Speech On Kindness | Kindness Speech for Students and Children in English  

Speech On Kindness: Kindness is an act of a human being that comes from within. One behaves with another person irrespective of his or her class, caste and gender, then towards tender animals or living beings with a feeling of warmth, care and affection.

Kindness is usually considered to be a very friendly behaviour towards everyone. Kindness brings people closer. It makes people feel good about themselves. Being kind towards the people we dislike, becomes a good example of our character.

Kindness brings positivity within a person. It removes all the negativity. Kindness fills a person’s heart with love and compassion.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Kindness for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on the kindness of 500 words and a short speech on the kindness of 150 words will be provided to the students so that they get a clear idea about the act of kindness. Ten lines on the same topic are also being provided for a more concise explanation.

Kindness should be shown to all people without differentiating them on any basis.

Long Speech On Kindness 500 Words In English

Hello and welcome everyone,

Being good towards people for no reason does not cost anything. It generates positivity within oneself.  People should treat each other with kindness. It is very easy to walk on the wrong path and only thinking about our own self but it ruins a person morally.

Instead, if a person behaves kindly towards everyone and thinks about others and remains selfless, then it helps a person to grow morally.

If a person only thinks about himself or herself and his or her likes and dislikes, then they may achieve all the things they desire, but they will not get any love or earn any respect.

They can have the things which will bring them materialistic happiness but they cannot live peacefully because after they achieve all the things they desired for, there will be nothing left after that.

The person may also become greedy and stubborn, hoping to acquire more. On the other hand, if people become selfless and treat everyone with kindness, then they may not get all the things they wished to achieve, but they will be remembered for their kindness and warmth.

They will be respected and admired throughout their life. Happiness related to materials may not last long, but happiness related to the feelings remains forever. To be kind and be good to others may be asking for small sacrifices but it will actually lead to peace.

People need time to understand the value of being good and kind without any expectations. When they come to know the value of this behavior, they start behaving accordingly.

There are some people who are genuinely kind. They don’t need to be explained the value of kindness. These people achieve a lot of love and respect from everyone. Every person has a good side and a bad side within them.

The difference is that some people have the good within them in abundance and some people have the bad within them in abundance. Sometimes, the bad side comes out from the good person if they are provoked wrongly.

Even after provoking the good person, if they don’t expose their negative side, then that person is truly a good person from his soul. Similarly, bad people also have their good sides within them.

Kindness cannot be forced upon someone; it comes from within. The world would become a more peaceful place if people start becoming kind towards each other. Sometimes people become afraid of being kind.

They develop a fear that if their kindness is taken for granted and they are not given importance, then they may have to suffer. Not all people show kindness genuinely.

Some people show kindness just to get their ambitions fulfilled. And people accept that as their genuine behaviour and become afraid when they are treated in a kind manner.

Kindness is a very beautiful feeling which one person can offer to another. It bonds two people and brings them closer. Kindness can help a person to see the beautiful side of human beings.

Thank you.

Short Speech On Kindness 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Kindness 150 Words In English

Good morning and welcome everyone present here.

Kindness is one of the best feelings which every human being can offer.  People are respected more when kindness is shown by a strong person to weak person. Kindness can help in healing a broken person.

People with kindness embedded within them, spread positivity around with their kindness. If kindness arises genuinely, then it helps other people to grow. In this world of cruelty, there are still some people present, who have a genuinely positive attitude towards everyone.

If people start treating everyone with their genuine kindness and expect nothing after it, then the world can turn into a better place. There are some people whom we don’t like that much.

If we greet them with courtesy and be kind to them whenever we meet face to face and wish them with all the happiness, then it will help us grow as a good person.

10 Lines On Speech On Kindness In English

  1. Kindness helps in ending violence among people around the world.
  2. Among all the people of varied personalities, genuine kindness is found in very few people.
  3. The kindness shown towards the weaker beings can earn huge love and respect for them.
  4. A person feels good after he genuinely shows kindness to others and does not ask anything in return.
  5. The people with a fragile mental state can gain some mental strength after if they are treated with kindness.
  6. Treating people with kindness is supported in all religious texts.
  7. If a person is treating everybody with kindness, then he is spreading positivity around himself.
  8. Kindness brings people closer.
  9. One’s positive character is reflected towards the opposite person if he treats them with kindness.
  10. The person who treats everyone with kindness leaves a positive impact of himself upon kindness.

10 Lines On Speech On Kindness In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Kindness

Question 1.
What can be achieved by being genuinely kind to others?

If a person is genuinely kind to others, then that person achieves love, respect and well wishes of the others to whom he has been kind.

Question 2.
Can people be genuinely happy and be kind enough to greet them for the success of the people who don’t like it?

It is not impossible to be genuinely kind enough to greet a disliked person and wish them well for their success achieved if we want to become a good person.

Question 3.
Is it possible to treat other people with kindness when we are present in a crisis ourselves?

If we think only about ourselves and become selfish during crisis situations and treat it our own crisis, then it is difficult to show kindness to others. If we become selfless during a crisis situation and think about other people around us who are facing a similar situation like us and treat everyone with equal kindness, then it becomes easier for all of us.

Question 4.
Should we continue to treat those people with an equal amount of kindness even if they don’t treat us in the same way?

We should always treat everyone kindly no matter how they behave with us.

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