10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure: The phrase prevention is better than cure is usually used by elders while giving a suggestion or two for the younger ones. But the meaning of the phrase prevention is better than cure can be applied to everyone irrespective of their age. At every stage in our life, we encounter problems and only after encountering these problems, do we feel that we could have prevented it rather than solving it. Hence the phrase prevention is better than cure holds far more gravity than just being a mere phrase.

You can read more 10 Lines about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Prevention is better than cure means it is easier to stop the problem than solving the problem
  2. This phrase can be applied to students life where it’s easier to study for the exam than face the consequences of failing in the exam
  3. You hear the phrase prevention is better than cure used by doctors where they suggest you be healthy so that you don’t fall sick
  4. But there are few inevitable things in life where problems can’t be prevented but it can only be cured
  5. Not every problem that we encounter need to be fought. Some can be ignored and some will go away eventually by itself
  6. It is always good to develop a lifestyle which is minimal and hence your problems will also be minimal in nature
  7. But there is no point in life if there is no problem and hence people have to learn both to prevent and solve the problem
  8. The challenges that life throws at us is what makes our life colourful
  9. Certain problems can be solved through experience and certain problems can be solved only through our natural instincts
  10. The ability to solve a problem is far more important than the ability to prevent it.

10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Imagine a world where there would be no problems. Is such a world worth living in?
  2. We judge people based on their ability not only to solve a problem also to prevent it
  3. Sometimes, due to ignorance and inexperience, we create our own problems in life which could have been prevented
  4. Prevention is better than cure is a phrase mostly used by our parents because they know the consequences of ignorance and experience in creating problems in our life
  5. It is always advisable to listen to our elders since they are more experienced and have gone through the phase of life that we are going
  6. It is better to spend money on eating healthy food than spend money and time and resources in being admitted to the hospital by eating unhealthy food
  7. Prevention is better than cure phrase can be inculcated in all walks of life from business to politics to the environment
  8. Countries use the values in this phrase to prevent casualties due to wars and pandemics
  9. One of the biggest application of prevention is better than cure should be to our climate change and global warming
  10. It is high time that we take cognizance of our problems so that we don’t create problems for our future generation

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
  2. Imagine if Napolean had followed this phrase, millions of lives would have been saved
  3. The magnitude of the meaning in this phrase can be inferred and inculcated by anyone and everyone in the world
  4. Had we followed prevention is better than cure, there would less wars and atrocities in the world today
  5. The COVID-19 pandemic, global warming and the wars between countries are all a result of our ignorance of problems
  6. The ever-increasing greed and need of man will make him blind about the impending problems of his or her actions
  7. Imagine cigarette smokers around the world takes prevention is better than cure phrase seriously, the world would be less polluted and filled with healthier people
  8. The fact that consumes meat by killing animals is pure ignorance on our part on the impact that our lifestyle is having on the ecosystem
  9. Procrastination is one of the most dangerous behaviour to posses because it indicates ignorance and incompetence on our part
  10. Desiderius Erasmus came up with this proverb, prevention is better than cure

10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Prevention is Better Than Cure

Question 1.
What is the meaning of prevention is better than cure?

It means that it’s better to stop a problem from occurring than solve it after it has occurred

Question 2.
Is prevention is better than cure applicable all the time?

No, the phrase not applicable in events that are beyond our control or force majeure

Question 3.
What are the three types of prevention?

Primary, secondary and tertiary are the three stages of prevention

Question 4.
Who can follow the values of prevention is better than cure?

The values in this phrase can be followed by people across all walks of life

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