Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 – Passages with Reference to the Context

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 – Passages with Reference to the Context – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English

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Passage – 1
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 3-6)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 1

Context : This is an allusion to a love-story of Greek mythology. Lorengo is speaking to Jessica in the famous moonlight Scene in Act V of Merchant of Venice.

Explanation : Lorenzo says that in such a moonlight night, Troilus must have climbed up to the walls of the city of Troy and breathed out passionate sighs in the direction of the Greek camps where his beloved Cressida lay asleep.

Passage – 2
(Act V, Sc. I, Lines 7-8)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 2

Context : These lines are spoken by Jessica in The Merchant of Venice in the famous moonlight scene. Jessica and Lorenzo are talking to each other of love.

Explanation : Jessica says that in such a night. This be went to meet her lover but that, seeing the shadow of a lion, she ran away frightened though she had not seen the lion actually.

Passage – 3
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 9-11)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 4

Context : These are Lorenzo’s words to Jessica in the famous moonlight scene in The Merchant of Venice.

Explanation : Lorenzo says that in such a night as this. Dido stood on the desolate sea-coast holding a willow branch and waving to her lover to come back to Carthage. (The willow is a symbol of disappointment in love.)

Passage – 4
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 58-65)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 5

Context : These are Lorenzo’s words to Jessica in the famous moonlight scene of The Merchant of Venice.

Explanation : Lorenzo asks Jessica to look at the sky which is studded with stars. The stars appear to be like discs on the floor of heaven. Lorgnzo says that every planet or star, no matter how small it is, moves in its orbit, producing divine music. The angels in heaven hear and enjoy this music. The music of these spheres (or planets) mixes with the music produced by the bright-eyed angels. Thus, a sweet music exists in immortal souls. But as long as our souls are imprisoned in our bodies of clay, our ears cannot catch that music.

Passage – 5
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 71-74)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 6

Context : These are Lorenzo’s words to Jessica in the famous moonlight scene of The Merchant of Venice. Jessica has said that she feels melancholy whenever she hears sweet music. Lorenzo says that music softens even the beasts.

Explanation : Even a herd of uncontrollable wild beasts or a group of young and untamed horses which gallop with big strides, neighing loudly and thus showing the passion of youth – even such wild creatures stop together suddenly with a gentle expression in their eyes when they hear the sound of a trumpet or any other musical sound. Thus, even wild beasts feel the influence of music.

Passage – 6
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 79-86)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 7

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 8

Context : These lines are taken from The Merchant of Venice. Lorenzo and Jessica are talking to each other of moonlight and love, while music is being played in the garden at Belmont. Lorenzo here talks about the effect of music.

Explanation : Music, says Lorenzo, has a great appeal even for beasts. That is why, according to a Greek myth, Orpheus is said to have drawn trees, stones and rivers towards himself by the sweet music of his flute. Music has the power to melt even hard and cruel creatures. The man who can neither produce music himself nor is pleased by music has much evil in him. He who does not love music has in him seeds of treachery, deception and other crimes. Such a man is dull as night; his soul is as dark as hell (Erebus) ; and he is untrustworthy.

Passage – 7
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 93-97)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 9

Context : This is a speech made by Portia on her return to Belmont from Venice. She sees from a distance a candle burning in her hall. Nerissa says that, when the moon was shining, the candle was not visible. Portia ; thereupon, makes this speech showing that a lesser light is eclipsed by a brighter light.

Explanation : Portia says that small things may seem important in the absence of great things but that when compared with great things, they are reduced to insignificance. A viceroy looks glorious as long as the sovereign is not near but, when the latter appears, the viceroy loses his glory just as a river flows towards ocean and loses itself in the ocean.

Passage – 8
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 102-108)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 10

Context : These words are spoken by Portia to Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice, Act V when the mistress and the maid have returned home from their visit to Venice. Portia says that the atmosphere has much to do with the effect of music.

Explanation : A thing acquires a greater value if it is done at a proper time. Even music becomes sweeter under certain circumstances, ; Atmosphere lends an additional charm to things. The cawing of a crow may be described as having the same sweetness as the song of a nightingale, if nobody is listening to them. If a nightingale were to begin singing during the day¬time when the geese are making noise, the nightingale’s song will sound no sweeter than the voice of a wren. In other words, even the song of a nightingale sounds sweeter at night because then the atmosphere is more favourable.

Passage – 9
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 147-150)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 11

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 12

Context : These are Gratiano’s words to Portia in The Merchant of Venice in Act V when Nerissa takes her husband to task for having given away her ring. Portia asks Gratiano what the quarrel is about, and Gratiano makes this reply.

