10 Lines on Rabbit for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Rabbit: Rabbits are small mammals that are found in different parts of the world. These mammals are found in 16 different colours with long ears. There are about 50 different species of rabbits seen in the fields close to the forests.

Rabbits usually live in groups called a warren. There are always alert and starts running in a zig-zag pattern to escape from its predators. They live in burrows inside the grounds and come out during the daytime to jump around or graze the food.

Rabbits are also taken in as a Domestic pet just like dogs and cats. Rabbits mainly feed in plants, leaves, and grass. The old cartoon times, where rabbits are shown to eat carrots, are false, and it causes health problems in them.

The below-mentioned ten lines on Rabbit in English provide you with vital information to formulate paragraph writings and essays on this topic as well as a guide for competitive exams and G.K. quizzes.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Rabbit for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. A rabbit is a small mammal, popularly known as ‘Bunny.’
  2. Rabbits can jump as high as 10 feet when they see another rabbit.
  3. Rabbits are herbivorous mammals that feed on leaves, plants, fruits, grass, etc.
  4. Rabbits have very thick and soft fur.
  5. There are over 50 species of rabbits around the world.
  6. Rabbits can move their eyes to about 360 degrees as a precautionary adaptation against predators.
  7. Rabbits defence mechanisms, against predators, are its speed and agility.
  8. A male rabbit is known as a buck, while a female rabbit is known as a doe.
  9. Rabbits live in groups and are known as a warren.
  10. Rabbits are considered as pets, and such rabbits are called as ‘House rabbits.’

10 Lines on Rabbit for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Rabbit for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Rabbits are small animals found in different parts of the world except for Antarctica.
  2. Rabbits live in burrows underground and usually are together in large groups called ‘warren.’
  3. Rabbits are social animals and jump instantly when they feel another rabbit thump.
  4. There are almost 50 different species and 16 variant colours of rabbits in the world.
  5. Rabbits like humans also show signs of depression and boredom when caged without toys.
  6. Rabbits are herbivorous animals that like to eat leaves, fruits, veggies, plants, and grass.
  7. Rabbits like to remain clean and tidy and should be groomed daily to prevent germs and infections.
  8. A rabbit’s teeth and nails never cease to grow and must be taken care to avoid any complications.
  9. Rabbits have sharp ears and also freeze themselves if they sense any threats.
  10. Male rabbits are known as Bucks, and Female rabbits are known as Doe.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Rabbit for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Rabbits are small mammals that are grouped under the family Leporidae, which is a Latin word that means ‘resembling hares.’
  2. Rabbits were grouped under the family of Rodents until 1912, after which they were classified under the family “Lagomorpha”.
  3. Rabbits are herbivorous and feed mainly on leaves, grass, and plants.
  4. Rabbits are more active during dawn, and at dusk, hence they are known as crepuscular.
  5. The male rabbits are called’ Bucks’, while the female rabbits are called ‘Doe.’
  6. Rabbits can give birth to 15 offspring, and the offspring are known as ‘Kittens.’
  7. Like Dogs, Rabbits also regularly shed their hairs and must be brushed daily to avoid clumping or forming fur balls in their stomach.
  8. Domesticated rabbits are often kept inside to prevent being preyed on by predators such as Dogs, Birds, Cats, etc.
  9. Rabbits are clean animals and can be trained just like Dogs to sit on your lap or to respond to your calls.
  10. Rabbits have a unique ability wherein they can swallow food and at the same time smell its predator through the nose.

10 Lines on Rabbit for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Rabbit

Question 1.
Whats do rabbits eat?

Rabbits are herbivorous animals that like to eat leaves, fruits, veggies, plants, and grass. They do not eat meat.

Question 2.
What are the various names to distinguish rabbits?

The male rabbits are called’ Bucks’, while the female rabbits are called ‘Doe.’ The offsprings of rabbits are known as kittens.

Question 3.
What is the maximum age span of a rabbit?

Wild rabbits live for about one to two years, while domesticated rabbits live around eight to 12 years if taken care of under optimal conditions.

Question 4.
How do rabbits protect themselves from predators?

Rabbits are always alert and start running in a zig-zag pattern to escape from their predators. They sometimes freeze themselves when they sense danger. They live in underground burrows that protects them from predators.

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