10 Lines on Deer for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Deer: Found in different forest areas of Asia, Europe and North America, deer is one of the most popular jungle animals in the world. Given the fact that deer is the most important animal to maintain a healthy food chain in the ecosystem, it becomes our responsibility to save the population of deer from becoming extinct and there are plenty of international laws to prevent the hunting and killing of deer for various purposes. Deer is a Food for many wild animals in jungle such as lion, tiger, or fox

In this 10 lines on deer in English, we shall be talking about how the animal has evolved, how important is deer to our ecosystem, where are deers found in the world in large populations and what will happen to deers if the climate change and global warming continues at the same scale.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Deer for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Deer is considered as a mammal which usually lives jungles such as the Western Ghats or Amazon forest
  2. Deer is a herbivorous animal which means that it won’t consume meat
  3. The animal consists of four legs with a small tail and white patches all over the body
  4. The various properties of the skin of deer are useful for manufacturing of clothes and ornaments
  5. Deer mainly eat grass, leaves, fruit and various green herbs that are found in the jungle
  6. The male deer is popularly known as a buck or a stag and a female deer is known as a doe.
  7. According to experts, there are more than 60 different species of deer and many more species are yet to be found in remote and unexplored areas of the world
  8. A young deer or a baby deer is known as fawn
  9. A group of deers is usually called as a herd
  10. Bleat is a word that is used to refer to the sound the deer makes

10 Lines on Deer for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Deer for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Deer is considered to be an intelligent animal in terms of eating habits and it consumes only select types of herbs, fruit and other forms of vegetation that is available in the jungle
  2. Deer is also one of the few animals who can live in all types of forests from tundra to tropical forests
  3. An interesting and unique trait of deer is that the baby deer learns to walk after about two hours of its birth
  4. One of the biggest threat to the population of deer is hunting because of their skin and meat
  5. Many wild animals in the jungle feed on deer such as tiger, lion and wolf
  6. Deer is also one of the fastest animals on the planet which can run with 60 kilometres per hour to 80 kilometres per
  7. Many areas are reserved special zones to prevent the extinction of this rare species in India
  8. Deers require a good amount of nutrition for survival and hence they are found in select regions of the Jungle
  9. Chevrotains are considered to be the smallest deers which are found in certain forests in the continent of Africa
  10. Deer meat and skin market is more than $20 billion worldwide and this is the reason for its extinction

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Deer for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. There are more than 300 million deers in the world and around 8 to 10 million deers are found in India
  2. Given the present population of the deers and the rate of extinction, certain special zones are created such as the Western Ghats and Gir forest to reduce the extinction of deers and protection from hunting
  3. Deers are considered to be very selective eaters because they need high nutrition to survive
  4. Deer is also known as one of the fastest animals which can run up to a speed of hundred kilometres per hour
  5. Deers are hunted and killed for their meat as well as their skin
  6. Generally, deers have horns and this characteristic is confined to the male community of deers
  7. Deers are not found in the continent of Australia and Antarctica
  8. The big horns on the head of the male deer which are bony in structure are known as antlers
  9. One of the most distinguished features of deer, which makes it an odd one out in mammals, is that it does not contain gallbladder
  10. Deers are known to stay in groups so that they can protect themselves from predators such as lions and tiger.

10 Lines on Deer for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Deer

Question 1.
How many deers are there in the world?

There are approximately 33 million deers spread across the planet

Question 2.
What is a group of deers called?

A group of deers is called as a herd

Question 3.
Why is the population of Deer getting reduced around the world?

Rampant illegal hunting of deer for its meat and skin or hunting of deer for recreational purposes is reducing its population around the world

Question 4.
Why is deer important for the ecosystem?

Deers are important for the protection of the ecosystem because of its importance in maintaining a healthy food chain in the world

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