Explanation : Gratiano says that Nerissa is quarrelling with him about an ordinary gold ring which she had given him. He makes light of the ring by saying that the words inscribed on the ring were no more elegant than the words usually carved on a knife. Knives usually bear such prosaic mottoes as “love me and leave me not.” Nerrisa’s ring, according to him, bore no better a motto. He is trying to belittle the importance of the ring because he has given it away and he does not want that Nerissa should quarrel with him over it.

Passage – 10
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 203-207)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 13

Context : These lines are part of Portia’s speech to Bassanio in Act V. of The Merchant of Venice. Bassanio has tried to explain the circumstances under which he felt compelled to give away Portia’s ring to the judge who decided Shylock’s case against Antonio. Bassanio has said that the judge would not take anything but the ring and that he found it impossible to resist the judge’s demand. Portia pretends not to be satisfied with Bassanio’s explanation.

Explanation : Portia says that she cannot believe that the judge could have been so unreasonable as to insist upon getting the ring. She says that if Bassanio had emphatically and forcefully told the judge that the ring was a sacred token ofhis wife’s love, the judge would not then have been so disregardful of Bassanio’s sentiments. She adds that she agrees with Nerissa in the latter’s view that the two men (Bassanio and Gratiano) gave away the rings to their mistresses in Venice. Portia is counterfeiting anger and is charging her husband with unfaithfulness towards her. All this is, of course, a part of the comedy of rings.

Passage – 11
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 60-65)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 14

Context : In the Act of The Merchant of Venice, when Lorenzo comes to know that Portia and Jessica are coming back to Belmont, he asks his friends to bring forth music. In these lines he praises the value of music in a calm and still moonlit night. He says that there is a music in every part of Nature, even in the soul of man but we cannot appreciate it.

Explanation : Lorenzo says that every planet in the heaven moves in symmetry and harmony. They produce a music in her motion and sing like an angel in the company of young Cherubins. In the soul of men too there is such a music and harmony. But, our souls are covered with human flesh and blood so that we cannot hear that music. Music is eternal to nature and to human soul and we should try to catch it at certain moments.

Passage – 12
(Act V, Sc.I, Lines 89-91)

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 5 - Passages with Reference to the Context 15

Context : These lines are spoken by Portia in the last Act of The Merchant of Venice. These lines are full of philosophical reflection.

Explanation : Portia says the light they see burning in the hall of her house is just a small candle that is burning, but we can see its light from a long distance. In the same way a noble deed shines in a wicked world. Just as a small candle spreads its light far and wide similarly good deeds stand out in this world full of evil.

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Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English


Act I, Sc.I

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 1

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 To whom is Solanio speaking? Who else is there?
Q.2 Explain the second and third lines of the extract.
Q.3 What is meant by ‘venture’?
Q.4 In what context the meanings of ‘argosies’, ‘burghers’, ‘signiors’ and ‘traffickers’ have been used?
Q.5 Why is Solanio giving all these reasons?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 2

Read the above extract and answer the questfons that follow.

Q.1 How does Salarino refer to one of ‘worthier friends’?
Q.2 Whom does Salarino want to feel merry and why?
Q.3 How has Salarino been trying to cheer his friend up?
Q.4 Where do the others promise to meet?
Q.5 Whom the ‘worthier friends’ leave behind?

Passage – 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 3

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 Who else had already made their appearances?
Q.3 What is Bassanio’s financial and emotional condition?
Q.4 Who has caused above condition?
Q.5 What had Bassanio to comment on that person?

Passage – 4

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 4

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Name the lady and her maid-in-waiting?
Q.2 Which three qualities of her’s are described here?
Q.3 With whom is the lady compared and how?
Q.4 What does Bassanio want from Antonio and why?
Q.5 With whom is the lady compared and how?

Act I, Sc.II

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 5

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What change in Portia’s mood can be found here?
Q.2 What do ‘over – name’ and ‘level’ mean here?
Q.3 How far is Nerissa responsible in changing Portia’s mood?
Q.4 Who is the second one to be described and how?
Q.5 How does Portia describe the gentleman mentioned in the extract?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 6

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Who is‘he’?
Q.2 How does Portia feel towards him?
Q.3 What do Nerissa’s words imply?
Q.4 What are the difficulties between Portia and the Englishman?
Q.5 What quality of Portia is revealed from all these descriptions?

