Plus One Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 13 Accounting System Using Database Management System

Kerala Plus One Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 13 Accounting System Using Database Management System

Question 1.
List any two ways in which quarries may be created in access. (CA March 2016)
Create quarries by using Wizard Create quarries by using Design view

Question 2.
The unique value for identifying the entity instance is called
(a) Identifier/Primary key
(b) Voucher number
(c) Account code
(d) Category code
(a) Identifier/Primary key

Question 3.
query does not involve use of any query function to produce a summary of data.

Question 4.
query prompts the user to enter criteria for selecting a set of records.

Question 5.
The purpose of is to organised the information of report into categories whereas arranges information into numerical or alphabetical order.
Sorting, Sorting order

Question 6.
Displays database objects such as tables, forms, queries and reports.
a) Office window frame
b) Navigation pane
c) Ribbon
d) None of these
(b) Navigation pane

Question 7.
Mention the steps involved in data processing cycle in the context of accounting.
The data processing cycle involves data capturing inputting, processing, and generating information to the users of accounting information.
The following are the steps involved in the data processing cycle.

  1. Source documents
  2. Input of data
  3. Data storage
  4. Manipulation of data
  5. Output of data

Question 8.
Mention the main categories of data model.

  1. Relational data model
  2. Hierarchical model
  3. Network model

Question 9.
What do you understand by MS Access? What are its basic components?
MS Access is a popular data base management system. It is also called MS Access or Office Access. MS Access databases consists of a single file (.mdb). Components of MS Access The MS Access file contains the following objects.
a) Tables: Table is an object meant for storing data related to the same subject. Tables consists on many fields. Creating a table requires naming each field and assigning it a specific data type. Data in tables is organised in records (rows) and fields (columns).

b) Queries: Stored database quries retrieve data from tables or request for performing some specific database operation (create or drop an object, insert, update or delete records). They allow to find data from different tables according to some given criteria and perform some operation on it.

c) Forms: GUI structures meant for mannual data management (displaying, entering, updating or deleting). They operate on a one or more tables and can be based on the queries. Forms can be created manually or with a wizard.

d) Reports: They are meant for data analysis (with some calculations) or presentation (usually in printed form) according to user criteria. They also can be based on the queries.

e) Data Access Pages: HTML pages performing operations similar to forms.
They can also use different data structures Eg. MS Excel work sheet.

f) Macros: Predefined actions (set of actions) responsible for operations such as form opening or report printing. They introduce some automation without need of programming.

g) Modules: VBA structures, similar to the ones in MS Excel.

Question 10.
What do you understand by SQL? State the purpose of functions in SQL environment.
SQL (Structured Querey Language) is the most popular query language for relational DBMS and most of the commercial relational database management system use SQL. It is designed and implemented at IBM as an interface for experimental relational database system called SYSTEM-R.
The original version of SQL was called SEQUEL. SEQUEL is a relational Query Language based on neither relational algebra nor relational calculus. There are three types of functions that are used in
SQL statement.

  1. Domain aggregate functions
  2. SQL aggregate functions
  3. Other functions (IIF, Abs, Val)

Question 11.
List the structure of a good report created in Access.
The structure of a good report should have the following sections in it.

  1. Report header
  2. Page header
  3. Good header
  4. Details
  5. Group footer
  6.  Page footer
  7. Report footer

Question 12.
What do you understand by a data table? State the methods to create tables.
A Table is a collection of records that identify a category of data such as customers, orders or inventory. It is a basic container for data, arranged as a grid of rows and columns. Each row contains a single record and each column represents a field with in the record.
MS Access provides several ways to create tables.

  1. Data Sheet View: In datasheet view, a table is built by entering field names and setting data types manually.
  2. Table templates: Table templates are predefined tables that meet several common needs.
  3. Design view: It lets to control every field and property in the table. An existing table can be opened in Design view and fields can be added removed or changed.

Question 13.
What do you mean by datatype? Explain various data types used in Access.
Data type of a field is the set of qualities that applies to all the values contained in that field and determines what kind of data those values can be.
The various data types are:

  • Text: Used to hold alphanumeric values- both text and numbers that are used to represent names, address, short pieces of text. It can store upto 255 characters.
  • Memo: Used for long pieces of text, such as notes and long descriptions. It can store up to 65,535 characters.
  • Number: Used to enter numeric data required in mathematical calculations, except for calculations involving money.
  • Date/Time: Used to enter date and time information.
  • Currency: Used for currency values and to prevent rounding during calculations.
  • Auto number: Used to insert unique sequential numbers or random numbers automatically when a record is created.
  • Yes/No: Uses boo-learn values such as 1 for yes and 0 for no value. It is used when only one of two values is valid to indicate the conditions such Yes/No, True/False, On/Off.
  • Hyperlink: It is used to store hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a URL (link). It stores upto 2048 characters.
  • OLE Object: Used to attach an OLE object such as a Word documents, Excel spread sheets or PowerPoint presentations, Pictures, Sounds or other binary data created in other programs using the OLE protocol (link).

