Distinguish between Manures and Fertilizers

Distinguish between Manures and Fertilizers


Manure Fertilizer


A manure is a natural substance. It is obtained by the decomposition of animal and buffaloes and plant residues.A fertilizer is a human made substance. It is an inorganic salt or an organic compound
2A manure contains small amounts of essential plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizers are very rich in plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.


A manure adds a great amount of organiic matter in the form of humus in the soil.A fertilizer does not add any humus to the soil.
4Nutrients present in the manure are absorbed slowly by the crop plants since manure is not soluble in water. Nutrients exist locked inside the organic compounds of humus.

Being soluble in water, a fertilizer is readily absorbed by the crop plants.


A manure is not nutrient specific and it tends to remove the general deficiency of the soil.

A fertilizer is nutrient specific. It can provide specifically nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil according to the need.


A manure is voluminous and bulky so it is inconvenient to store, transport, handle and apply to the crop.

A fertilizer is compact and concentrated so it is easy to store, transport and aooly to the crop.


A manure is cheap and is prepared in rural homes or fields

A fertilizer is costly and is prepared in factories.

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