Descriptive Adjectives | What Are Descriptive Adjectives? Types and Some Popular Examples

Descriptive Adjectives: In the broad subject matter of English Grammar, various components help us construct grammatically correct sentences. The English language can be confusing to understand; hence we put these various tools to make the process more straightforward and easy to understand.

Parts of Speech are one of the grammar tools, and they cover a large area of the massive niche of English Grammar. Among the wide range of tools that play an essential role in the construction of any sentence, one of the most used components included under Parts of Speech is known as “Adjective.”

This article will focus on the use, definition, and examples of Descriptive Adjectives of English Grammar.

Descriptive Adjectives

Definition of a Descriptive Adjective

The adjective is among the most critical components of parts of speech that find considerable application in the subject matter of speech and writing.

As we have learned in school, an adjective is a describing word that describes the noun in any sentence. There are numerous kinds of adjectives in the English language but, the most comprehensive group under the subject of adjectives is ‘Descriptive Adjectives.’

One can define descriptive adjectives as the kind of adjectives used to represent the extent, color, or appearance of a character, an object or thing, an animal, or any given place, as mentioned in the sentence.

Descriptive Adjectives are used to present added information about the noun it defines by correctly describing its characteristics or altering it.

In simpler words, Descriptive Adjectives are those types of adjectives that give an attribute to the noun present in a sentence by adding extra information about it.

The Different Variations of Descriptive Adjectives

Based on the degree of comparison, the Descriptive Adjectives can be differentiated into three different categories, as defines below in detail:

Comparative Descriptive Adjective

Just as the word suggests, Comparative Adjectives are a type of adjective used to define a noun through a comparison of the said noun with another noun.

In other words, when one noun is compared to another in any sentence by an adjective, it is known as a Descriptive adjective.

Example: That apple is bigger than this apple.

Here, the adjective ‘big’ is used in its comparative degree as ‘bigger’ to define the first apple as being larger than the latter.

Superlative Descriptive Adjective

Just as the name suggests, Superlative Adjectives are the type of adjectives used to define the highest degree of an attribute. Superlative Adjectives are adjectives used to define a noun by comparing the said noun with another noun, in the same sentence but by using the highest degree of comparison.

In simple words, Superlative Adjectives define the comparison between two existing nouns in a sentence by its highest degree of comparison.

Example: That is the biggest apple in the whole tree.

Here, the adjective ‘biggest’ is used to establish that the said apple is the biggest as compared to all the other apples in the same tree.

Positive Descriptive Adjective

Unlike all the other forms of adjectives, Positive Adjectives are used in most sentences. They do not have any involvement of any sort of comparison between nouns in a sentence.

In the English language, we use Positive adjectives to only add description to the noun and not compare anything.

Example: Her math score is perfect.

Here, there is no comparison involved between nouns. It is simply stating the fact that she scored perfectly in math. The word ‘perfect’ is just used to describe her math score.

The Correct Method to Use Descriptive Adjectives

To use any Descriptive adjective in a sentence, you need to thoroughly know the nouns in the sentence you want to write.

If the nouns form a basis of comparison between two things or people or situations, you should use a Comparative Descriptive Adjective.

Example: This flower is prettier than that one.

If the nouns form a basis of comparison between more than two things, people, or situations, and one of the nouns will have the highest importance; in that case, you should use a Superlative Descriptive Adjective.

Example: Her hair is the curliest in our class.

If there is no basis for comparison, you should use a Positive Descriptive Adjective.

Example: That is good news.

In the Case of Identification of Descriptive Adjectives

  1. The first step is to recognize the noun or nouns present in a sentence.
  2. The second step is to identify the descriptive adjective.
  3. The third step is to identify what type of descriptive is present.
  4. Lastly, to form a meaning of the given sentence, you need to understand what information the adjective provides and interpret it accordingly.

