Character Sketch of Gratiano in Merchant of Venice

Character Sketch of  Gratiano in Merchant of Venice – ICSE Class 10, 9 English


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His Copious Talk; His Wit; His contribution to the Comedy of the Play

Gratiano is a very talkative and witty man. Indeed, his garrulity is his most striking trait; and this trait would have repelled us if his talk had not been witty. He has a keen sense of humour, an infinite capacity for talk, and a fertile wit. He is never short of words, and almost every remark that he makes is amusing in one way or another. Antonio, who is a serious-minded man, does not relish Gratiano’s ceaseless talk which is nothing but chatter for his ears. And even Bassanio says that Gratiano talks an infinite deal of nothing and that there is very little real sense in his talk. Bassanio expresses the view that the sense in Gratiano’s talk may be compared to two grains of wheat hidden in a large heap of chaff (or straw). However, Bassanio does not feel much upset by Gratiano’s endless talk though he does have some apprehension that Gratiano’s glib tongue would create some embarrassing moments for him (Bassanio) at Belmont. He feels it necessary to get a promise from Gratiano not to talk too much at Belmont before agreeing to Gratiano’s request that he should take him (Gratiano) there. Gratiano makes a substantial contribution to the comedy of the play. The Merchant of Venice is a romantic comedy which means that it is a play containing both romantic and comic elements in ample measure. If Bassanio is a man who contributes greatly to the romantic character of the play Gratiano is a man who contributes equally greatly to the play’s comic character.

His Satirical Comment on the Silent and Reserved Kind of Man

Gratiano’s comment on Antonio’s melancholy in the very beginning of the play shows the big difference  between these two men. Gratiano says that he cannot understand why a man should feel sad at all. He asks why a man, whose blood is warm within, should sit still and motionless like his grandfather’s statue. And then he asks why a man should creep into the jaundice by being peevish. By contrast with Antonio’s role as a sad man on the world-stage, Gratiano’s role is that of a “fool” (or a jester) who would like to grow old with mirth and laughter. Gratiano ridicules men who try to win respect by remaining silent so as to appear thoughtful and wise. He ridicules to man who talks in the tones of Sir Oracle, who wants others to stop talking as soon as he opens his mouth to say something.

His witty Promise to Bassanio

Gratiano’s promise to Bassanio to exercise restraint upon his natural effusiveness and boisterousness is another example of his witty manner of speaking. He tells Bassanio that he would swear only occasionally at Belmont, that he would carry prayer-books in his pockets, and that he would put on a solemn expression when gracebefore meal is being said. Indeed, Gratiano’s wit has a large share in the comedy of the play, The Merchant of Venice.

His Bitter, Fierce, and Denunciatory or Abusive Wit

Gratiano shows his wit even in the Trial Scene which is, on the whole, a very serous one, bordering almost on tragedy. Here his wit is ironical and sarcastic. Here his wit has an incisive quality which produces a devastating effect on the Jew. He repeats the words which Shylock has originally used when Shylock thought that he had won the case against Antonio. But Gratiano repeats those words in a tone of mockery and ridicule so as to aggravate the mental torture which Shylock is going through on finding that he has completely lost the case. The words Gratiano speaks are: “O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge!’’ And then “A second Daniel! I thank thee Jew for teaching me that word.” He also suggests mockingly that the lew should be given a halter gratis so that he may hang himself. Indeed, Gratiano’s wit here becomes bitter, and even fierce and violent. His wit takes even the form of abuse and denunciation. He calls Shylock a damned, cursed dog. He also says that Shylock was in his previous life a wolf because his desires in his present life are wolfish, bloody, and starved.

The Wide Range of His Wit

Gratiano’s wit is wide-ranging. He can be simply jovial but he can also become bitterly sarcastic and even abusive. He can be furious and yet witty in his wrathful remarks. He can be mirthful and gay, and then he can make witty comments to add to the gaiety and the laughter. This pleasant side of his wit comes to our notice more particularly in the concluding scene of the play when the comedy of the rings reaches its climax. Here he defends himself against Nerissa’s allegation with a witty disparagement of Nerissa’s ring and tries to turn the quarrel into a trivial and frivolous manner.

His Knowledge of this World, and the Wisdom Resulting Therefrom

Gratiano is by no means a person who can only talk in a jovial and flippant manner. One or two of his speeches show that he is essentially a discerning man who has observed this world with close attention, and who has become fairly shrewd in judging people and things. On one occasion he makes a speech describing the decline in a man’s enthusiasm for something which had originally inspired a good deal of eagerness and zest in him. Nobody, he says, gets up from a feast with the same keen appetite with which he had sat down to it. Similarly, while a horse runs very fast in the beginning, it runs very slowly when it is coming back to the starting-point. When a ship sails away, it looks splendid; but, when it returns, it presents a sad spectacle because its body has greatly been damaged and its sails look worn- out on account of the strong winds and furious storms which the ship had to endure in the course of its long voyage. And the essence of this whole speech is found in the following lines:

all things that are,
Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.
Gratiano is by no means a novice in the affairs of the world.

