carbonate
Do not decompose
Calcium carbonate
Magnesium carbonate
Aluminium carbonate
Zinc carbonate
Iron(III) carbonate
Lead(II) carbonate
Copper(II) carbonate
Decompose to produce metal oxide and carbon dioxide
Metal carbonate → metal oxide + carbon dioxide
For example,
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
Silver carbonate

Decomposes to produce metal, oxygen and carbon dioxide
2Ag2CO3(s) → 4Ag(s) + O2(g) + 2CO2(g)

Ammonium carbonate

Decomposes to produce ammonia, water and carbon dioxide
(NH4)2CO3(s) → 2NH3(g) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

People also ask

Action of Heat on Carbonate Salts Experiment

Aim: To investigate the action of heat on carbonate salts.
Materials: Limewater, sodium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, zinc carbonate, lead(II) carbonate, copper(II) carbonate and potassium carbonate.
Apparatus: Test tubes, tongs, spatula, Bunsen burner and stopper with delivery tube.

  1. About two spatulaful of copper(II) carbonate are placed in a test tube.
  2. The colour of the carbonate salt is noted.
  3. The test tube is stoppered with a delivery tube dipping into limewater as shown in Figure.
    Action of Heat on Salts 3
  4. The carbonate salt is then heated strongly.
  5. Any changes that occur to the limewater and also the colour of the residue when it is hot and when it is cold are recorded.
  6. Steps 1 to 5 are repeated using each of the carbonate salts listed in Table to replace the copper(II) carbonate.


Carbonate saltColour of salt before heatingColour of residueEffect on limewater
Copper(II) carbonateGreenBlackBlackLimewater turns milky.
Sodium carbonateWhiteNo change.
Potassium carbonateWhiteNo change.
Calcium carbonateWhiteWhiteWhiteLimewater turns milky.
Magnesium carbonateWhiteWhiteWhiteLimewater turns milky.
Zinc carbonateWhiteYellowWhiteLimewater turns milky.
Lead(II) carbonateWhiteBrownYellowLimewater turns milky.


  1. Alkali metal carbonates such as sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate are stable to heat.
  2. Most metal carbonates decompose on heating to produce metal oxides and liberate carbon dioxide gas.
  3. The carbon dioxide gas forms a white precipitate with limewater, making the limewater milky.

Heating a metal carbonate will decompose it into a metal oxide and liberate carbon dioxide. Group 1 metal carbonates are not decomposed by heat.

Action of Heat on Nitrate Salts

  1. Nitrate salts also undergo decomposition on heating.
  2. Most metal nitrates decompose to produce a metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
    Action of Heat on Salts 4
  3. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate decompose to produce nitrite salts and oxygen.
  4. Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas. It is an acidic gas that turns moist blue litmus paper red. Hence, dissolving it in water produces a colourless acidic solution.
    2NO2(g) + H2O(l) → HNO2(aq) + HNO3(aq)
  5. The colourless oxygen gas rekindles a glowing wooden splint.

Table: Action of heat on nitrate salts

Nitrate saltAction of heat
Potassium nitrate
Sodium nitrate
Decompose to produce a nitrite salt and oxygen
2KNO3(s) → 2KNO2(s) + O2(g)
2NaNO3(s) → 2NaNO2(s) + O2(g)
Calcium nitrate
Magnesium nitrate
Aluminium nitrate
Zinc nitrate
Iron(II) nitrate
Iron(III) nitrate
Lead(II) nitrate
Copper(II) nitrate

Decompose to produce metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
Metal nitrate → metal oxide + nitrogen dioxide + oxygen
For example,
2Cu(NO3)2(s) → 2CuO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)

Silver nitrateDecomposes to produce metal, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
2AgNO3(s) → 2Ag(s) + 2NO2 (g) + O2(g)
Ammonium nitrateDecomposes to produce nitrous oxide and water
NH4NO3(s) → N2O(g) + 2H2O(l)

Action of Heat on Nitrate Salts Experiment

Aim: To investigate the action of heat on nitrate salts.
Materials: Sodium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, calcium nitrate, zinc nitrate, lead(II) nitrate, copper(II) nitrate, potassium nitrate, iron(III) nitrate, iron(II) nitrate, blue litmus paper and wooden splint.
Apparatus: Test tubes, tongs, spatula and Bunsen burner.

  1. About two spatulaful of copper(II) nitrate are placed in a test tube.
  2. The colour of the nitrate salt is noted.
  3. The nitrate salt is then heated strongly as shown in Figure.
    Action of Heat on Salts 5
  4. The gases liberated are tested by
    (a) lowering a glowing wooden splint into the test tube.
    (b) bringing a piece of moist blue litmus paper to the mouth of the test tube.
  5. The colour of the residue when it is hot and when it is cold are recorded.
  6. Steps 1 to 5 are repeated using each of the nitrate salts listed in Table to replace the copper(II) nitrate.


