Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions – Structure of Chromosomes

Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions – Structure of Chromosomes

Solution 1:
Chromatin is an extremely thin, long nuclear fibre occurring in the nucleus before cell division.

Solution 2:
In interphase, the chromatin appears as a network of long, extremely thin fibres.

Solution 3:
During prophase of mitosis, the chromatin fibres shorten and become thick to form chromosomes.
During metaphase, the chromosomes appear more distinct and clear and each consists of two parallel strands called chromatids joined by a centromere.

Solution 4:
Chromosomes are the thread like structures or chromatin material present inside the nucleus.
Chromosomes are so called because they take up certain basic dye and stain very rapidly. The word chromosome comes from two words “chromos” meaning colour and “soma” meaning body.

Solution 5:

  1. Strasburger – He observed thread like structures during cell division.
  2. Balbiani – Described rod like structures in nucleus before cell division.
  3. Waldeyer – Coined the term ‘chromosomes’.
  4. Sutton and Boveri – They described chromosomes as physical structures and transmitters of hereditary traits.

Solution 6:
Chromosomes are the thread like structures present in the nucleus of the cell. They are covered with a sheath made up of proteins and filled with granular matter called matrix. Inside the matrix, there are two threads called chromonemata.
The chromosome consists of two symmetrical strands called chromatids. Each chromosome consists of a distinct constriction called centromere which gets attached to the spindle network.
Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions - Structure of Chromosomes 1

Solution 7:

  1. Sheath – It is a proteinaeous covering present around the chromosomes.
  2. Matrix – It is a granular matter present inside the sheath.
  3. Chromonemata – They are the subunits of chromatids.
  4. Centromere – A constriction in the chromosome is called centromere.
  5. Secondary Constriction – A constriction other than primary constriction is called a secondary constriction.
  6. Telomere – The ends of the chromosomes is termed as telomere.

Solution 8:
Chromosomes are best observed at metaphase

Solution 9:
The chromosomes other than sex chromosomes present in the human body are called autosomes.
22 pairs of autosomes are present in man.

Solution 10:
The chromosomes which determine the sex of an individual are called sex chromosomes.

Solution 11:
Sex chromosomes are significant as they determine the sex of an individual.

Solution 12:
In man, there is a pair of sex chromosomes. In males, it is X and Y while in female, the sex chromosomes are X and X which are identical to each other.

Solution 13:
Chromosomes are the main source of chemical information which determines that the cell should become like its parent cell.

During the developmental stage they also determine that the cells of the organism will give the animal or the plant, the characteristic features of its species.

Solution 14:
DNA and RNA are the two nucleic acids.
Frederick Miescher discovered DNA

Solution 15:
Nucleic acids are made up of three types of molecules:

  1. a pentose sugar,
  2. nitrogenous bases
  3. a phosphate

Solution 16:
The chemical composition of chromosome consists of:

  1. Approximately 40% of DNA
  2. 50% of Histone proteins
  3. 8.5% Non histone proteins
  4. Metallic ions like magnesium and calcium in traces.

Solution 17:
Two nitrogenous bases present in DNA are:

  1. Purines – Adenine and Guanine.
  2. Pyrimidines – Cytosine and Thymine.

Solution 18:
Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions - Structure of Chromosomes 2

Solution 19:
Features of DNA:

  1. DNA consists of two strands which are spirally arranged around an axis. This is called a double helical arrangement.
  2. Each DNA strand is made up of nitrogenous bases, pentose sugar and phosphate.
  3. Sugars are pentose type; bases are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
  4. Both strands are connected with hydrogen bonds. There are two bonds between adenine and thymine and three bonds between guanine and cytosine.
  5. In the DNA, bases are inside and sugars are outside and two sugars are connected with phosphoric acid.
  6. Each DNA strand replicates and from each replicated DNA a new DNA is formed. This is called replication of DNA.

Solution 20:
Watson and Crick described the detailed structure of DNA.

Solution 21:
Importance of DNA:

  1. DNA is most important because it is the hereditary material.
  2. It acts as the director of protein synthesis.
  3. Some DNA of chromosomes forms nucleolus.
  4. DNA in presence of enzymes forms mRNA which acts as messenger.

