Our School Peon Essay | Essay on Our School Peon for Students and Children in English

Our School Peon Essay: Our school peon, Mr. Mohan hails from Uttar Pradesh. Although not very tall, he is very strong and fit. He looks impressive in his uniform. He even wears a cap on his head. All the children call him uncle.

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Short Essay on Our School Peon 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Our School Peon is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

He is married and has two children. His family, however, does not stay with him here. They are in his village in Uttar Pradesh. He stays alone in a small room in the school itself.

Besides being the peon during the day, he works as the watchman at night. Before school starts in the morning, he cleans the principal room and dusts the furniture. During school hours, he rings the bell between classes and carries papers, books, notebooks etc. from one class to another, for staff members.

Our School Peon Essay

The entire school staff likes him very much. He is always ready to help children at all times. Once, when I had fallen ill, he accompanied me home in the afternoon.

He is a happy, cheerful person and can be seen smiling all the time. Although his salary is not much, he saves a large part of it and sends it to his family.

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