Nitrate saltColour of salt before heatingColour of residueTests for gases evolved
HotColdColour of gasGlowing splintBlue litmus paper
Copper(II) nitrateBlueBlackBlackBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Sodium nitrateWhiteWhiteWhiteColourlessRekindlesNo change
Potassium nitrateWhiteWhiteWhiteColourlessRekindlesNo change
Calcium nitrateWhiteWhiteWhiteBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Magnesium nitrateWhiteWhiteWhiteBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Zinc nitrateWhiteYellowWhiteBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Iron(II) nitrateGreenBlackBlackBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Iron(III) nitrateBrownBrownBrownBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red
Lead(II) nitrateWhiteBrownYellowBrown gas and colourless gasRekindlesTurns red


  1. When nitrate salts are heated, they decompose to liberate nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
  2. Only sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate decompose to liberate oxygen.
  3. Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas that turns moist blue litmus paper red.
  4. Oxygen is a colourless gas that relights a glowing wooden splint.

Most metal nitrates decompose to produce a metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen except sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate which decompose to produce nitrite salts and oxygen.

Action of Heat on Sulphate Salts

  1. The normal sulphate salts are more stable to heat compared to the carbonates and nitrates.
  2. Group 1 metal sulphates such as sodium sulphate and potassium sulphate do not decompose on heating. Group 2 metal sulphates such as calcium sulphate also do not decompose when heated.
  3. The sulphates of heavy metals are decomposed into metal oxides and sulphur trioxide when heated.
    Action of Heat on Salts 6
  4. Sulphur trioxide is a typical acidic oxide and dissolves in water to form sulphuric acid.
    SO3(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(aq)
  5. An exceptional case is iron(II) sulphate because it also forms sulphur dioxide gas.
    2FeSO4(s) → Fe2O3(s) + SO3(g) + SO2(g)
    The green crystals of iron(II) sulphate turn into a brown solid of iron(III) oxide.
  6. Ammonium sulphate sublimes when first heated. Further heating decomposes the salt into ammonia and hydrogen sulphate.
    (NH4)2SO4(S) – 2NH3(g) + H2SO4(g)

Action of Heat on Chloride Salts

  1. Chloride salts are stable to heat except ammonium chloride.
  2. Initial heating of ammonium chloride causes the salt to sublime.
    NH4Cl(S) → NH4Cl(g)
  3. On further heating, decomposition takes place to produce ammonia and hydrogen chloride.
    NH4Cl(g) → NH3(g) + HCl(g)
  4. When ammonium chloride is heated in a test tube, the lighter ammonia gas will emerge first and turn a piece of moist red litmus paper blue. Hydrogen chloride, coming up next, will change the litmus paper from blue back to red.
    Action of Heat on Salts 7

Identification of salts by action of heat

  1. When a salt is heated strongly, it may decompose. One or more gases may be liberated.
  2. Each gas can be identified by
    • noting its colour.
    • testing it with moist blue or red litmus paper.
    • testing it with limewater.
    • testing it with glowing wooden splint.
    • testing it with acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution or acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution.
  3. The colour of the residue when hot and cold must be noted to help in the identification of the salt.
  4. The following table shows how to identify salts P, Q, R, S and T through gases liberated by the action of heat.
Heat P in a test tube. Identify the gas/gases given off.
  • A colourless gas is liberated.
  • It forms a white precipitate with limewater, i.e. limewater turns milky.
  • Carbon dioxide gas, CO2, is produced.
  • Carbonate ion, CO22-, is present.
  • P is a carbonate salt.
Heat Q in a test tube. Identify the gas/gases given off.
  • A brown gas is liberated which turns damp blue litmus paper red.
  • A colourless gas is evolved which relights a glowing wooden splint.
  • Solid residue is yellow when hot and white when cold.
  • Brown gas is nitrogen dioxide, NO2.
  • Colourless gas is oxygen, O2.
  • Nitrate ion, NO3, is present.
  • Residue is zinc oxide.
  • Q is zinc nitrate.
Heat R in a test tube. Identify the gas/gases given off.
  • A colourless gas is given out.
  • It turns orange acidified potassium dichromate(VI) green.
  • Sulphur dioxide gas, SO2 is produced.
  • Sulphate ion, SO42-,is present.
  • R is a sulphate salt.
Heat S in a test tube. Identify the gas/gases given off.
  • A colourless pungent gas is evolved.
  • It turns damp red litmus paper blue.
  • It forms dense white fumes with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
  • Ammonia gas, NH3, is produced.
  • Ammonium ion, NH4+, is present.
  • S is an ammonium salt.
Heat Tin a test tube. Identify the gas/gases given off.
  • A yellow-green gas is liberated.
  • It turns damp blue litmus paper red and then white.
  • Chlorine gas, Cl2, is produced.
  • Chloride ion, Cl, is present.
  • T is a chloride salt.