Types Of Polynomials

Types Of Polynomials

(i) Based on degree :
If degree of polynomial is

1.One  Linearx + 3, y – x + 2, √3x –3
2.TwoQuadratic2x2 –7, \(\frac{1}{3}{{\text{x}}^{2}}+{{\text{y}}^{2}}-2\text{xy}\), x2 +1+ 3y
3.ThreeCubicx3 + 3x2 –7x+8, 2x2+5x3+7,
4.Fourbi-quadraticx4 + y4 + 2x2y2, x4 + 3,…

(ii) Based on Terms :
If number of terms in polynomial is

1.OneMonomial7x, 5x9, 3x16, xy, ……
2.TwoBinomial2 + 7y6, y3 + x14, 7 + 5x9,…
3.ThreeTrinomialx3 –2x + y, x31+y32+ z33,…..

(1) Degree of constant polynomials (Ex.5, 7, –3, 8/5, …) is zero.
(2) Degree of zero polynomial (zero = 0 = zero polynomial) is not defined.

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