Everyday Activities for 3 Year Olds

Those things that we teach small kids at a very tender age remain with them for a long time to come. Whether it’s what we speak in front of them, or the memories we will make with the toddlers with all laughs and naughtiness will have the power to shape up their persona and character as they grow up through their childhood.

Playing video games, simple activities with our kids, those first walking and running lessons that we teach them and much more are some of the fond memories that we will always cherish even after so many years.

So when we say everyday activities for 3 year olds, we are not just talking about time pass time rituals for kids. No, this article is much more than that.

Why are everyday activities for 3 year olds important?

Childhood friends

Making friends is a part and parcel of life. And children tend to excel at them very well. Unlike us adults, they have no ego or discrimination or any negative thoughts while making friends. Their friendship is pure and simple. Outdoor activities will give them the required boot

Children should be active

We are not suggesting that children do yoga or gym everyday. That is a little overboard, don’t you think?

All we are suggesting is that they should sweat as often as possible. Releasing those mighty endorphins at least once in a day is good for both mind and body. Outdoor everyday activities for 3 year olds should be a must.

Family time

Imagine this. Every morning mom wakes up, gets ready, cooks breakfast and leaves. Dad wakes up, gets ready, eats his breakfast and kisses his kid on the forehead and there he goes, zooming off to his office. In this day to day monotony, what should the child do? Who should he or she go to if they need anything? How will the kid inculcate values of family bonding?

Therefore timely everyday activities for 3 year olds with parents will be a good time for parents to build a strong relationship with there kids. Babysitting is just one thing, but a good parental care is what is required for an aesthetic childhood.

Haven’t we all seen and heard stories of successful sports personalities or singers or any other celebrities talk about how they started playing since their childhood. The value of learning in childhood can have a cascading effect on children’s career as they grow up.

Through this article, we will talk about various everyday activities for 3 year olds.

Every child will have different desires and aptitudes and needs to be nurtured accordingly

Every activity we have mentioned in this article will help the kids improve their

  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Social health

10 Best everyday activities for 3 year olds

These activities are designed to improve the physical agility and mental aptitude of kids.

Doctor doctor

It is a very simple and fun activity that parents can have with their kids. You will need a few dolls and certain kitchen pieces of equipment. Head to an area with lots of light, a table and chairs and have the children line up. You can either use a children’s doctor set or any other household types of equipment for a stethoscope and other hospital equipment.

Advantages of this activity

  • Eliminates the fear of pediatrician among kids
  • Inspires the kid to be a doctor
  • Can learn basic facts about the human body
  • Can learn compassion and empathy during the role play

Such games help them improve their concentration power and improve their focus while having fun with their loved ones.

2. Find me

This is more or less similar to hide and seek but meant for 3 year olds. It’s a simple game where a kid count 10 and other kids in the area hide themselves. When he or she finds the hidden kid, then the game is over

This game will help the child improve their

Number counting skills, cognitive skills and will have fun with their friends

3. Hunt and find- board game

This is a beautiful game to inculcate the love and curiosity for nature amongst children. It’s a very simple game in which children should form a board with painting and colouring. Each column will have boxes in it.

Children should collect different items found in nature like

  • Stones
  • Pebbles
  • Leaves
  • Twigs
  • Sand

And they should paste each of the items they have collected, in the cardboard withing the box. The names of the items collected should be written next to the box.

Parents can help them make these boards. And in doing so, parents can teach them a few things about nature and all the items that children collect.

This game helps children in learning various things about our environment.

These everyday activities for 3 year olds are designed to help kids improve their interest in science and nurture them accordingly.

Do Check:

4. Grow your Garden

This should definitely be in the list of everyday activities for 3 year olds.

While it might be difficult for 3-year-olds to grow their own garden, at least they can help their parents do the work for them.  It is a good family bonding time as well as an opportunity to learn about plants and animals while working on it.

5. Play with puzzles

Do you want your kid to be the next Albert Einstein or the next Steve Jobs?
Then puzzle solving should be one of the most important activities for kids

Puzzles for kids are easily available in stationary and book stores. Puzzle-solving helps children improve their thinking abilities right from their childhood.

Importance of puzzle-solving for kids are:

  • Improve hand-eye coordination
  • Enhances the motor skills of kids
  • Improves their all-round cognitive abilities

Puzzles also help in developing patience level for children as solving puzzles takes time and thinking.
Group puzzles will help children mingle with other kids and develop good social aptitude.

6. Playing with stamps

We have included this in the list of everyday activities for 3 year olds because this teaches the kids creativity and how to organise things.

Animal stamps and art stamps are widely used in playschools and children homes across the world.

So how does playing with stamps help children?

  • With rubber stamps, imaginative and creative thinking abilities will be improved.
  • It will help in enhancing problem-solving ability and entourage critical line of thinking. Developing a bend of mind on this line will pave a long way in the child’s future.
  • When parents use the stamp, the creative process involved in their children’s activities is very important to the developing child. Creativity also enables children to work through emotions and feelings.
  • By using the stamp, the child will communicate visually. Images and colour on stamps attract children which can help increase attention span among kids.. This will enable the children to communicate by use of verbal language.

7. Puddle Splash

Jumping in puddles is one of the most favourite activities for small kids all across the world. But at the same time, it is surely a nightmare for parents because of cleanliness and health issues.

Irrespective of our age we all love to play in puddles, don’t we?

So what are the benefits of playing in puddles for kids?

  • It helps them build immunity. Our kids should not be a parrot in a golden cage. Kids should be left free to develop their skills in their own way, of course within a safe and secure environment. Puddle jumping surely helps them fall sick and gain immunity against non-fatal viruses and dust.
  • Hygiene is important, but excessive hygiene leads to a decline in natural exposure to microbes
  • This will give them good exercise. Kids never need gym because playing every day with their friends is more than enough for them.

Through all that jumping, kicking, thumping and gross motor movements strengthen their muscles, puddles give them a perfect opportunity to a growing child that needs this kind of exposure.

These activities are also designed to help children socialize with people.

8. Storytelling

This activity need not be everyday activities for 3 year olds only. Even adults like a good story-telling game. Trust me.

You create a plot for the story and let the child take it along according to his imagination. The sorry is as good as the child’s imagination. And the parents should help them maintain a direction in the storytelling. This can be played individually or with a group of children.

If played with a group of children, each child can build along with the plot left by the previous child. Its a wonderful team game to build team spirits.

9. Guess who?

Understanding emotions and body languages are something children will be learning all throughout their childhood. So it is important for parents to play such activities that enhance their learning in this field

Here make a few sets of cards, one with drawings and another set with their colours. Form a group amongst the children and ask them to match one another. You could also add in the literal picture of the idiom to visualize what the emotion and the colour that is being used looks like.

This game helps them in schools, home and other places as they grow up. Many misunderstandings arise from kids misinterpreting the emotions of others. Sometimes kids can be confused by what a particular look means. A kid should be thought to understand the facial expression and body languages because it develops a sense of empathy within them.

10. Tea party

It is obviously a popular game in many countries and is known by various names across the world.
The game is simple. Children can host tea parties with their neighbourhood kids. This helps in improving their social skills and of course party hosting skills. Who knows, your kid might turn out to be a kid big party freak, thanks to these kinds of everyday activities for 3 year olds.

All these everyday activities for 3 year olds are designed for tender children to help them improve their mental abilities, physical abilities and social abilities. These activities can be done with fun and folly along with family members.

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