Question 14.
What is a primary key?
The primary key is the unique identifier for each record in a table. Access will not allow duplicate entries in a primary key fields. An example of a field for which primary key can be set is employee ID, which must be unique and not to be duplicated.
Steps to set a primary key

  1. Select the field to be set as the primary key
  2. Click the primary key button on the Ribbon/Toolbox
  3. A key symbol will appear next to selected field.

Question 15.
What do you mean by a form? Mention any four form creation tools.
A form is a graphical representation or an electronic version of paper form. A form is used to enter, edit or display data in a data base. It is used to simplify entry of data into an Access data base.

  • Form Creation Tools Form Design: It is manual form creation tool. It helps to create a more detailed structure of the form in design view. With this, a wide variety of tools can be added to the form.
  • Form wizard: It is an automated form creation assistance. It provides more choices for the form’s design. It takes the user through series of steps to specify the layout and background themes for the form.
  • Split form: The split form in the forms group creates a split form which shows a datasheet in the upper section and a form in the lower section for entering information about the record selected in the datasheet.
  • The multiple items: The multiple items in the forms group create a multiple items form. Multiple items forms shows multiple records in a datasheet, with one record per row.

Question 16.
What are major uses of forms?
Forms have wide variety of functions and uses. They are:
Enter data into the database: Using a form for data entry not only saves time, it is way to prevent errors. Values can be selected from pull down lists, there by reducing typing time and insuring that data entry values are consistent.

View/Browse data in database:
Use a form to view or browse through the data from a single record in form view or multiple records in tabular or datasheet view.

Replicate source documents:
An access form can be created that looks exactly like the paper source document or data collection form. During data entry, the user doesn’t have to be concerned with finding the exact spot in the table to insert the data; the form and its table links will position it in the correct table field.

Provide an alternative presentation of data: The appearance of forms can be enhanced by using a variety of fonts, colours and special effects.

Display data form more than one table: The form can be based on multi-table query instead of a single table. Using this feature a single form can access the data from several tables at once.

Calculate values: Aggregate functions (Eg. Average, Counts, Totals etc) can be incorporated into a form.

Question 17.
What do you mean by a query? State its importance.
A query is a basic tool that Access provides for retrieving information from the database. It is used to review, add, charge or delete data from the database. It allows taking information from single or multiple tables to obtain the data required. Importance of Queries The queries can be used to:

  • Choose fields: Select the exact fields needed to satisfy the query.
  • Choose records: Select records from a table based on specified criteria.
  • Sort records: View the results of the query in a specific order.
  • Access multiple tables: Select data from different tables and place the results in a single dynaset.
  • Perform calculations: Add new fields to the dynaset containing the results of calculations involving other fields. Provide
  • data source: Used as a source of data for forms, reports and other queries. Update data: Update,delete or append a group of records in one step.

Question 18.
Explain different types of Queries.
a) Select queries: It is the most common and the simplest type of query. These queries retrieve data from one or a series of tables and display the result in a datasheet. Select queries may be used to group records as well as to perform calculations including sums, counts and averages.

b) Parameter queries: The parameter querey is just a modified type of select query. It works with other types of queries to get the desired results. When run, a parameter query displays its own dialogue box prompting for information, such as criteria for retrieving records or for a value to be inserted in a field.

c) Cross tab queries: Cross tab queries are used to aggregate the data by calculating the sum, average, count that label the rows and columns and restructure data that is grouped by two types of information for easier analysis.

d) Action queries: Action queries allow many records to be changed at one time instead of single records like in a select query. When the action query is called, the database undergoes a specific action depending on what was specified in the query itself. This can include creating new tables, deleting rows from existing ones and updating records or creating entirely new ones.

e) Union query: A union query is used to combine the matching fields from two or more tables.

f) Pass-through query: A pass through query is used to send commands to a SQL database.

Question 19.
What do you mean by report in Access?
The MS Access report provides the ability to its users to present the data queried from any data source in a formatted, stylized way. The report can be based on either a table or a query. The difference between report and query is that in case of reports the queried data is presented in a cosmetic fashion with header, footer, highlighted text, etc where in case of query there is no such formatting. The information in a report can be sorted, queried, formatted, calculated or summarised.

Question 20.
What do you understand by report wizard?
Report wizard is easy to use and allows for the design, development, printing and print preview of information such as labels, lists, forms letters, invoices, summaries, display charts etc. The user can personalize reports by adding a logo or picture, organising headers, footers and sorting columns. Report wizard lies under the “create” command.

Question 21.
Mention the report layout tools used in modifying the report.

  1. Format: Fonts, formatting, grouping and totals, gridlines, controls and auto format are the groups available here.
  2. Arrange: Control layout, control alignment, position and tools are the groups available here.
  3. Page setup: It consists of the page layout group.

Plus One Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

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