Movement Of Fish In Water

Movement of Fish in Water

Fish are vertebrates. All vertebrates have an internal skeleton made up of bones; a tough, elastic substance called cartilage; or both.

Most fish have a streamlined body – the head and the tail are narrow; the middle portion of the body is broader. This kind of shape offers least resistance to the flow of water and makes it easier for them to swim through water. Aeroplane, ship, and boat also have streamlined shapes to reduce resistance to the flow of air and water.

Movement of Fish in Water 2

Movement of Fish in Water 1
Streamlined shape, fins, and tail help in swimming

Fish have fins and a flexible backbone that help them to swim. Most fish have a special structure called swim bladder that can be filled with air or emptied to help them

How Does A Cockroach Move

Movement In Cockroach

A cockroach’s body is covered with a hard outer skeleton. Cockroaches have a pair of antennae that help them smell things. They also have a pair of cerci that can detect the slightest of movements and warn them of any danger from behind.

Though cockroaches have two pairs of wings, they can only fly short distances. However, they are able to run and climb very fast. Like all insects, cockroaches have three pairs of legs. They walk in a very interesting manner, moving three legs at a time. Let us suppose the dots represent the legs.

How Does A Cockroach Move 1

How Does A Cockroach Move 2
Movement in Cockroach

(a) The red dots (legs) move forward while the blue dots (legs) remain on the ground.
(b) Then, the blue dots (legs) move forward and the red dots (legs) remain on the ground. This movement is repeated.

How Does A Snail Move

Movement In Snail

The snail is a very slow-moving animal. Like an earthworm, a snail too has a liquid skeleton.
Snails have a shell, inside which they can hide to protect themselves from the heat of the sun and enemies . The shell is the outer skeleton, but it is not made of bones. They also have a pair of tentacles that bear eyes at the tips.

Snails move using a muscular organ called the foot. The foot produces a slimy substance called mucous. The snail actually crawls on the layer of mucous. The sticky mucous reduces the friction between the foot and the ground (or any other surface) by offering a smoother surface to crawl on and thus enabling the snail to move on a variety of surfaces.

How Does A Snail Move 1The muscular foot produces wave-like movements that push the snail’s body forward. A trail of mucous is left behind when the snail crawls.

How Does An Earthworm Move

Movement In Earthworm

An earthworm is an invertebrate. It has a long, tube-like body. It has no bones. Its body shape is maintained by the fluid present inside its body. This kind of skeleton is called a liquid skeleton.

An earthworm’s body is made up of several parts called segments.

How Does An Earthworm Move 1It moves by lengthening and shortening these segments. It extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear end fixed to the ground. Then it fixes the front part and pulls the rear end. Its movement can be compared with that of a spring. Its body secretes a slimy substance to help in the movement. The segments also have tiny, hair-like bristles, which help the earthworm to grip the surface and pull its body forward.

How Does An Earthworm Move 2
Movement in Earthworm

How Do Snakes Move

Movement in Snakes

Snakes do not have limbs (legs, arms, or wings). They move by crawling on their bellies. They have scales, which cover their bodies and help them to crawl.

Most snakes move in a wave-like manner. Their flexible backbones help them in this movement. The body curves like a wave. The wave-like motion pushes the body forward by pressing against the ground.

How Do Snakes Move 1
Fig. The wave-like motion pushes the snake’s body forward