Solution 22:
The rungs of “DNA ladder” are made up of two types of nitrogenous bases:

  1. Purines: Adenine and Guanine
  2. Pyrimidines: Cytosine and Thymine.

Solution 23:
Repeating components of each DNA strand length wise are pentose sugar and phosphate group

Solution 24:

  1. Interphase
  2. histone proteins
  3. RNA, DNA
  4. Protein
  5. Nitrogen

Solution 25:

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True

Solution 26:

  1. This diagram represents the structure of chromosome.
  2. ‘d’ is centromere which gets attached to the spindle fibres.
  3. ‘b’ is heterochromatin which is darkly stained region when stained with acetocarmine and ‘c’ is euchromatin which when stained with acetocarmine or felugen gets lightly stained.
  4. Waldeyer
  5. Matrix
  6. No, secondary constriction or ‘e’ is not present in all chromosomes.

Solution 27:

  1. (d) chromatin
  2. (c) Waldeyer
  3. (a) centromere
  4. (c) secondary constriction
  5. (a) interphase
  6. (d) prophase
  7. (a) DNA and histones
  8. (a) 46
  9. (a) I shaped
  10. (b) metacentric
  11. (c) XY
  12. (b) sex chromosomes
  13. (a) Watson and Crick
  14. (a) nitrogen base
  15. (c) Uracil
  16. (b) thymine
  17. (a) DNA




Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Metals and Non-metals

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Metals and Non-metals

PAGE NO : 151
Solution 1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metals and Non-metals 1

Solution 2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metals and Non-metals 2

Solution 3:
Metal which exist in liquid state is mercury.
Non-metal which exist in liquid state is bromine.
Concept Insight: Metals are usually solid while non-metals exist in all the three states.

Solution 4:
The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is aluminium and the most abundant non-metal in the earth’s crust is oxygen.

Solution 5:

  1. Metals.
  2. Non-metals.
  3. Platinum and Gold.
  4. Potassium and Sodium.
  5. Potassium, Sodium and Calcium.
  6. Iron.
  7. Potassium and Sodium.
  8. Platinum.
  9. Platinum and Gold.
  10. Mercuric oxide (HgO) and Silver oxide (Ag2O).
  11. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) and Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
  12. Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) and Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
  13. Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) and Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
  14. Potassium nitrate (KNO3) and Sodium nitrate (NaNO3).
  15. Mercuric nitrate (Hg(NO3)2) and silver nitrate (AgNO3)

Solution 6:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metals and Non-metals 3

Solution 7:

  1. Fe < Zn < Mg < Na.
  2. Na = Al < Cu<Fe
  3. Ca >Mg > Fe > Cu.

Solution 8:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metals and Non-metals 4


Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Metallurgy

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Metallurgy

PAGE NO : 152
Solution 9:
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Solution 10:
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Solution 11:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 4

Solution 12:

  1. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride is not used for electrolytic reduction of sodium metal because sodium metal formed at cathode after discharge of sodium ions( at cathode) will react with water to form alkali NaOH.
  2. For the reduction of a metal oxide a reducing agent other than carbon is carbon monoxide (CO).


Solution 13:
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Solution 1:

  1. Gold and Platinum.
  2. Charge.
  3. Gangue.
  4. Flux.
  5. Calcination.
  6. Roasting.
  7. Iron pyrites.
  8. Bauxite.
  9. Cryolite, aluminium fluoride, Calcium fluoride.
  10. Cathode: inner lining of gas-carbon of the electrolytic cell.
    Anode: Thick carbon rods dipping into the fused electrolytes.
  11. Thermite welding.
  12. Copper and silver.
  13. Aluminium, Iron.
  14. platinum and gold
  15. sodium and potassium

Solution 2:

  1. Zinc is used in galvanization and dry cells because zinc coating protects the iron from corrosion as it is more electropositive than iron hence it would be attacked first.
  2. Nitric acid can be stored in aluminium containers because it do not attack aluminium. It renders aluminium passive due to the formation of an oxide film on surface of aluminum.
  3. Aluminium oxide cannot be reduced by carbon because it is comparatively high in electrochemical series hence more reactive than carbon.
  4. A neutral gas other than oxygen is formed at the anode during electrolysis of fused alumina because the oxygen gas formed at the anode oxidizes the carbon of the anode to carbon dioxide.
  5. Extraction of aluminium was very difficult in the beginning because it was very expensive.
  6. Carbon anodes are used in the electrolytic extraction of aluminium because carbon in the form of graphite is a good conductor of electricity.
  7. Galvanized metal ions should not be used for storing food as food acids may react with the zinc coating and cause food poisoning.

