{"id":28677,"date":"2018-07-03T10:56:54","date_gmt":"2018-07-03T10:56:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cbselibrary.com\/?p=28677"},"modified":"2018-07-03T12:17:35","modified_gmt":"2018-07-03T12:17:35","slug":"algebra-1-common-core-answers-chapter-12-data-analysis-and-probability-exercise-12-5","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cbselibrary.com\/algebra-1-common-core-answers-chapter-12-data-analysis-and-probability-exercise-12-5\/","title":{"rendered":"Algebra 1 Common Core Answers\u00a0Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5"},"content":{"rendered":"

Algebra 1 Common Core Answers\u00a0Student Edition Grade 8 – 9 Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5<\/span><\/h2>\n

Algebra 1 Common Core Solutions<\/a><\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 1CB1<\/strong>
\nThe result of the survey is the representative of the entire school. Since the survey is conducted at the school gym on everybody At the school gym only the students is there who are doing the exercise So. the survey is conducted only those student who are doing the exercise from the student of the entire school. Thus, you have to say that the survey conducted at school gym on everybody represent the survey of entire school<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 1CB2<\/strong>
\nConsider the table given in the question:
\nLook for the row of men and the column of martial arts camp. clearly, the men who purchased tickets to martial arts champ = 12
\nTherefore, the required ratio is 2: 15 and the corresponding percentage is 13.3%<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 1LC<\/strong>
\nDetermine the sampling method for the survey of every tenth students who enter the cafeteria is random, systematic. and stratified The survey is done in every tenth student who enters the cafeteria So. the survey is conducted into fixed number of student, therefore we use the definition of systematic sampling method:
\nSystematic Sampling method:<\/strong> In this method select any number k at random, and then survey every k person in the sample Put the value k = 10. then by the definition of systematic sampling method, the survey of every tenth students who enter the cafeteria is systematic. Therefore, the surveys on every tenth students who enter the cafeteria are systematic.<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 1MC<\/strong>

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 2CB1<\/strong>
\nThe survey can also be conducted at each class of the school. and ask every student in the each class who join the gym of the school. \u201chow many hours of exercise do you get every week\u201d The result of the survey is representing the entire school. Thus, the survey conducted in each class in the only those student who join gym is also represent the entire school<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 2CB2<\/strong>
\nConsider the table given in the question:
\nLook for the row of men and the column of martial arts camp. clearly, the men who purchased tickets to martial arts champ = 12
\nTherefore, the required ratio is 4:67 and the corresponding percentage is 5.9%<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 2LC<\/strong>
\nDetermine the sampling method for the survey of drawn student ID numbers out of hat and survey those students is either random, or systematic. or stratified The survey of drawn student ID numbers out of hat So, the use the definition of random sampling method:
\nRandom Sampling method:<\/strong> In this method survey on a population at random, that is survey on the people whose identification marks such as names, ID number are drawn out of a hat and survey those student Therefore, by the definition of random sampling method, to draw the student ID number out of a hat and survey those students is random sampling method.<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 2MCQ<\/strong>

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 3CB1<\/strong>
\nSuppose you asked the students, \u201cDo you work out every day like healthy person” Then the result of the survey is change. Because, the data which you are to collected from your survey is qualitative in nature. Qualitative data is description in nature and it has no numerical value. Since the answer of the question is either yes or no. But in our previous survey the data which you are collected from survey is quantitative in nature, since its output represent a numerical values that is the answer of the student is who join the school gym of an exercise is in hours. Therefore. the result of the survey is change.<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 3CB2<\/strong>
\nConsider the table given in the question:
\nLook for the row of women and the column of martial arts camp. clearly, the women who purchased tickets to martial arts champ = 86
\nTherefore. the required ratio is 43:49 and the corresponding percentage is 87.7%<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 3LC<\/strong>
\nLet us determine the sampling method of survey two students at random from each is random, systematic. and stratified. The survey is done in two students at random in each class, so use the definition of s stratified sampling method;
\nThe stratified sampling method is defined as:
\nStratified sampling method:<\/strong> In this method, population is divided into the number of groups. and then random samples are taken from each groups and survey To determine the sampling method on survey of two students at random in each class, use the definition of stratified sampling method Here the population is divided into the number of classes And survey two students at random in each class, therefore the sampling method are stratified.<\/p>\n

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 3MCQ<\/strong>

Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Exercise 12.5 4CB1<\/strong>
\nSelect a topic. \u201cfavorite sports” for our survey
\nIn this topic first you have to define four kinds of sports for our survey<\/p>\n