What are the Functions of Endocrine System

What are the Functions of Endocrine System

1. Pitutary
(A) Adeno hypophysis(i) GH or STHControls growth of somatic cells influences protein, carbohydrate and metabolisms
(ii) TSHRegulates the growth of thyroid gland and secretion of thyroxine
(iii) ACTHStimulates adrenal contex to grow and secrete its hormones
(iv) FSHStimulates growth of ovarian follicles in ovary of female and controls spermatogenesis in males
(v) ICSH or LHStimulates ovary to produce estrogen in female and testis to produce androgens in male
(vi) ProlactineControls development of mammary glands and stimulates corpus luteium to secrete progestrone
(vii) MSHStimilate melanocytes
(B) Neuro hypophysis(i) OxytocinControls uterine contraction during parturition, stimulates lactation to increase milk secretion
(ii) Vasopressin
Controls tubular reabsorption of water in kidney, also increases blood pressure
2. Thyroid
(i) ThyroxineControls metabolism
(ii) ThyrocalcitoninDeposit calcium over bones.
3. ParathyroidPTHMaintain blood calcium.
4. Adrenal
(A) CortexMineralocorticoid
Salt retention
(B) MedullaAdrenalineEmergency hormone
5. Gonads
(A) Testis
(Cells of leydig)
Controls spermatogenesis and development of secondary sexual charaters of males
(B) Ovaries
     (a) Graafian follicle(i) EstrogenDevelopment of female sexual organs.
     (b) Corpus luteum(i) ProgesteroneMaintain pregnancy
6. ThymusThymosinStrenthens immune system
7. PinealMelatoninControl skin colour.

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