Act I, Sc.III

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 7

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Why does Bassanio need three thousand ducats?
Q.2 Why can’t his rich friend Antonio supply him with the amount?
Q.3 What about the other problems of the merchant of Venice?
Q.4 Give the meanings of ‘debating’, ‘present store’ and ‘gross’?
Q.5 What does the extract imply?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 8

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What is the story of Jacob?
Q.2 What does Shylock think of ‘thrift’ in Jacob’s case?
Q.3 Why does Antonio not agree with him?
Q.4 Why does the phrase “the devil quoting the scripture” arise?
Q.5 Why is Shylock dilly-dallying before saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’?

Passage – 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 9

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Write what you know about Father Abram?
Q.2 How does Shylock try to convince Bassanio that his motive is harmless?
Q.3 How is the entire matter solved?
Q.4 Who is the ‘unthrifty knave’?
Q.5 How does Shylock’s suspicion of him come true later?

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Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English


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Act II, Sc.I

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 1

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Why does the speaker thank Portia?
Q.2 Where are they going now?
Q.3 When will the hazards be made?
Q.4 What are your views about the Prince of Morocco and why?
Q.5 The speaker has earlier too thanked Portia. What was the reason then?

Act II, Sc.II

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 2

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Who is Launcelot?
Q.2 How does the ‘fiend’ tempt him?
Q.3 Who is opposing the ‘fiend’ and how?
Q.4 What does Launcelot tell both of them?
Q.5 Why does Launcelot want to leave his old master?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 3

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 How does Launcelot reveal his real identity to Gobbo?
Q.2 How is Gobbo ultimately convinced?
Q.3 Which animal is mentioned here?
Q.4 What jocular remark does Launcelot make now?
Q.5 What decision has Launcelot made? Why?

Passage – 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 4

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 How did Bassanio behave with Gobbo at first?
Q.2 Which are the three examples that are wrongly used here?
Q.3 What do ‘cater-cousins’, ‘fruitify’ and ‘suit’ mean?
Q.4 Why is Bassanio irritated now?
Q.5 Which old proverb does Launcelot mention here?

Passage – 4

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 5

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 Who has just gone out and with what orders?
Q.3 What does Bassanio tell Gratiano after ‘ But hear thee, Gratiano?
Q.4 How does Gratiano satisfy Bassanio?
Q.5 What about ‘tonight’? How would Gratiano like to behave about which Bassanio also approves?

Act II, Sc.III

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 6

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where is Launcelot?
Q.2 To whom is Launcelot speaking?
Q.3 Why is the ‘most sweet Jew’ sorry to see him leave?
Q.4 Why is the person spoken to ‘asham’d’?
Q.5 Who did the person spoken to address Launcelot? On what note does the scene end?

Act II, Sc.IV

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 7

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 How does Jessica feel at her father’s house?
Q.2 Why does she feel sorry there?
Q.3 What opinion can be formed about Shylock?
Q.4 What has Jessica written in the letter?
Q.5 What does Lorenzo wish for Shylock?

Act II, Sc.V

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 8

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 With whom is Shylock talking?
Q.3 What difference between Shylock and Bassanio is he hinting at?
Q.4 What does ‘gormandize’ mean?
Q.5 Why is Shylock calling Jessica? What does he give her and why?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 9

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What are masques?
Q.2 Who are going to play them?
Q.3 What is an essential element in a masque?
Q.4 What advice does Shylock give Jessica? Give five examples?
Q.5 What does Launcelot whisper to Jessica before leaving?

Act II, Sc. VI

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 10

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 How are they dressed?
Q.3 For whom are they waiting?
Q.4 Who is Venus?
Q.5 What is correct — pigeons/doves?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 11

Read the above extract and answer the* questions that follow.

Q.1 What are Jessica’s feelings now?
Q.2 What do ‘make fast’, ‘gild myself’ and ‘straight’ mean?
Q.3 What has Jessica been advised by her father?
Q.4 Where is her father now?
Q.5 Why has he gone there?

Act II, Sc. VII

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 12

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 What had Portia commented when Morocco had arrived?
Q.3 How does Morocco describe the silver casket?
Q.4 Why was he tempted to choose the silver one?
Q.5 Write the inscriptions exactly as they are engraved on the caskets?

Act II, Sc. VIII

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 13

Q.1 Who is the ‘kinder gentleman’?
Q.2 Why are they going to him?
Q.3 What has Salarino heard and from whom?
Q.4 Who does it change their mood?
Q.5 What role do these two characters play?

Act II, Sc.IX

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 14

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Assess the prince’s character?
Q.2 Why does prince call the silver casket, a treasure-house?
Q.3 What does ‘title’ mean?
Q.4 What ‘title’ does he read?
Q.5 How can the situation be reversed, according to him?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 15

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Explain Portia’s line in the extract?
Q.2 What does the ‘schedule’ say?
Q.3 With what comments does he leave?
Q.4 Why had he paused for a long time after opening the casket?
Q.5 How do you feel at Arragon’s comment in the extract?

