10 Lines on Santa Claus for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Santa Claus: When we hear the word Santa Claus, a bearded grandfather with a red robe and hat is what comes to your mind. Santa Claus is a beloved character of Christmas who is supposed to bring joy and happiness to people’s lives especially into children’s lives. It is believed that Santa Claus comes to every household on the eve of Christmas and gives the gift to children.

In this particular 10 lines on Santa Claus in English article, we shall be dividing the article into three different sets and answering questions that one might have about Santa Claus such as who is Santa Claus, what is the significance of Santa Claus, what is the history of Santa Claus, what is the history of Christmas, what is the importance of Santa Claus for Christmas and many more such questions.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Santa Claus for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Santa Claus is the most loved Christian character on the day of Christmas.
  2. Santa Claus brings gifts to children who have been good throughout the year on the eve of Christmas every year.
  3. The Santa Clause that we know is evolved from the character of Saint Nicholas.
  4. If movies and books are to be believed, Santa Claus is supposed to enter the house through chimneys or windows and leave the gifts to children under the Christmas tree on the eve of Christmas.
  5. The entire concept of gift-giving by Santa Claus and Christmas stems from the fact that it motivates children to be well-behaved and good throughout the year.
  6. Santa Clause is in itself a symbol of joy, happiness and euphoria for kids.
  7. In certain countries and cultures, children write a letter to Santa Claus demanding gifts and goodies for Christmas.
  8. Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas was a devoted Christian in the Greek church of Mira.
  9. Santa Claus usually rides on reindeers and hums his signature tune, a very popular tune which is known as the Christmas tune.
  10. In certain cultures, Santa Claus is not a bearded man and the character can also be women who bring gifts to children.

10 Lines on Santa Claus for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Santa Claus for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. 25th of December is celebrated as Christmas and it is on this day that Jesus was born.
  2. Santa Claus is usually known as the father of Christmas and is a legendary character of Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick or simply Santa.
  3. Santa Claus brings gifts to children who are well behaved throughout the year on the eve of Christmas.
  4. Saint Nicholas was a father in the Greek church in the fourth century and he started the practice of gift-giving to children.
  5. Santa Claus is more than 2700 years old but he’s also considered to be an elf in some cultures.
  6. The Coca-Cola company is said to have created the modern Santa Claus that we see in movies and television shows today.
  7. Santa Claus is used by many companies for branding and marketing of their products during Christmas time.
  8. In some cultures, it is believed that the sleigh that Santa Claus uses is the fastest vehicle on the planet.
  9. The red colour of the clothes that  Santa Claus wears was created by the Coca-Cola company which associated itself with the red colour of its logos in advertising campaigns.
  10. It is also believed that Santa Claus leaves gifts and goodies to children in socks under the chimney or under the Christmas tree on the eve of Christmas.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Santa Claus for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. In some cultures, it is believed that Santa Claus gives one gift every day throughout the year and it accounts to 364 presents on the eve of Christmas.
  2. The Reindeer that Santa Claus uses include Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen
  3. Santa Claus that we know is 200 years old and is a Bishop who used to deliver a treat to children on the night of December 5th.
  4. Before the creation of the modern Santa Claus by The Coca-Cola Company, Santa Claus used to wear different coloured robes green, purple, red and brown robes
  5. Given the popularity of Santa Claus around the world, many brands and companies have ridden over his fame for their marketing and branding.
  6. Original Santa Claus was a bachelor but he got married after the 18th century.
  7. It is not surprising that Coca-Cola company created the modern Santa Claus because it easily associated its brand values with that of what Santa Claus represented which is happiness and joy.
  8. The whole idea of Santa Claus being a grandfather with beard stems from the fact that grandfather’s or grandmothers are usually more attached to the children than fathers and mothers.
  9. A famous movie in the year 1985 was released on Santa Claus which is known as the Santa Claus the movie.
  10. Irrespective of whether Santa Claus existed or not, the joy and happiness that Santa Claus brings to people’s lives is enough to believe the miracles that he does.

10 Lines on Santa Claus for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Santa Claus

Question 1.
Who is Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is a beloved character of Christmas who brings gifts to children on the eve of Christmas

Question 2.
Who invented Santa Claus?

The modern Santa Claus was invented by The Coca-Cola Company but the original Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas who was a father in the Greek church a few centuries back

Question 3.
What does Santa Claus do on the eve of Christmas?

Santa Claus rides his sleigh and reaches the chimneys of households and keep the gift that children asked from him under the Christmas tree on the eve of Christmas

Question 4.
Why did the Coca Cola company create Santa Claus?

The brand statement of Coca Cola company is happiness and joy and this coincided with what Santa Claus represented which was happiness and joy and that is the reason Coca Cola company created the modern Santa Claus

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