What are the Four Basic Types of Tissue in Animals

What are the Four Basic Types of Tissue in Animals

Classification of Animal tissue :

What are the Four Basic Types of Tissue in Animals 1

There are Four types in animal tissue.They are

  1. Epithelial tissue
  2. Nervous Tissue
  3. Muscular Tissue
  4. Connective Tissue

1. Epithelial tissue :

Epithelial tissue is a simplest as a protective covering.

2. Nervous Tissue :

The nervous tissue, which contains densely packed nerve cells, called neurons (Gk. neuro = nerve), is present in the brain, spinal cord and sense organs.

3. Muscular Tissue :

Locomotion and movements are due to muscular tissues contain highly contractile muscle cells.

4. Connective Tissue :

Connectvie tissues of animals serve the functions of binding and joining one tissue to another (i.e. connecting bones to each other, muscles to bones etc.).