{"id":133950,"date":"2020-12-17T12:03:37","date_gmt":"2020-12-17T06:33:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cbselibrary.com\/?p=133950"},"modified":"2020-12-17T12:03:37","modified_gmt":"2020-12-17T06:33:37","slug":"plus-one-political-science-chapter-wise-questions-and-answers-chapter-7-part-b","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cbselibrary.com\/plus-one-political-science-chapter-wise-questions-and-answers-chapter-7-part-b\/","title":{"rendered":"Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 7 Nationalism"},"content":{"rendered":"

Kerala Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 7 Nationalism<\/h2>\n

Nationalism Questions and Answers<\/h3>\n

Question 1.
\n\u201cNationalism has got two faces.\u201d Explain.
\nNationalism has two faces – creative nationalism and destructive nationalism. Creative Nationalism is an emotional and spiritual power that unifies all factors that make up a nation. The creative nationalism we see in India is unity in diversity. Militant and aggressive nationalism is the opposite of creative nationalism. The WW II was the result of the militant and aggressive nationalism of the Nazis and Fascists.<\/p>\n

Question 2.
\nWhat is nationalism?
\nNationalism is an emotional and spiritual power that unifies all factors that make up a nation. Nationalism includes national styles, national expectations, national goals, national conflicts, national anthem, national flower, national flag and national symbol. Toynbee defines nationalism as the religion of modern nations.<\/p>\n

Question 3.
\n\u201cA nation is an imaginary society.\u201d Do you agree with this opinion? Explain.
\nI agree. Nationalism is the feeling that one is the son\/daughter of a particular nation even if he\/she is living in another country because of his\/her work. For example, an Indian may work and live in Dubai or New York. But nationalism reminds him that he is a son of India and he should be loyal to her. He should be proud of the fact that he is an Indian and do all he can to keep her dignity up. The Palestine nationalism was even above territory. Even though there was no territory for Palestine, Palestine nationalism was very strong. The strong nationalism gave birth to the State of Palestine which now consists of West Bank and Gaza Strip.<\/p>\n

Question 4.
\nGive examples of Indian nationalism.