Solution 3:

  1. Mineral: The naturally occurring compounds of metals which are generally mixed with earthy such as soil, sand, limestone and rocks are known as minerals.
  2. Ore: Those minerals from which a metal can be extracted profitably are called ores.
  3. Gangue: The rocky impurities like (SiO2) present in an ore are called gangue.
  4. Charge: The mixture of materials fed into a furnace to extract a metal is called charge.
  5. Flux: The substance added to get rid of gangue in the extraction of metal is called flux.
  6. Slag: The product obtained by the combination of gangue with flux is called slag.

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Solution 4:
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Solution 5:

  1. Mercury.
  2. Silver.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Aluminium.

Solution 6:
As we know that minerals are the naturally occurring compounds of metals which are generally mixed with earthy such as soil, sand, limestone and rocks while ores are those minerals from which a metal can be extracted profitably.
Hence “All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores”.

Solution 7:

  1. Iron: Haematite(Fe2O3) and Magnetite (Fe3O4).
  2. Zinc: Zinc blende (ZnS) and Calamine (ZnCO3).
  3. Aluminium:Bauxite(Al2O3) and Cryolite (AlF3.3NaF).

Solution 8:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 7

Solution 9:

Refining of metals: It is the further purification of metals obtained by reduction process to remove all the impurities.
Depending upon the nature of metal, nature of impurities and purpose for which metal is to be used. The three methods used for refining are:

  1. Liquation.
  2. Distillation.
  3. Electrolytic refining.

Solution 10:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 8

Solution 11:
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Solution 12:

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Solution 13:

Cryolite acts as a solvent for the electrolytic mixture in the electrolytic reduction of alumina in the Hall’s process.

Solution 14:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 11

Solution 15:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 12

Solution 16:
An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals fused together and then solidified.
Alloys are made because they have many salient features:

  1. Tensile strength.
  2. Strength.
  3. Electrical hardness.

Solution 17:
The properties of alloys which are different from constituent metals are:

  1. Alloys are stronger and harder than the metals of which they are made.
  2. Alloys are more resistant to corrosion.

Solution 18:
Amalgam: A mixture or an alloy of mercury with a number of metals or non-metals is known as amalgams. An amalgam may be liquid such as Na/Hg or a solid like Zn/Hg.

  1. Iron does not form amalgam.
  2. Dental amalgam which is a mixture of mercury with a silver tin alloy is used for dental fillings.

Solution 19:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 13

Solution 20:

  1. Galvanization protects iron from rusting because in galvanization coating of zinc is done over iron articles and zinc being more electropositive would be attacked preferably than iron.
  2. Stainless steel is more useful than steel as it is harder, has high tensile strength, more lustre, more resistance to corrosion and many chemicals.
  3. Aluminium is extensively used for making aircraft parts because of features like high tensile strength, corrosion resistance light but hard and tough.
  4. Cold water has no action on aluminium while burning aluminium decomposes steam.

Solution 21:
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Solution 1991-1:

  1. Iron having a coating of zinc is called galvanized iron.
  2. iron which cannot be easily acted upon by acidsis called as passive iron. Galvanized iron is called passive iron since coating of zinc protects the iron from corrosion as zinc is more electropositive and so would be attacked first.

Solution 1991-2:
Zinc amalgam which is a mixture of zinc and mercury.

Solution 1992-1:
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Solution 1992-3:

  1. Nitrogen.
  2. Iodine
  3. Bromine
  4. Carbon in the form of graphite

Solution 1992-:

  1. Cryolite is Na3AlFand its chemical name is Sodium aluminium fluoride.
  2. Cryolite is used in the electrolysis of alumina. The function of cryolite is to
    • Reduce melting point of alumina
    • Make molten alumina a good conductor of electricity

Solution 1993-1:

Solution 1993-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Metallurgy 16

Solution 1994-1:
Reactivity of metals with water Sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron

Solution 1994-2:
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Solution 1995-1:
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Solution 1995-2:
Zinc amalgam.

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Solution 1996-1:
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Solution 1996-2:
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Solution 1996-3:
An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals fused together and then solidified.

  1. The special property of duralumin is:
    • Light but hard
    • Resistant to corrosion
    • Ductile
  2. Type metal = Hard

Solution 1997-1:
Chromium and nickel is added to steel to make it stainless steel.

Solution 1997-2:
Ore: Those minerals from which a metal can be extracted profitably are called ores. For example bauxite ore is used to extract aluminium metal, hematite ore is used to extract iron metal.

Solution 1998-1:

  1. good, poor.
  2. non-malleable.
  3. form negative ions.
  4.  basic oxides.

