What Are The Harmful Effects Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life

Harmful Effects Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life

Harmful effects of microorganisms can be divided into the following two categories:

  • Causing diseases in human beings, animals, and plants
  • Food spoilage

We will discuss each of these in detail.

Disease-causing Microorganisms

Microorganisms that cause diseases in human beings, animals, and plants are called pathogens. Let us look at some of the diseases caused by pathogens in human beings, animals, and plants.

In human beings    Pathogens enter the body of a healthy person through air, water, and food. They can also spread from an infected person to a healthy one. For example, when a person suffering from common cold sneezes, pathogens are released into the air. These pathogens may enter the body of a healthy person while breathing and he/she may also get common cold.

Pathogens also spread from an infected person to a healthy one through insects like the female Anopheles mosquito and housefly. For example, when a female Anopheles mosquito bites a person suffering from malaria, it sucks in the pathogens along with the blood. When the same mosquito bites a healthy person, the pathogens may enter his/her body and that person may also get infected with malaria. Similarly, when a housefly sits on garbage, pathogens may stick to its body. The same fly may transmit these pathogens to food items, when it sits on them.

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When a person eats these food items, the pathogens enter his/her body and cause diseases. Insects like the female Anopheles mosquito and housefly, which transmit pathogens from an infected person to a healthy one, are known as carriers of diseases. Diseases that can spreadfrom one person to another are called communicable diseases.

Some common communicable diseases in human beings, along with their mode of transmission, causative pathogens, and preventive measures, are listed in table.


Mode of transmissionCausative pathogenPreventive measures
MalariaBite of the female Anopheles mosquitoProtozoan

Not allowing mosquitoes to thrive in the locality; using mosquito nets and repellents


Contaminated food and waterBacteriumMaintaining proper sanitation practices; boiling water before drinking; avoid eating uncovered food
TyphoidContaminated foodBacterium

Maintaining proper sanitation practices


Vaccination (for children)


Direct contact with the infected personFungusGood hygiene; not sharing personal items like towels and combs with infected person

Common cold


Washing hands regularly; avoiding close contact with people having common cold

PoliomyelitisAir and waterVirus


ChickenpoxAir; physical contact with the infected personVirus


In animals   Some animal diseases caused by pathogens are listed in table.


Affected animalMode of transmission

Causative pathogen

Foot and mouth disease

CattleContact with diseased animals; air


RinderpestCattleContact with diseased animals; drinking contaminated water; air




Fin rotFishDirty water/injury


In plants   Some plant diseases caused by pathogens are discussed below.

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Microorganisms and Food Spoilage

Microorganisms like fungi and bacteria are responsible for the spoilage of various foodstuffs, including bread. The main conditions required for the growth of these microorganisms are a moderately warm temperature, air, and moisture. These microorganisms often produce poisonous substances, which make food unfit for consumption. Eating such foodstuffs can cause an illness called food poisoning.


Aim: To observe orange mould under a microscope.
Materials needed: Fresh orange, a bowl (with lid), glass slide with coverslip, forceps, glycerine, and microscope.
1. Take a fresh orange in a bowl. Cover the bowl with a lid.
2. Place the bowl in a warm place and leave it undisturbed for a week.

What Are The Harmful Effects Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life 4Observation: You would observe a greyish growth (mould) on the orange. Carefully pick up a small sample of the mould with the help of forceps. Put a drop of glycerine on a clean glass slide. Place the sample on the glycerine drop carefully and put the coverslip Make sure there are no folds. With the help of your teacher, observe the sample under the microscope. Draw what you see.
Extension: You could repeat the same procedure with leftover bread slices and observe the structure of bread mould. Record if the structure of bread mould is similar to or different from that of the orange mould.

Here are a few things that can help us detect food that has become unfit for consumption because of microbial action: foul odour, slimy surface or cotton-like growth on the surface, surface discolouration, sour taste, and gas formation.

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microbial action on food items

What Are The Uses Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life

Uses Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life

Microorganisms benefit us in a number of ways. Their uses can be divided into four categories: commercial, medicinal, agricultural, and environmental. Let us discuss each of these in detail.

Commercial Uses of Microorganisms

Some of the commercial uses of microorganisms are given below.

Making curd and cheese: Do you know how curd is made at home? Usually, a spoonful of curd is added to warm milk, which turns into curd overnight. This happens because a protein called casein present in milk coagulates to form curd. For casein to coagulate, the milk has to be made acidic. A bacterium called Lactobacillus, present in the spoonful of curd added to the milk, converts the lactose sugar present in milk to lactic acid. This creates the acidic environment needed for casein coagulation. The process of conversion of a sugar into an acid or an alcohol by the action of microorganisms is called fermentation.


Aim: To prepare curd.
Materials needed: Milk (one glass), a teaspoon of curd, a bowl, and a lid.
1. Ask an adult to warm the milk.
2. Transfer the milk to the bowl and add a spoonful of curd to it. Stir well and cover the bowl with a lid. Leave the bowl undisturbed overnight.
Observation: The milk has transformed into curd.
Conclusion: The bacterium Lactobacillus present in the spoonful of curd added to the milk converts milk into curd.
Note: Adult supervision required.

