Letter to Change Address in Bank | Change of Address Letter to Bank, How To Write?, Samples and Format

Letter to Change Address in Bank: A letter to change address in the bank is a formal request for the bank to change the address of the account holder. It is important to note that this letter is not a substitute for an account statement. For most people, it can be difficult to find time or even know where they should start when it comes to writing a letter of this nature. However, if you are writing on your own behalf or as part of a team, you can take advantage of these templates available online and save time and effort by using them as guideposts.

To change your address in a bank, you need to provide all the necessary information that is needed for the bank to process your request. This includes your name, current address, new address and phone number. The letter to change address in a bank should be short and simple. It should not have any unnecessary details or unnecessary words that would add more time for the bank to process it. The letter should only contain the information that is required for them to process the request.

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

A lot of people are confused about the difference between a change of address request and an application for a new account at their bank. It is important to note that these two processes are completely different. The process for changing your address in the bank is simple but it does require some documentation which needs to be submitted with the request form.

There are many reasons to write a letter to change your address in the bank. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • You want to change your address for privacy reasons
  • You want to change your address because you recently relocated
  • Your old address is not reachable anymore

Letter to Change Address in Bank

When and Who Can Write a Letter to Change Address in the Bank?

A letter to change address in the bank is an official document that allows you to alter the address on your bank account. In general, you can only write this letter when the following conditions are met:

  • The person who has the account cannot be reached by phone or email;
  • The person who has the account cannot be found at their current location;
  • The person who has the account needs to update their address for any other reason.

Documents Required while Writing a Letter to Change Address in Bank

The following are some of the documents that an individual should have while writing a letter to change address in bank:

  • A copy of your identification card with photo and signature
  • A copy of your current bank statement
  • Proof of residency at the new address
  • An original and one photocopy of your current utility bill (electric, gas, water)
  • A copy of your current lease or rental agreement

How to Write Letter to Change Address in Bank?

As we know, the address change letter to the bank is a formal letter that you can use to change your address in your bank account. This letter should be sent to the bank’s customer service department.

This article will help you with the steps of writing an address change letter to your bank, and how it should be addressed.

  • Step 1: Address the envelope as “Letter to Change Address in Bank.”
  • Step 2: Write the current account holder’s name and current address on the envelope.
  • Step 3: Include a copy of your most recent check or deposit slip (both sides).
  • Step 4: Include all necessary information about why this change is needed, including what new address you are moving into, what date it needs to be effective, etc…
  • Step 5: Sign and date the letter

Letter to Change Address in Bank Format


The Bank Manager,

[Name of the branch]

[Address of the bank branch]

Date: __/__/____

Subject: Request to change address in bank.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing in reference to the change of my address. I would like to inform you that I no longer live at my current address and have moved to a new one. Below are the details of my old and new address.

My old address is: ____ [write the old address]

My new address is: ____ [write the new address]

Please update the records accordingly and thank you for your time!

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

[Name of the Applicant]

[Account Number]

[Signature of the Applicant]

[Contact Number of the Applicant]

Attached Documents:

  • Aadhar card copy
  • Electricity bill copy

Letter to Change Address in Bank Sample

Date: __/__/____


The Bank Manager,

[Name of the branch]

[Address of the bank branch]

Subject: Requesting to Change address in bank.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to change my address and to request you to update the records in your system. I have recently moved from _____ [write the old location] to _____ [write the new location]. Therefore, I would like you to update the information of my account with these changes.

My new address is _______ [write the new address] and my old address was ______ [write the old address]. Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your time and attention!

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

[Name of the Applicant]

[Account Number]

[Signature of the Applicant]

[Contact Number of the Applicant]

Attached Documents:

  • Aadhar card copy
  • Rental Agreement copy

Request Letter to Change Address in Bank


The Bank Manager,

[Name of the branch]

[Address of the bank branch]

Date: __/__/____

Subject: Request to change the address.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help with changing my address in my bank account. I recently moved and would like to update my current address with the new one. Please let me know if this is possible and how I can do it.

Old Address: ____  [write the address which is already provided]

New Address: ____ [Write the new address which has to be updated]

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

[Name of the Applicant]

[Account Number]

[Signature of the Applicant]

[Contact Number of the Applicant]

Attached Documents:

  • Aadhar card copy
  • Gas bill copy

FAQ’s on Letter to Change Address in Bank

Question 1.
What is the letter to change address in bank?

When you are planning to change your address in a bank, you should use the letter to change address. This letter is addressed to the head of the branch and is used as proof of residence. The letter to change address in the bank should be written on company letterhead and must have all necessary information such as your name and current address. The letter must also have a signature from the person who will be changing their address.

Question 2.
How to write a letter to the bank to change the address?

If you want to change your address with the bank, you can write a letter to them. The letter should be addressed to the head of the department that deals with customer service and should include your old address, new address, and reason for moving.

Question 3.
What are the documents required while writing the address change letter to the bank?

If you are planning to change your address, it is important that you have all the documents required to convince the bank.

  • Copy of passport and nationality stamp
  • Copy of identity card with photo
  • Proof of residence (rental agreement, utility bills)
  • Proof of income (pay slips)

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