Solution 1998-2:

  1. Mercury.
  2. Graphite.

Solution 1998-3:
Metals have 1, 2, 3 valence electrons while non-metals have 4, 5, 6 or 7 valence electrons.

Solution 1999-1:
Magnesium oxide, iron (II) oxide, lead (II) oxide and then copper (II) oxide.

Solution 1999-2:
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Solution 1999-3:

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Solution 2000-1:

  1. Blue
  2. Red
  3. Hydrogen
  4. acidic, acidic
  5. graphite.

Solution 2001-1:

  1. Copper
  2. Iron
  3. Zinc
  4. Magnesium

Solution 2001-2:
Sodium > magnesium > Zinc > Iron > Copper

Solution 2002-1:
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Solution 2002-2:
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Solution 2003-1:
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Solution 2004-1:
Iodine is a non- metal that has a metallic luster and sublimes on heating.

Solution 2004-2:
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Solution 2004-3:
Zinc blende (ZnS)

Solution 2004-4:
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Solution 2004-5:

Solution 2004-6:
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Solution 2005-1:

  1. (i) B, D F
    (ii) A, C E
  2. (i) Sodium hydroxide solution
    (ii) Cryolite
  3. Na3AlF6

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Solution 2005-2:

  1. For stainless steel: iron, chromium
  2. For brass: Copper and zinc.

Solution 2006-1:

  1. Mercury.
  2. Cryolite.
  3. Roasting.
  4. Calcium silicate.
  5. Zone of heat absorption.

Solution 2007-1:
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Solution 2008-1:

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Solution 2009-1:

  1. Carbon as it forms very large number of compounds while the rest do not.
  2. Mercury as it is a liquid metal while the rest aresolid.

Solution 2009-2:

  1. Copper reacts with concentrated nitric acid to produce nitrogen dioxide.
  2. Bauxite is the chief ore of aluminium.

Solution 2009-3:

  1. A is cathode and B is anode.
  2. Molten fluorides of Al, Na and Ba.
  3. Graphite rods.

Solution 2009-4:
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Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Study of Compounds-I: Hydrogen Chloride

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Study of Compounds-I: Hydrogen Chloride

PAGE NO : 185
Solution 1:
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Solution 2:
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Solution 3:
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Solution 4:
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Solution 5:
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Solution 6:
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Solution 7:
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Solution 8:
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Solution 9:
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Solution 10:
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Solution 11:
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Solution 12:
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Solution 13:
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Solution 14:
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Solution 15:
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Solution 1991-1:
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Solution 1992-1:
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Solution 1992-2:
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Solution 1992-3:
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Solution 1994-1:
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Solution 1995-1:
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Solution 1996-1:
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Solution 1997-1:
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Solution 1998-1:
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Solution 2000-1:
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Solution 2000-2:
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Solution 2000-3:
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Solution 2000-4:
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Solution 2001-1:
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Solution 2001-2:
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Solution 2001-3:
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Solution 2002-1:
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Solution 2002-2:
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Solution 2004-1:
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Solution 2004-2:
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Solution 2004-3:
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Solution 2005-1:
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Solution 2005-2:
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Solution 2006-1:
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Solution 2007-1:
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Solution 2008-1:
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Solution 2009-1:
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Solution 2009-2:
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Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Ammonia

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry – Ammonia

PAGE NO : 204
Solution 1:
Ammonia is found both in free state and in combined state. In free state, it is formed in traces amount by decaying urine and other organic matter.
In combined state, ammonia is found as ammonium salts mainly as ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate.

Solution 2:

  1. (i) Liquid ammonia – Compressed ammonia gas at 6 atmospheric pressure. Chemical formula -NH3
  2. (ii) Liquor ammonia – It is saturated solution of ammonia in water. It is very dilute solution of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH).
  3. A saturated solution of ammonia in water is called liquor ammonia Fortis.

