What Is The Main Function Of The Microscope

Compound Microscope Parts and Functions

A microscope is an instrument that makes use of lenses to make smaller objects appear larger. It is also known as a compound microscope. The different parts of a microscope are shown in figure.
The object to be viewed under the microscope is generally referred to as the specimen.
What Is The Main Function Of The Microscope 1 A thin sheet of glass called a microscopic slide is used to hold a small sample of the specimen. A second, much thinner, sheet of glass called coverslip is placed over the sample. The coverslip protects the microscope’s objective lens by preventing it from coming into contact with the specimen sample. It also helps to create an even thinness for the sample.

The basic steps to use a microscope are as follows.

  1. Clean the mirror using a soft, clean cloth, if required.
  2. Place the slide (with the specimen) on the stage.
  3. Adjust the focus of the eyepiece and the objective lens with help from your teacher.
  4. View the slide through the eyepiece.