

The inverse of a conditional statement is formed by negating the hypothesis and negating the conclusion of the original statement.
In other words, the word “not” is added to both parts of the sentence.


  1. Conditional:If you grew up in Alaska, then you have seen snow.”
  2. Inverse:If you did not grow up in Alaska, then you have not seen snow.”

HINT: Remember that to create an Inverse, you will need to Insert the word NOT into both portions of the sentence. Since you are actually negating each part of the sentence, you may also use other words (in addition to NOT) to create the negation.

It is important to remember that the inverse does NOT necessarily have the same truth value as the original conditional statement.


  1. Conditional:If you grew up in Alaska, then you have seen snow.”
    Considering the climatic conditions in Alaska, this statement is true.
  2. Inverse:If you did not grow up in Alaska, then you have not seen snow.” Considering that there are other areas in the world that have snow (such as New York state), this statement is false.

An interesting fact: The inverse has the same truth value as the converse of the original statement. The INVERSE and the CONVERSE of the original statement are logically equivalent.
(“equivalent” means “the same”)

A truth table clearly shows the relationship between the conditional, the converse, and the inverse:

pq∼p∼qp → qq → p∼p → ∼q




The converse of a conditional statement is formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of the original statement.
In other words, the parts of the sentence change places.
The words “if” and “then” do not move.


  • Conditional:If the space shuttle was launched, then a cloud of smoke was seen.”
  • Converse:If a cloud of smoke was seen, then the space shuttle was launched.”

HINT: Try to associate the logical CONVERSE with Converse™ sneakers — think of the two parts of the sentence “putting on their sneakers” and “running” to their new positions.

It is important to remember that the converse does NOT necessarily have the same truth value as the original conditional statement.


  • Conditional:If the space shuttle was launched, then a cloud of smoke was seen.” This statement is true since the exhaust from the shuttle creates a cloud of smoke.
  • Converse:If a cloud of smoke was seen, then the space shuttle was launched.” This statement is not always true since many other events (a fire, a running herd of buffalo, car exhaust, etc.) could have caused a cloud of smoke.

An interesting fact: The converse has the same truth value as the inverse of the original statement. The CONVERSE and the INVERSE of the original statement are logically equivalent.
(“equivalent” means “the same”)

A truth table clearly shows the relationship between the conditional, the converse, and the inverse:

ConditionalConverse Inverse
p∼p∼qp → qq → p∼p → ∼q