The production of cheese and paneer (cottage cheese) also involves the use of bacteria like Lactobacillus and Streptococcus. Curd and cheese manufacturers also add a substance called rennet (usually obtained from stomach linings of young cattle) to milk to make the process faster. Addition of rennet results in the formation of lactic acid, which makes the milk more acidic.
What Are The Uses Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life 1

Making alcoholic beverages: Production of alcoholic beverages like beer and wine involves fermentation of sugar present in barley and grapes, etc., by a microscopic fungus called yeast. Fermentation by yeast produces alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Making bread: The process of making bread involves kneading a mixture of flour, salt, sugar, yeast cells, and water into dough. Yeast converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide. As more and more carbon dioxide is produced, the dough rises in volume. This makes the bread porous and spongy. Baking the expanded dough at 180°C kills the yeast and stops fermentation. The alcohol evaporates during the baking process.


Aim: To observe fermentation of sugar by yeast cells.
Materials needed: Sugar (two tablespoons), warm water (1 cup), a balloon, empty plastic bottle (1 litre), and active yeast cells.

    1. Stretch the balloon by blowing it up and deflating it a few times. Keep it aside.
    2. Add sugar and yeast cells to the cup of warm water and mix thoroughly.
    3. Pour the mixture into the bottle. Attach the balloon to the mouth of the bottle (see figure A) and leave it undisturbed.

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Observation: The volume of the mixture inside the bottle increases.
The balloon inflates and you can smell alcohol in the mixture inside the bottle. If you pass the gas filled inside the balloon through a test tube containing lime water, the lime water will turn milky (figure B). This proves that the gas released is carbon dioxide.
What Are The Uses Of Microorganisms In Our Daily Life 3Conclusion: Fermentation of sugar by yeast produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. As carbon dioxide rises up, we observe an increase in the volume.

Making vinegar, coffee, and tobacco: Bacteria are used in the production of vinegar (acetic acid), coffee, and tobacco.

Making toothpaste: Shells of diatoms (a type of algae) are used in toothpaste to give it a gritty texture that helps in cleaning teeth. Xanthum gum, obtained from the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris, is also used in making toothpaste.

Medicinal Uses of Microorganisms

Some of the medicinal uses of microorganisms are given below.

  • Making antibiotics: Certain bacteria and fungi are used in the production of medicines called antibiotics that destroy certain disease-causing microbes. Penicillin (obtained from the fungus Penicillium), streptomycin, and tetracycline (both obtained from Streptomyces bacteria) are examples of antibiotics. Antibiotics are also used to control microbial diseases in animals and plants.
  • Making vaccines: When a disease-causing microbe enters our body, our body produces substances called antibodies. These antibodies fight and destroy the disease-causing microbe and remain in the body to fight future infections by the same microbe. A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened disease-causing microbes. When a vaccine is introduced in the body of a healthy person (by swallowing or injection), his/her body produces antibodies against these killed or weakened microbes. These antibodies remain in the body and protect us from future infections by the same microbe(s). Thus, vaccines help in preventing diseases caused by microbes (e.g., polio, cholera, typhoid, smallpox, and hepatitis).
  • Making food supplements: Microbes like Chlorella (a type of algae) are rich in proteins and other nutrients and are used as food supplements.
  • In human body: Bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus live in human intestines, where they help to digest food and destroy disease-causing microbes.

Agricultural Uses of Microorganisms

Blue-green algae and bacteria like Rhizobium (that live in the root nodules of leguminous plants like pea and soya bean) help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen and increasing soil fertility.

Environmental Uses of Microorganisms

Microbes like bacteria and fungi act on the bodies of dead plants and animals and convert them into simple substances. These substances are used by other plants and animals. Removal of dead bodies by the action of microbes keeps our planet clean. Bacteria are also used in sewage treatment, where waste organic matter.


What Are The Different Types Of Microorganisms

Different Types Of Microorganisms

Organisms that are visible only through a microscope are called microorganisms (micro means very small) or microbes.

Microorganisms are the most abundant organisms on our planet. They are found almost everywhere—in ice-cold regions, hot springs and desert, and even inside the bodies of animals and human beings. Some live alone, while others grow in groups called colonies. Microorganisms can be divided into five major groups: bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, and viruses.

Bacteria: They are among the smallest and oldest organisms on our planet and are found in four different shapes: rod-shaped (bacilli), spherical (cocci), curved (commas), and spiral (spirilla). Lactobacillus and Streptococcus are examples of bacteria.
Different shapes of bacteria 1Protozoa: They are a group of animal-like, single-celled organisms. Amoeba, Paramoecium, and Euglena are examples of protozoa.

Examples of protozoa
Examples of protozoa

Fungi: They are a group of diverse organisms that lack chlorophyll and feed on decaying matter. Yeast and moulds are examples of microscopic fungi.

Algae: They are a group of simple plants. Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, and diatoms are examples of microscopic algae.

Viruses: They are so small that they cannot be seen using ordinary light microscopes and are usually studied with the help of powerful microscopes called electron microscopes. Viruses are hard to classify as living or non-living as, on their own, they show no signs of life. However, they reproduce inside the cells of organisms like plants, animals, or bacteria. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are examples of viruses. The widely feared avian flu and swine flu are also caused by viruses.