His Marriage with Nerissa

Gratiano’s visit to Belmont does not prove to be futile. He is able to win Nerissa as his wife; and he is able to do so without having to go through the ordeal which Bassanio has to go through in order to win Portia. Gratiano was able to coax Nerissa into agreeing to marry him even though she had laid down a condition. She had promised to marry him if Bassanio succeeded in winning Portia as his wife. He is, on the whole, a pleasing young man, with considerable knowledge of the world and of human nature. Nor do we have any doubt that he would make a good husband for Nerissa who is herself a highly intelligent woman with as penetrating a judgment of human character as her mistress Portia is. He and nerissa are, indeed, well-matched and make an excellent pair.

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Character Sketch of Bassanio in Merchant of Venice

Character Sketch of Bassanio in Merchant of Venice – ICSE Class 10, 9 English


ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions


The Hero of the Caskets Story

If Antonio is the hero of the Bond story, Bassanio is the hero of the Caskets story. Of course, he is not a hero in the absolute sense of the word. But he is certainly a romantic hero who is able to win the heroine Portia as his wife.

A Young Prodigal Often in Need of Money

When we meet Bassanio first, we find him in need of money.’ He already owes some money to his friend Antonio; and now he approaches that friend of his with a request for another loan. He admits that he has always been spending more money than he could afford. He also acknowledges the fact that he is already under a debt to Antonio. But he also expresses his sincere desire to repay the first loan while asking for a second. And then, to prove his point he argues that, if Antonio gives him a second loan, he (Antonio) would stand a much greater chance of getting back the amount of the first loan in addition to getting back the amount of this second loan. And he supports this argument by citing his own experience as a schoolboy when, by shooting as arrow in the same directiofi in which he had shot the first arrow and lost it, he used to recover both the arrows. This is a very plausible way of arguing a case; and we must give due credit to him in this context. Of course, we can also here interpret his argument differently and say that he is using only, a trick to be able to extract a second loan from a gullible man. But Antonio’s deep love for him is a proof of the fact that Bassanio was not a trickster.

An Ardent and Romantic Lover with a Poetical Nature

Bassanio is certainly a romantic lover, having something of the poet in him. In describing Portia to Antonio, he says that she is fair and fairer than that word. He compares her to Cato’s daughter, Brutus’s Portia. Then he suitors to the many Jasons who went to Colchos to win the golden fleece. Later, he speaks in a poetic manner about the beauty of Portia’s picture. Thus we can have no doubt at all about his imaginative, romantic, and poetical qualities.

His Love of Gaiety

Bassanio has a dual nature. On one hand he is devoted to Antonio who is a reserved and melancholy kind of man, the silent type speaking very little. On the other hand, he is fond of the company of men like Gratiano, Salerio, and Solanio, all of whom are jovial, talkative, and boisterous fellows. On the whole, he may be regarded as a man with a healthy and optimistic outlook upon life. It is because of his handsome appearance and excellent manners, combined with his sense of humour and witty manner of speaking that Portia falls in love with him even before he makes his choice of a casket. Even Nerissa is greatly impressed by his personality and his behaviour, and she sincerely and ardently desires his success in his choice of a casket. His prodigality is a small fault which by no means disqualifies him as a suitor whose success in the test of the caskets is desired by all those who are interested in Portia’s welfare and by us as well. He actually comes out of the test with flying colours; and his success is, of course, the result of his understanding of this world and his knowledge of human nature.

Not at all a Shallow Man

He is not a shallow kind of man. The speeches which he makes before choosing a casket show his essential wisdom. When he comes to Belmont, his chief motive in trying to win Portia is to marry an heiress who owns a vast estate and is also exceptionally beautiful, However, the comments which he makes on the various caskets show that he is not at all a greedy man. He knows that appearances are deceptive and that the world is always deceived with ornament. He then gives several examples from the spheres of law and religion to prove that every vice in this world puts on an outward appearance of virtue. He speaks of cowards who wear the beards of Hercules and the frowns of Mars; and he speaks of women using paint, powder, and false hair to look beautiful and alluring.

His Sincerity in Friendship

Nor can we doubt his sincerity in friendship. He has a deep and genuine affection for Antonio; and his anxiety about Antonio’s safety clearly shows that. On learning that Antonio has fallen into the clutches of the Jew, he feels extremely dejected, and then tries desperately to save his friend’s life. Having plenty of money with him after his marriage with Portia, he is willing to offer any amount of it to Shylock to induce him to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. When the judgment in favour of Antonio and against the Jew has been delivered, he voluntarily offers three thousand ducats to the judge as a gift. And then, at Antonio’s request, he parts with Portia’s ring to gratify the judge’s desire even though he knows that his giving away the ring would mean some trouble with Portia when he returns home. In short, his true love for Portia, his true friendship for Antonio, and his generous nature make him a lovable man.

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