Arcs in Circles

Arcs in Circles

An arc is part of a circle’s circumference.

In a circle, the degree measure of an arc is equal to the measure of the central angle that intercepts the arc.
Arcs in Circles 1Definition:
In a circle, the length of an arc is a portion of the circumference.
Arcs in Circles 2
Remembering that the arc measure is the measure of the central angle, a definition can be formed as:
Arcs in Circles 3Example:
In circle O, the radius is 8, and the measure of minor arc is 110 degrees. Find the length of minor arc to the nearest integer.
Arcs in Circles 4Solution:
Arcs in Circles 5Understanding how an arc is measured makes the next theorems common sense.
In the same circle, or congruent circles, congruent central angles have congruent arcs.
Arcs in Circles 6Theorem: (converse)
In the same circle, or congruent circles, congruent arcs have congruent central angles.
Remember: In the same circle, or congruent circles, congruent arcs have congruent chords. Knowing this theorem makes the next theorems seem straight forward.

In the same circle, or congruent circles, congruent central angles have congruent chords.
Arcs in Circles 7Theorem: (converse)
In the same circle, or congruent circles, congruent chords have congruent central angles.

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