Welcome Speech for Independence Day in English for Students and Children

Welcome Speech for Independence Day: From the capture of the British Government, many brave sons and daughters fought for their lives and freedom, made extreme sacrifices for our nation India.

People organized many freedom movements; the British Government captured, tortured, hanged, and injured the Indians in this freedom struggle. After all the hard work, India finally gained independence on 15th August 1947.

This day we celebrate Independence Day every year to pay our tributes to our brave martyrs and our armed forces by arranging different programs in our schools and colleges. We also arrange parades in the red fort to showcase our arm powers globally.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Welcome Speeches for Independence Day In English for Kids And Students

We are providing a long Welcome Speech on Independence Day of 500 words and a short speech on the same topic of 150 words along with ten lines to help the readers understand the topic.

These speeches will be useful for the students of schools and colleges, teachers, and the hosts who deliver a welcome speech on Independence Day in their educational institutes for the audience.

Long Welcome Speech for Independence Day is helpful for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day is helpful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Welcome Speech for Independence Day 500 Words In English

Good Morning. Welcome to the celebration of Independence Day in our school.

In this Independence Day celebration, we all should feel proud of being a part of this Independent nation that gives us the freedom to live our lives in our way. But this was not the scenario 73 years ago when India was under the rule of the British Government. The British Government ruled over India for almost 200 years, and with the continuous struggle by the Indians led by the renowned freedom fighters, India finally gained independence on 15th August 1947. For the first time, on this day, our first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, raised the Indian flag on red fort. Since that time, we all are celebrating Independence Day annually. In every government organization, schools, and colleges, everyone organizes Independence day events and related cultural programs.

India was once used to known as “Sone ki Chidiya,” which means that India was full of resources. We had productive land with an ample amount of minerals and rocks. We were known to be the home for the largest spice market. The productive human workforce was one of our strengths. All these factors made the British Government capture our country and use those resources for their benefits.

With the help of the “Divide and Rule policy,” they slowly gained control over the country. The Britishers easily deceived Indians and gained control. We became slaves to the British Government, and they ruled on us for a significant amount of time.

After some time, few eminent personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and Jawaharlal Nehru prominently emerged as the leaders who inspired everybody about India’s scenario and how it is crucial to fight back for their rights. Many freedom struggles took place, and everybody actively participated in it. All those led to the fruitful result of free and independent nations.

Being Independent gives us many benefits like freedom of speech and freedom of fundamental rights. Without freedom, we would become a slave. We should always thank our freedom fighters, who fought for this country until their last breath, which gave us Independence.

But being India’s citizen, it is our responsibility to build our nation of pride by doing pure deeds like keeping the roads and surroundings clean, helping the poor people, maintaining the traffic rules. A responsible citizen is the one who values the nation.

Independence Day also shows the world about the courage and bravery which our country achieved. Our arm forces arrange a parade in the red fort displaying different fighting equipment to the world, portraying India as a superpower on the global platform. Different schools and Colleges organize cultural programs to celebrate this day.

Patriotism is the feeling above everything which every Indian should have. Our upcoming generation should know about the importance of patriotism and how they can be the main leading factor in building our nation. At last, I wish everyone Happy Independence Day and hope for building a beautiful nation together.

Thank you.

10 Important Points about Independence Day are discussed here.

Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day 150 Words In English

Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day 150 Words In English

Happy Independence Day and a warm welcome to everyone present here.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose explained the desire to die for making India live inspired each citizen of India to fight for their freedom from the British Government rule.

Independence Day is a national celebration of India that we celebrate to remember the struggles and sacrifices of our martyrs for a long span of 200 years. India witnessed a lot of events that made our freedom fighters concerned for a better future.

The event of Jalianwala Bagh, the faulty land settlement systems, racial discrimination, endless slavery, and torture led the freedom fighters to arrange different freedom movements against the British Government. We enjoy a better future today because of all the efforts and contributions of freedom fighters.

This day makes every citizen of India remind how we all Indians should glorify India’s past present and future. We should always maintain unity to strengthen our country.

Thank you.

You can also look at how to write an Independence Day Essay in English from here.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for Independence Day In English

  1. We celebrate Independence Day to pay tribute to our great freedom fighters who gained Independence from India’s struggles and sacrifices.
  2. This day teaches us about the power of unity among Indians and how it can strengthen our nation.
  3. It reminds us of the feeling of nationalism and patriotism towards our nation.
  4. We pay tribute to all the Indians who went through the struggle and fought back against the British Government.
  5. We organize programs in our schools and colleges, which involves hoisting our national flag, singing the national anthem, and paying honor to the martyrs.
  6. This day also helps India to display their developments in social, political, and economic departments on a global platform.
  7. India’s prime minister from the Red Fort conveys the nation and hoists national flag every year.
  8. With pride, all Indians celebrate Independence Day.
  9. We all should help our young generation to understand the importance of this day.
  10. Every Indian, whether rich or poor, having different caste or culture, comes together to celebrate Independence Day every year.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for Independence Day In English

FAQ’s On Welcome Speech for Independence Day

Question 1.
In 2020, how many years of Independence Day we will be celebrating?

We will be celebrating the 73rd year of Independence Day on 15th August 2020. Our Independence was on 15th August 1947.

Question 2.
What is another name by which Mahatma Gandhi is famous?

Mahatma Gandhi is known as the nation’s father for his excessive contributions to the freedom struggle. With immense freedom movements, struggles, and sacrifices, he helped us to gain Independence.

Question 3.
Who gave the slogan “Jai Hind”?

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, one of the renowned freedom fighters, gave the slogan “Jai Hind” to the citizens of India.

Question 4.
British Government ruled over India for how many years?

For about 200 years, the British Government ruled over India. With different rules and policies, they made us do slavery for them, which made Indians anxious and led them to fight for Independence. For that, every citizen of India made an extreme number of struggles and sacrifices.

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