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Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English


ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions

Act III, Sc.I

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 1

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Give the background to this conversation?
Q.2 Why does Shylock blame the two and for what?
Q.3 Explain Salarino’s remarks in the extract?
Q.4 What have the two been discussing before Shylock’s arrival?
Q.5 Where are they now?

Act III, Sc.II

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 2

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 To whom is Portia talking to and where?
Q.2 Who else are there?
Q.3 What had Portia said at the beginning of this passage and why?
Q.4 Why can she not express her love clearly?
Q.5 Write the meanings of: ‘forsworn’ and ‘miss’.

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 3

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Explain. What is the significance of music here?
Q.2 Give explanation of the extract?
Q.3 What will the music be if Bassanio wins?
Q.4 What is Portia’s state of mind now?
Q.5 How does she describe Bassanio as he goes to make his choice?

Passage – 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 4

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 To whom does Bassanio compare himself with and how?
Q.2 What does Bassanio call the artist? Why?.
Q.3 Who or what does wrong to whom? How?
Q.4 Write the meanings of ‘confirm’d’, ‘sign’d’ and ‘ratified’.
Q.5 How had Portia felt after her father had made the will?

Passage – 4

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 5

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What does Portia want to clarify from Nerissa?
Q.2 Who is Nerissa?
Q.3 How has Gratiano secured a wife and on what condition?
Q.4 How does Gratiano compare himself to Bassanio?
Q.5 In what capacity has Gratiano come to Belmont?

Passage – 5

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 6

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What is Portia told about Antonio?
Q.2 Name the place where Antonio’s ships had gone?
Q.3 Who had given the news of Antonio’s misfortune?
Q.4 How had Shylock behaved on hearing this news?
Q.5 Which two things does she tell Bassanio to do at once?


Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 7

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 Who else is with them?
Q.3 Who has just left?
Q.4 Who seeks Antonio’s life and why? Write in detail?
Q.5 Why is the Duke unable to help Antonio?

Act III, Sc.IV

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 8

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where is Portia?
Q.2 Who else are there?
Q.3 What was said to her that she speaks like, this?
Q.4 What good things has she done now?
Q.5 How does she describe the likeness between her husband and his bosom friend?

Act III, Sc.V

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 9

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 How and why have they come here?
Q.3 How will Jessica be saved?
Q.4 How is that alternative not liked by Launcelot?
Q.5 What is his reason for having a grudge against Jews?

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Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 – Unsolved Comperhension Passages – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English


ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions

Act IV, Sc.I

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 1

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Who is a ‘stony adversary’?
Q.2 Write the meaning of ‘inhuman wretch’, ‘void’ and ‘dram’?
Q.3 What made the person a ‘story adversary’? Explain?
Q.4 When does this ‘inhuman wretch’ enter the place and how does the Duke plead with him?
Q.5 Why is the Duke sorry for the condemned man?

Passage – 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 2

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Explain the argument in simple English?
Q.2 How does Antonio feel now?
Q.3 What does Shylock answer when Bassanio offers him three thousand ducats?
Q.4 Why does Shylock hate Antonio so much? Explain?
Q.5 Give another side of Shylock’s character that makes him a normal human being?

Passage – 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 3

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 4

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Why must the Jew be merciful?
Q.2 Explain the lines on mercy in the extract?
Q.3 How is mercy ‘twice bless’d’?
Q.4 Whom does mercy suit the best?
Q.5 What do we pray for and what does that prayer teach us?

Passage – 4

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 5

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What hold does the law have on the “Jew?
Q.2 What other ‘holds’ has Portia already revealed to the Jew?
Q.3 Why does Portia ask Shylock to beg, to whom and for what?
Q.4 Give two examples of kindness shown by the Duke?
Q.5 What mercy does Antonio render him?

Passage – 5

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 6

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 What makes the Duke say‘I am sorry’?
Q.2 How does Antonio’s efforts at gratification bear fruit?
Q.3 Why does Portia at first refuse to take anything?
Q.4 How does Bassanio go on with his persuasion?
Q.5 How does this episode get resolved amicably?

Act IV, Sc.II

Passage – 1

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 - Unsolved Comperhension Passages 7

Read the above extract and answer the questions that follow.

Q.1 Where are the speakers?
Q.2 Who is with them?
Q.3 Why is that person here? What has he brought?
Q.4 Where were Portia and Nerissa going now? For what?
Q.5 What purpose does this scene serve?

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