Solution 3:
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Solution 4:
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Solution 5:
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Solution 6:
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Solution 7:
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Solution 8:

  1. Liquid ammonia is used as refrigerant as:
    • It is highly volatile
    • It has high specific latent heat of vaporization. 1 mole (17g) of liquid ammonia vaporises by absorbing 5.7 kcals of heat from the surroundings, which is there by cooled.
    • It easily liquefies under pressure at room temperature.
  2. Ammonia emulsifies fats and grease. Thus it is used to clean oils, fats and body grease etc. from clothes.
  3. Liquid hydrogen is dangerous to transport as it is highly combustible. Thus, hydrogen is converted to liquid ammonia and transported in cylinders. Later it is catalytically converted to hydrogen.
    Key: Uses of ammonia

Solution 9:
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Solution 10:
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Solution 11:
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Solution 12:
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Solution 13:
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Solution 14:
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Solution 15:
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Solution 16:
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Solution 17:
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Solution 18:
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Solution 19:
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Solution 20:

  1. (i) Use of Ammonium Chloride
    -Used in Leclanche cell and dry cell
    (ii) Use of Ammonium Sulphate
    -Used as a fertilizer
    (iii)use of Ammonium nitrate
    -Used in fireworks
    (iv) Use of Ammonium Carbonate
    -Used in baking powder
  2. Test of ammonia and ammonium ions:
    • Ammonia gas has a characteristic pungent smell
    • A glass rod dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid and is introduced into the gas produces thick white fumes of ammonium chloride.

Solution 21:
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Solution 22:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 18

Solution 1992-1:
Silver chloride

Solution 1992-2:
Ammonia is highly soluble gas in water and so cannot be collected over water.

Solution 1992-3:
Ammonia is the odd one out.
Ammonia forms weakly basic solution when dissolved in water.
The others give acidic solution when dissolved in water.

Solution 1992-4:
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Solution 1992-5:

  1. Ammonia is used in the manufacture of fertilisers such as ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, etc.
  2. It is used in the industrial preparation of nitric acid by Ostwald’s process.

Solution 1993-1:
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Solution 1993-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 21

Solution 1994-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 22

Solution 1994-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 23

Solution 1994-3:
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Solution 1995-1:
The cation is Cu2+ ion. Solution B is copper sulphate. It is bright blue in colour.

Solution 1995-2:
Three ways to identify ammonia gas:

  1. It is a pungent smell gas.
  2. It gives white precipitate when bubbles through a solution of lead nitrate.
  3. It gives a brown colour or precipitate when treated with Nessler’s reagent.

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 25

Solution 1995-4:
This reaction shows that ammonia is a reducing agent.

Solution 1995-5:
This process is called as Ostwald’s Process .The catalyst used is platinum.

Solution 1995-6:
During laboratory preparation of ammonia, it is passed through a drying tower containing quicklime (calcium oxide).
Ammonia is collected in an inverted dry gas jar by the downward displacement of air.

Solution 1995-7:
Ammonia gas

Solution 1996-1:
Ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide and turns red litmus blue as it is alkaline in nature.

Solution 1996-2:
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Solution 1996-3:
Haber’s process is used in industrial preparation of ammonia.
Gaseous inputs in Haber’s process are dry nitrogen and dry hydrogen gas. They are mixed in the ratio of 1:3 by volume.
The following conditions favour maximum yield of ammonia:

  1. Low temperature
  2. High pressure
  3. Use of catalyst

The gases after reaction pass through condensing pipes of cooling chamber where ammonia gets liquefied and is collected in receiver.
Ammonia can also be collected by downward displacement of air.

Solution 1997-1:
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Solution 1997-2:
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Solution 1998-2:
Ammonium salts are used as fertilizers in fields.

Solution 1998-3:
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Solution 1998-1:
Dry ammonia are neutral to litmus. An aqueous solution of ammonia turns red litmus blue stating that it is basic in nature.

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Solution 1998-4:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 30

Solution 1998-5:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 31

Solution 1991-1:

  1. Ammonia
  2. Nitrogen

Solution 2001-1:

Solution 2001-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 32

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 33

Solution 2001-4:
Aqueous solution is acidic in nature due to presence of hydrogen ion.
Aqueous solution of ammonia is weakly basic in nature due to presence of hydroxyl ion.

Solution 2002-2:
Thermal dissociation.

Solution 2002-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 34

Solution 2003-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 35

Solution 2003-2:
Ammonia is collected by downward displacement of air.

Solution 2003-3:
Ammonia is highly soluble in water and so it is not collected over water.

Solution 2003-4:
Quick lime (calcium oxide) is used as a drying agent for ammonia.

Solution 2004-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 36

Solution 2004-4:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 37

Solution 2005-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 38

PAGE NO : 209

Solution 2005-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 39

Solution 2006-1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 40

Solution 2006-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 41

Solution 2007-1:
By the pungent smell of ammonia gas.

Solution 2007-2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Chemistry - Ammonia 42

Solution 2008-1:
(c) Magnesium nitride
