10 Lines on Lohri Festival for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Lohri Festival: Punjab is in itself a state of colors and enthusiasm and why not? It has the most Vibrant culture and sweet people! One such Festival is the Lohri Festival that incites a feeling of happiness and prosperity for all the people. After working hard the whole year, when it’s the time to harvest the fruits of their hard work, it is considered as a good opportunity to have a festival that makes the best of all the efforts of the people.  The festival with Lohri starts many days before the actual festival is celebrated!

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Lohri Festival for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Lohri is a festival that is mainly related to the harvesting of Rabi (sugarcane) crops.
  2. It is celebrated on January 13 each year.
  3. Lohri is mostly celebrated around a bonfire.
  4. Women and people dance and make merry.
  5. It is commonly celebrated at the end of peak winter.
  6. The other important food related to Lohri is Radishes.
  7. Gur-Rewari, Peanuts, and popcorn are eaten with joy around the bonfire.
  8. The traditional food is the Gajjak, Sarson da saag, and makes di Roti.
  9. They also eat Til-Rice (sesame rice) made with jaggery.
  10. Lohri is believed to be a symbol of new beginnings.

10 Lines on Lohri Festival for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Lohri Festival for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Lohri is the festival of harvesting and richness of the Sugarcane crops.
  2. As the traditional time to harvest sugarcane is January, Lohri is known to be a harvesting festival.
  3. The Day after Lohri is seen to be the Financial New Year.
  4. The New financial year as believed by them is known as ‘Maghi’.
  5. People eat Gur-Rewari, gajjak, Sarson da saag, and Makke Di roti on this auspicious day.
  6. One other important food is Radish, which is harvested between October and January.
  7. Women go around the bonfires singing ‘ Sunder Mundriye’.
  8. It is a tribute to the Robin-hood of Punjab, Dulla Bhatti.
  9. He rescued the females from the terror being forced to be sold in slave markets, and also made them marry into a suitable household.
  10. Lohri is meant to be the new financial year and the meaning of life to all the people.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Lohri Festival for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Lohri is a festival full of energy and happiness which is considered to be the new beginning of life with warmth and Love.
  2. It is a festival that reaps the results of the hard efforts of farmers and harvests rabi crops, also known as sugarcanes.
  3. This festival shows the religiousness of the people as they pray to the god for a good harvest and their attachment to nature.
  4. On this day, the traditional food that is served is Sarson da Saag, Makke di Roti, and rau di Kheer.
  5. People dress up in new clothes and dance and make merry around the bonfires.
  6. They also have a penchant for eating gur-rewri, peanuts, and popcorns.
  7. The new financial year also starts after the day of Lohri, which is known as Maghi.
  8. It is also a tribute to the robin-hood of Punjab, Dulla Bhatti who used to save the Punjabi girls from being sold in the slave market.
  9. People dance around, happily wishing each other ‘happy Lohri’ and smiling with cheery faces building the perfect ambiance for Lohri.
  10. It is celebrated on 13th January At the peak of winter, thereby bringing auspicious feelings in everyone’s hearts.

10 Lines on Lohri Festival for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Lohri Festival

Question 1.
What is the day after Lohri is known as and why?

The day after Lohri is known as ‘Maghi’ and that day denote the starting of a new financial year for the farmers of Punjab.

Question 2.
Which is the other food that is important other than Sugarcane in Lohri?

The other food that is important in Lohri is the radishes that are harvested between October and January.

Question 3.
What is the most common song sung during Lohri?

The most common song sung during Lohri is ‘Sunder Mundriye’ as a tribute to the robin-hood of Punjab.

Question 4.
What is the date of Lohri according to the Indian calendar?

The Indian calendar denotes the date of Lohri in ‘Paush’ month, also known as Makara Sankranti in other parts of the country.

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