A-List of Most Common Descriptive Adjectives in Alphabetical Order

AbandonedThere is an abandoned house at the end of the street.
AbundantThe atmosphere is abundant in oxygen.
AccurateThere is no accurate way to solve the problem.
AddictedI admit, I’m addicted to coffee.
AdorableHer smile looks adorable in the picture.
AggressiveJerry is very aggressive and it is hard to talk to him.
AlcoholicMy neighbor is an alcoholic.
AlertAlways stay alert when an earthquake is happening.
AliveI am happy to be alive.
AmbitiousHe is very ambitious.
AncientTemples of ancient India are a beautiful heritage.
AngryPlease don’t be angry on me.
AnimatedThe new season of my favorite series just got animated.
AnnoyingMy little brother is very annoying.
AnxiousI get anxious before exams, very easily.
ArrogantIt is best to not be arrogant in these situations.
AshamedI am ashamed of her for not telling the truth.
AshyHer face appeared ashy due to the lack of sleep.
AttractiveHe is the most attractive in our class.
AttractiveOur humble hut was quite attractive and comfortable.
AuspiciousThis is an auspicious occasion.
AwesomeYou did an awesome job during the finale.
AwfulThe tea tastes awful.
BadI am bad at this job.
BeautifulShe looks beautiful in the sun.
BeneficialGarlic is beneficial for your health.
BestThis past Monday was the best day of my life.
BetterI promise to get better, with time.
BigShe sent me a big present.
BitterThe lime that fell from the tree tastes bitter.
BizarreThe road we walked through yesterday was bizarre and uncomfortable.
BoringThe meeting was boring, no one talked about interesting topics.
BrainyHe is quite brainy.
BrightShe is a bring student.
BusyAre you busy on Saturdays?
CarefulPlease be careful while crossing cross roads.
ChubbyShe might be chubby, but she looks cute.
CleanPlease clean your plate.
ConfusedI am confused as to what way I should go from here.
CrowdedThe restaurant was more crowded than I expected it to be.
CruelThe world is cruel for good people.
CuriousI am curious about his laptop’s password.
CurlyHer hair is curly and beautiful.
DazzlingHer dazzling smile, blinded me.
DeadI would be dead if he didn’t pull me out of the pit.
DramaticYou have to act dramatic in this part of the performance.
DroopyHe came to school with droopy eyelids.
DryDry eyes are a result of excessive eye pressure.
DualHe played a dual role in that movie.
DullHe is not bright, he is dull.
DutifulThe king rewarded his dutiful servant.
EasyThis assignment is easy.
ElegantHe looked elegant at the party.
EvilYour face looks like you are making an evil plan.
ExcellentI had an excellent time at the hills.
ExcitedI am very excited to try it on for the first time.
ExcitingHe brought exciting news as soon as he came.
ExhaustedI was exhausted after the journey.
ExoticThis plant is an exotic species.
ExpensiveThe dress is quite expensive for its appearance.
ExperiencedHe is an experienced driver.
ExpertShe must be an expert at this.
FamousHe is the only son of a very famous producer.
FitDrink more water to stay fit.
FlatShe did not use any styling tools so her hair looked flat.
FlawedEven if she is flawed, she is beautiful.
FlawlessI think the singing was flawless.
FlimsyThe camera was flimsy.
FloweryThis perfume has a flowery fragrance.
FluffyHer hair looked fluffy due to the new shampoo she used.
FluidYou should be fluid when it comes to these situations.
FlusteredYour face is flustered, do you have a fever?
FocusedStaying focused on the primary target is important.
FondShe is very fond of my cat.
FoolishDo not be foolish and think before you answer.
GiftedHe is gifted with a soothing voice.
GlamorousThe actress looked glamourous despite her old age.
GorgeousShe looked gorgeous in her wedding gown.
GrayThe sky is gray, I don’t want to go out.
HallowedThe valley was hallowed by the flood.
HandsomeHe wore a handsome pair of shoes to match the outfit.
HeartyEven though it was simple, we enjoyed a hearty meal.
HeavenlyThe sky looked heavenly after the rain.
HelpfulIt was very helpful for me.
ImportantI have an important announcement to make.
ImpossibleIt is impossible to breathe in through the nose while talking.
ImpracticalDo not make impractical jokes.
ImpressiveHer skills at the competition were impressive.
InexpensiveThe camera might be inexpensive, but it does it’s job well.
LongIt was a long and tiring journey.
MagnificentThe sunsets from that hill look magnificent.
MushyThe fries turned mushy due to the spilled soda.
OddWhy did you take an odd route?
PlainIt was a plain shirt, but it looked good.
PowerfulThe song has powerful lyrics.
PurpleHis lips turned purple due to the frost.
RedHer eyes appeared red due to crying.
ShortThe walk was short but memorable.
ShyDo not be shy, ask for more if you’d like.
SkinnyShe looks skinny in the black shirt.
TenderHer tender touch soothed my wounds.
UglyDo not buy it, that dress looks ugly.
UnimportantIn my opinion, this information is unimportant.
UninterestedI am uninterested in this topic.
UnkemptHis hair was unkempt and long.
VastThe palace was vast.
WrongDo not hold it the wrong way.

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